Monday, December 18, 2023

Character Analysis: Unicron

 Note: A lot of information on Transformers is explained in ask vector prime segments, essentially in character interviews with a dimensional traveler called vector prime. They’re mostly on facebook, twitter, and other social media. You can see a list of them here. 


Unicron’s backstory is a bit convoluted, but essentially there're “3”ish incarnations of the character that could be considered the “core” versions of him. His original avatar, a multiversal being that was created from that original avatar, and a multitude of versions of Unicron created by splintering that multiversal being. There’s also a small assortment of Unicron’s from other universes/media that were entirely unaffiliated with the original god to begin with, but they’re similar enough that delineating them from the main entity isn’t needed..

Unicron’s most accepted origin was first told in the UK Marvel comics and has then been expanded or slightly altered several times since. Essentially before the beginning of time there was a primordial being called “the one”. This being created Unicron to explore the fledgling multiverse, but Unicron decided to devour all of creation instead.” The one” then split Unicron into two halves in response to this, creating Unicron’s brother Primus. When the multiverse began anew the two entities came to embody the concepts of Good and Evil respectively. Because Primus was a good entity, when Unicron  desired to consume the multiverse a second time, Primus opposed him. Primus was unable to beat Unicron in a straight fight, but tricked Unicron into fighting him on a mental astral plane without his god-like body. Primus then managed to imprison the spirits of himself and Unicron inside asteroids when they returned from said astral plane. Unicron eventually manipulated his prison into a robotic planet, while Primus altered his own asteroid into Cybertron. Primus then created the transformers as a defense against the threat of Unicron's return.For most of Unicron’s history he was a “multiversal singularity”. Which means there was technically only “one” Unicron in the entire multiverse.

Main backstory

Unicron’s status as a multiversal singularity changed in 2015 when an event called the shroud happened, which involved a character called Nexus prime altering reality and dimensional boundaries by combining the power of two artifacts called the star saber and the terminus blade. As a result Unicron’s true form was splintered into singular Unicron’s and any Uncron’s introduce since are essentially stand alone entities(albeit generally with similar powers). The most notable is a good version of Unicron from a mirror shattered glass universe. IDWs Unicron who was created by an unnamed Antilla alien scientist as revenge for having his planet attacked by the Transformers race in the past. Then finally the Unicron from the “aligned” continuity 

(the Transformers prime cartoon), who had a similar backstory to his mainline counterparts but had the earth as his vessel from the start.

Post shrouding and other alt Unicron’s

Anyway Finally the Unicorn depicted in the original 1984 cartoon and any Unicron’s shown in the cartoons direct spin offs/continuations were made by the scientist Primacron. They are essentially just normal robots and were confirmed to be unrelated to the God like Unicron.

Primacron unicorns


Original avatar

The original energy form that Unicron had after his creation by “the one”. It can be presumed that this was likely his most powerful form, given all subsequent forms are simply replacement bodies.In most media this form was not particularly robotic looking.

Planet/asteroid form avatars

An avatar shaped from the asteroid Unicron was initially sealed in(in most continuities). It normally takes the form of a giant saturn like planet. It has the ability to fly through space, hold onto objects with large pincer-like protrusions and pull objects in with a tractor beam in the opening in the front side. This size of these avatars can vary.

Primacron Unicron’s

Multiversal singularity Unicron’s

Post-shroud or other unaffiliated 

Robot form

A robotic form Unicron’s planet avatars can transform into. The robot form is modeled after his original energy form. It’s worth noting that the concept of “transforming” was actually invented by Unicron and that Primus merely copied the concept when he made the transformer race. While this form isn’t as mobile as the planet form it generally retains most of the planet forms abilities.

Primacron Unicron’s

Multiversal singularity Unicron’s

Post-shroud or other unaffiliated 

Dark Spark

Most transformers in all continuities have something called a “spark” , a piece of lieforce that represents their soul. Most sparks fizzle out and return to the afterlife if a Transformers body is destroyed, but Unicron is one of the few exceptions. Unicron’s spark/lifeforce can exist disembodied from a physical body or within bodies that have been fatally damaged. This allows him to jump between different hosts and avatars as needed if his current body is destroyed. Unicron’s spirit can also be forcibly trapped or sealed in special artifacts, such as the matrix of leadership. In some continuities Unicron’s spark and his “consciousness” can exist as separate entities.

Unicron singularity

A special avatar that existed mainly in the unicron trilogy of cartoons and adaptations of that continuity in the Transformers collectors club comics. Essentially Unicron’s dark spark was imprisoned within Megatron, who then flew into a ball of energon created by Primus as a suicide tactic. This collision resulted in the formation of a sun. The sun then later imploded and Unicron’s spirit remained bound to the black hole that formed. The black hole is stated to have unusual properties because Unicron’s prior defeat caused some kind of cosmic imbalance.

The Unicron singularity continually expands until it consumes an entire reality and can actually replicate itself between multiple universes. Due to its replicating nature it can eventually cause the end of large segments of the multiverse. Energy shot into the black hole can also be redirected back and the black hole also draws in all other versions of Unicron from different moments in time.

Misc avatars

As Unicron’s dark spark can possess other objects or people, he’s had a host of unique avatars throughout the years.

Other transformers

Other transformers and mechanical beings.

Other celestial bodies

Unicron’s spirit can take over other planets such as the earth and cybertron. As well as celestial objects like suns.


Similar to the Matrix of leadership, Unicron’s spark or parts of his life essence can be collected within handheld artifacts characters can use as a form of power.


Transformation cog

A component that allows transformers to alter their shape and form.Diagrams for unicron confirm he has one.

Dark Energon/angolmois energy

A form of energy created from Unicron’s lifeforce. It was first explored in japanese continuities  under the name Angolmois energy, where it could be utilized to increase the strength of transformers or cause a host of environmental effects. In those continuities it was generally mined from the earth, because Uncron’s lifeforce was sealed within it during a prior manga storyline. 

The American Aligned continuities later created a similar concept  known as dark energon. This was again a form of life energy given off by Unicron and embedded in the earth, due to the earth being his avatar in those stories. It can increase a transformer's power the same way Angolmois energy does, and has similar emotionally curruptive abilities. It also has the added ability to revive deceased transformers as zombi slaves. Dark energon can also be channeled or forged into weapons cannons and swords.

Angolmois energy

Dark energon

Note: This energy is somewhat the “antithesis” of the energon created from Primus’s body. Which is as severe as the fuel for Transformers normally(unless they need to replace it due to running through cybertron’s reserves during wartime). Ask vector prime segments have also confirmed both are essentially the same thing.

Special abilities

Tractor beam/matter beam projector

Unicron’s planet form has a massive tractor beam installed within it. This allows it to suck in planets, asteroids, debris, ect for consumption. Unicron can also use this ability while in robot mode to suck in objects through his chest.


Unicron has the ability to grow stronger by consuming matter, energy or even time/space itself. Anything consumed adds to his physical bulk, and many objects can even be directly incorporated into physiology. Including organic objects and celestial objects like black holes.


Unicron has a few methods of regenerating from wounds. He can feed off negative emotions and feelings, and use that power to repair himself. He can also absorb power sources such as energon and angolmois energy to heal himself as well(presumably dark energon would also work).

Dimensional teleportation/ time travel

Unicron has the ability to transport himself or others across dimensions and timelines. Often using said ability to pull in potential heralds from other time periods or traveling to a new universe when he’s finished consuming his current one. 


Unicron has the ability to see events and actions outside his immediate field of view. Such as those across multiple timelines or those in other locations of space he is not currently present in.

Matter manipulation

Unicron has the ability to alter matter. Being able to alter the composition of other mechanical beings to make them stronger or gain new weaponry. Unicron uses this ability most often to create new heralds to work under him.


In the aligned continuity, Unicron has also manipulated Earth’s matter to create golems to fight in his stead.

Life creation

Unicorn has the ability to use his life energy to create sentient beings to serve him, similar to how Primus creates the transformer race in most continuities. His most famous creation is the “mini cons” from the Unicron trilogy. Mini transformers that can combine with the large ones to grant additional powers or weapons. 

Eye beams

Powerful eye lasers Unicron expels from his eye sockets while in robot form

Plasma/fire breath

Unicron has the ability to breath plasma from his mouth while in robot form as a projectile attack.

Chest laser

Unicron has a powerful laser in his chest. It’s powerful enough to obliterate planets.

Energy manipulation

Unicron can manipulate energy.  He can expel it outward as an explosive wave, create smaller energy bullets, and project larger Kameh-ish energy beams. He can also physically channel his energy to increase physical strength.This energy is most likely dark energon or angolmois energy.

  • Unicron expels a powerful energy wave from his body(Transformers US 1984 is 75 pg 30) 

Mental dominance

Unicron can mind control people. He’s used it primarily on transformers and other robotic beings, but it's likely he can do the same with organic beings.

Emotional manipulation

Unicron’s presence and energy can corrupt the mind of other robots and organic beings.


Unicron can speak to others telepathically. Even across long distances of space.

Astral plane travel

Unicron has the ability to spiritually travel to or fight others on an astral plane.


Unicron has the ability to project electricity from himself as a form of attack.

Antibody system

Unicron’s inside have a host of traps to deal with invaders. These include spikes, tentacles, appendages, corroding mists, various drones and so on.

Basic traps


  • Unicorn’s body had bug like drones in it for protection (Armada S4 ep 8


Conceptual existence

Unicron represents the concept of evil and most negative attributes of the transformers Multiverse. He can not be fully destroyed as long as those concepts exist and erasing him can cause instability in the worlds universes as a whole.

Existence erasure

Unicron has the ability to erase things from existence.

Space/time manipulation

Unicron’s powers can passively alter space/time anomalies. It’s also stated that Unicron can make pocket dimensions outside of time. Unicron’s effects on space/time is the catch all reason for any in universe continuity or animation errors.

Anti-proton pulse cannon

An antiproton cannon mounted on Unicron’s shoulder. Anti-protons are a kind of anti-matter which can nullify normal matter.

  • Unicron is shown having a cannon on his shoulder(Collectors Club is 9 pg 16)


Unicron typically has a variety of “heralds” working for him in any given appearance. Which are typically robots either created or modified from existing transformers. His most notable is Nemesis prime, a corrupt version of Optimus prime Unicron copied from another universe and tortured into submission.

Misc abilities

  • It’s stated Unicron’s head contains anti electrons (1984 cartoon Ep 89)


The black hole Unicron consumed in IDQ has a quantum tunnel connection to every star in the galaxy. Unicron c can use this connection to draw power from stars themselves.(IDW Transformers Unicron is 5 pg 11)  



Post shroud



Post shroud



  • Unicron gets hit by a giant country sized laser from a decepticon called thunderwing using a tainted version of the creation matrix(Transformers US 1984 is 75 pg 28) 

Unicron’s size

Unicron is generally larger than both Earth and Cybertron in most continuities. His largest is likely in IDW, where he’s stated to be 15 times larger than Cybertron, which is the size of Saturn in that continuity.



Naturally as Unicron’s brother and opposing god, Unicron should be able to match him in power and general abilities.



Defeated the light God Primus

Consistently fights off combined Autobot and decepticon forces in multiple continuities

Fought a mini-con force that created an energy copy of himself

Created Nemesis prime


Unicron represents the negative evil aspects of the universe, and as a consequence his positive life bringing opposite Primus has the power to cancel his abilities out. This most often takes the form of characters using the “matrix of leadership” to defeat, seal or destroy Unicron. As said matrix typically acts as a conduit for Primus’s lifeforce.

In some continuities due to the mechanical nature of his bodies, he can be succitable to metal or technology controlling super powers

Finally even as a multiversal singularity, Unicron does not exist in multiple universes at the same time in a quantum state like Primus does. Under “normal” circumstances he can only exist in and destroy one reality at a time.


  1. This is the only official death battle analysis on g1 blog that is more thorough than the prediction blogs I have seen
