Monday, December 4, 2023

Character Analysis: Injustice Superman

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Injustice Superman has the same basic background as most versions of Superman. He was sent away from Krypton before it was destroyed, found by the Kents, became a hero, etc. His history deviates in his adulthood. In the Injustice timelines Joker drugged Superman with a kryptonite laced fear gas, and tricked him into killing Lois. Joker then rigged a nuke to go off in Metropolis at the same time Lois died. In Superman’s grief induced rage he killed the joker and basically started to systematically take over the planet as dictator to prevent such a tragedy from ever repeating. 

In the plot of the Injustice game Batman and Lex Luthor pull in heroes from an alternate universe to help topple Injustice Superman’s empire. Imprisoning him after he’s defeated.

In Injustice 2, it’s revealed Brainiac is coming to destroy the Earth. Injustice Superman, Batman and their respective allies team up to take him on. After Brainiac is defeated Batman and Superman have a final fight over the remains of his technology.

If Batman wins the final battle Superman is permanently depowered with gold kryptonite and imprisoned in the phantom zone. If Superman wins he takes control of Brainiac's tech and uses it in a new bid to enslave/take over the entire universe.


Solar energy absorption

The ability to absorb solar energy. This is how Superman gets his general super strength, speed and durability. His wounds can also heal faster via solar energy.


The ability to fly.

Super hearing

The ability to hear sounds over long distances.

Super breath

The ability to create wind storms with a breath.

Heat vision

The ability to create lasers from one's eyes.

X-ray vision

The ability to see through solid objects.

Microscopic vision

The ability to see miniature objects like a microscope.

Ice breath

The ability to freeze things with a breath.


Superman can survive in harsh environments like space.



Yellow lantern ring

A yellow lantern ring. Superman was considered worthy of one when the previous owner of one was killed in battle.  It can create energy constructs and detect opponents. 

Like most continuities all Lantern rings have time limits. They can also be used as communication devices and affect things like a person’s synapse.






Green lantern’s

Superman has fought various members of the Green and Yellow lanterns. He also has a yellow ring himself at points, so obviously he scales to their feats.




Red sun radiation can sap Superman of his energy.

Kryptonite can weaken Superman. Gold Kryptonite can permanently remove his powers.

Finally Superman has no protection against magic.

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