Monday, December 18, 2023

Character Analysis: Galactus (Feat Akuma)



  • Profile (Name, Height, Weight, etc)

    • Galactus the Devourer

    • Height = 28' 9" (8.76 m) (variable)

    • Weight = 36000 lbs (16.33 ton) (variable)

    • Alias

      • Galen

      • Ashta

      • Destroyer of Worlds

      • The Great Destroyer

      • The Hunger That Does Not Cease

      • Gah Lak Tus

      • herald of Franklin Richards

      • Lifebringer

      • Buckethead

      • Bob's Big Boy

      • Hockey Stick Face

  • Training

    • Billions years of cosmic experience

  • Misc (Hobbies, quirks, quotes, etc)


  • In the sixth incarnation of the Multiverse, a humanoid named Galan and his planet of Taa were the final ones still alive when the Black Winter came to begin the renewal cycle. With no way to stop it, Galan led the remaining survivors to the heart of the Cosmic Egg so they could die a glorious death. But while the others were killed, Galan somehow survived and now in possession of a new type of energy. This is because he was approached by the embodiment of the Sixth Infinity: the Sentience of the Muliverse. The two merged to become a new entity: Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds.

  • In this new, Seventh Iteration of the Multiverse, Galactus drifted in space for eons as other worlds began to grow. Giving himself a suit of armor to regulate his internal energies and transforming his former ship into an incubator, Galactus spent thousands upon thousands of years until it landed on the planet Archeopia where it continued to rest until a marauding space fleet attacked it. Now in his current form, Galactus destroyed the fleet and consumed the planet to sate his uncontrollable hunger.

  • A millennia later, Galactus built a world-ship he called Taa II. This took the entire solar system of Archeopia as a tribute to the planet he first consumed. And for billions of years Galactus ensured no other planet he consumed contained sentient life. But as the years go on, those planets can no longer satisfy him like one with a sentient race. Seeing that he has an intrinsic role in the natural order of this universe, Galactus suppressed his sympathy for intelligent beings and became feared throughout the cosmos, knowing one day he will give back infinitely more than he ever took from it.




  • The Galactus Armor - This suit is used to keep his internal energies under control. Without it, he becomes more like a star.



Powers and Abilities

(List of physical, mental, magic or supernatural powers, will be different for each character)





(High Showing accomplishments of the character)





  1. And this dominoes less thorough than the prediction blog other than mentioning nova
