Friday, September 30, 2022

Character Analysis: IDW SIlver


A hedgehog from 200 years into Sonic’s future. He travels back to the past to help Sonic and co prevent bad timelines from forming. Such as a timeline where Eggman took over the planet or a future where a zombie apocalypse wiped out the entire population. He considers it his mission to protect the timeline.

This version of him is also kind of a dork. He’s a big fan of the character whisper and enjoys gardening with Blaze.



Silver was born with the ability to telekinetically move things with his mind. This makes him incredibly adaptive, albeit he needs a line of sight and fast targets are harder for him to focus on.


Silver can use his powers to smash, crush or tear apart targets.


Silver can throw objects like projectiles


Silver can lift himself for high speed flight


Silver can immobilize enemies with his powers


Silver can form constructs with his powers. Such as shiels or lassos.


Silver is unaffected by changes in the Sonic timeline. For example the metal virus wiped out the planet's population, but he remained alive despite the fact that said events should have made it impossible for him to be born.

Time travel

Silver can time travel to the past “somehow” in IDW. Some comics imply he’s actually sent to the past by some sort of outside entity.

Chaos control

Silver can use “chaos control” a power that allows the user to take control of the chaos emeralds space/time warping power. In universe this is typically used for teleportation or to stop time. Blaze is able to use the sol emeralds(counterparts to chaos emeralds) to cross dimensions.

Super Silver

By using the 7 chaos emeralds Silver can become “Super Silver”. This gives him a massive boost in power and near invulnerability for a short time period. While in this state his telekinesis can alter matter on a molecular level and he gains a worldwide special sensory abilities.







Sonic and co

Silver should be on par with the rest of the Sonic cast, including Sonic himself.

Super forms

Silver Superform should also be comparable to other characters with similar superforms.

Game feats

While not as explicit as Archie, IDW does indicate that most Sonic games have happened in its continuity and explicitly takes solace after Sonic forces.

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