Friday, September 30, 2022

Character Analysis: Future Trunks


A mysterious youth from an alternate future timeline in Dragonball Z. He’s also the son of Vegeta/Bulma and the student of the future timeline version of Gohan. Trunks comes to the past in a time machine made by his Bulma because in his timeline Goku died of a heart virus, and was unable to prevent the earth's destruction by two androids built by the Red Ribbon Army scientist Dr.Gero. He subsequently helps the Z warriors fight off said androids in their own timeline and later helps them fight another android called Cell, who also traveled back in time. He goes back to his own timeline after the main timeline Cell is defeated and destroys his own android's to bring back peace to his world.

  • History 2:14 Goku dying of the heart virus in his timeline

  • History 2:50 The androids attack the future timeline

  • History 45:43 Trunks traveling back in time to save Goku

That is until Dragonball Super. In Dragonball Super, Trunks’s timeline is under siege by a mysterious villain called Goku black. It’s later revealed that Goku Black is the main DBs timeline version of a Kai called Zamasu, who decided to wipe out all mortals due a dislike of their constant sins, Trunks’s time traveling being chief among them. He works together with a Zamasu granted immortality from Trunks’s timeline to enact this plan. Unfortunately Trunks doesn’t really stop them and they……. kind of succeed at the end of the arc?

Essentially even though Trunks elists the main timelines Goku and Vegeta’s help to defeat the two, Zamasu’s immortality keeps him alive as a kind of ether and he gets a new form that fuses with Trunks’s entire timeline. Goku has to call for the help of the DB top god Zeno to solve the problem and Zeno literally erases the entire timeline from existence as a solution. Trunks and his love interest Mai escape the future timeline to the main timeline….but yeah. By his last appearance all Trunks’s friends, family or allies are dead, and they’re all erased from the fabric of reality forever. It’s pretty dark.

Anyway the time travel of Trunks and other characters creates a ton of timeline splits. In Dragonball Z 5 timelines existed total by the end of the cell saga. At the end of the Black saga there were 7. With Whis and Trunks making a final timeline split off screen where Trunks/Mai travel to prevent Zamasu’s rise in the first place and live out the rest of their lives.



A double edged sword Trunks uses in many of his appearances. It’s exact origins is not explained in canon, though some of the non-canon movies/game spin offs “imply” it was given to Trunks by the movie original character Tapion.It can easily cut through tough opponents such as Freeza.



A form of metaphysical life energy that exists within all living things. Humanoids and other sapient creatures can harness it to increase their physical strength and durability. As well as channel it for various energy attacks. A large enough outburst of ki can affect the environment, manipulating clouds and causing earthquakes.

It’s mentioned Ki control is needed to increase physical power


The ability to manipulate ki to fly or lift oneself into the air. The technique was initially introduced into the series by the crane hermit students Tien and Chaitsu. 

Ki blasts

The ability to create small explosive bullets of Ki as a projectile attack. 

  • Bojack 35:13 Trunks creates Ki blasts

  • History 37:54 Trunks fires Ki blasts at androids 17 and 18

  • DBZ ep 134 9:33 Trunks blows up a small mountain with a ki blast

  • DBZ ep 146 2:40 Trunks uses Ki blasts

  • DBS ep 62 5:40 Trunks uses multiple ki blasts on Black

Ki Sense

The ability to sense the life essence and aura of other living beings.


A demonic energy beam technique taught to Gohan by Piccolo, and passed down to Trunks in the future timeline.

  • Broly 52:40 Using it with main timeline Gohan

  • DBS ep 62 5:30 Trunks uses the masenko against Black and Zamasu

Buster cannon

An original  beam energy attack. Creates a large laser.

  • DBZ ep 134 9:33 Trunks blows up a small mountain with a buster cannon

Galick  gun

A purple energy beam attack originally used by Vegeta and taught to Trunks.

  • DBS ep 63 9:27 Trunks uses the galik gun to attack Black

Final  flash

A more powerful energy beam attack that acted as one of Vegeta’s signature moves and was taught to Trunks.

  • DBS ep 57 9:10 Trunks uses final flash on Zamasu

Burning attack

An energy ball attack first used against Freeza. The move involves complex hand movements before shooting a sphere.

  • DBZ ep 120 21:16 Trunks fires his burning attack at Freeza

Finish buster/Heat dome

The attack used  to kill future imperfect Cell. Trunks flings an opponent into the air above himself and then creates a massive beam of energy straight upward to incinerate them.

  • DBZ ep 194 19:17 Trunks uses the finishing buster/heat dome attack to kill imperfect Cell

Final explosion

This attack was originally used by Majin Vegeta to try to kill fat Buu. It was then adopted by Trunks in Super. It creates a massive omnidirectional explosion from the user's body in an attempt to destroy an opponent.

  • DBS ep 63 11:36 Trunks attempts to use the final explosion attack on Zamasu

Solar flare

A powerful blinding flash of light initiated by a hand gesture near the forehead. It can temporarily blind most foes. Because of the nature of how it works, almost anyone is affected regardless of power level.

Evil  containment wave/Mafuba

A special sealing move that can permanently trap opponents stronger than the user casting it. It essentially turns a person into energy, and flings them into a container of some kind(a rice cooker, a bottle,ect) and then traps them there with a magic seal. The move requires a lot of Ki to pull off, and can potentially kill the caster.If the container chosen doesn’t have the appropriate seal, the move will fail. Trunks learned the move on a whim to use against Zamasu in the Super anime because Goku was unable to cast it himself at the time.

  • DBS ep 64 16:15,18:20 Trunks uses the mafuba on Zamasu, but the move fails because the pot doesn’t have a seal


The ability to heal people. This move was inherited by Trunks due to becoming an apprentice of the supreme kai in his timeline.

Sword techniques

Shining sword attack

A rapid sword cutting move that cuts an opponent to pieces.

  • DBZ ep 121 3:15 Trunks’s Shining sword attack is used to kill Freeza

Light sword

A move that covers or replaces a broken sword with an energy blade composed of Ki.

  • DBS ep 66 17:40 Trunks recreates his broken sword as an energy blade using Ki. 

Sword  blast

Technically not canon, but in many of the games Trunks can create Ki based sword beams. It seems reasonable for him to be able to do this in cannon as well.

Spirit  bomb/sword of hope

A special attack originally taught to Goku by King Kai. It allows him to gather life energy from surrounding organisms and planets, then form it into a power ball projectile. Trunks somehow learned to gather energy like this unconsciously and can absorb the resulting spirit bomb to make a super powerful energy blade.

  • DBS ep 66 18:54 Trunks creates a large spirit bomb unconsciously from life on earth and absorbs its power. This creates a larger blue energy sword and gives him a Blue tinted Aura.


Super saiyan

A legendary transformation of the Saiyan race that had been forgotten about for centuries until Goku rediscovered it after witnessing the death of his friend Krillen at the hands of Freeza. Official guide books state this form is a 50x power boost, though other multipliers higher and lower have been suggested by other media or Akira himself. Because this form has emotional turmoil as its trigger, the form tends to increase aggression. Trunks gained the form after seeing his mentor Gohan get killed by the androids.

  • History 33:23,34:00 Trunks goes SS for the first time

  • DBZ ep 120 12:34 Trunks goes SS for the first time in DBZ

  • Bojack 13:25 Trunk’s goes SS

  • Android 13 27:59 Trunks goes SS 

Second  grade

A more powerful variant of the original SS form, that forcibly increases muscle mass to improve strength and speed.

Third grade

A varent that springs from the second grade variant. It further increases muscle mass for added power, but heavily lowers speed, making the form a powerhouse but ineffective in combat.

Super saiyan  2

The true successor to the initial Super Saiyan form. It is characterized by electrical sparks and increased aggressiveness over the normal SS form. Guides imply it's about 2x stronger than the normal SS form.

Super saiyan rage

A variant of SS2 powered up via excessive anger. Trunks gained the form after being angered by Zamasu’s crimes.

  • DBS ep 62 2:07 Trunks gains the SS rage form after getting angered by Zamasu. He can keep up with Black and SS blue characters.

Spirit bomb super  saiyan

The  SS rage form powered up the energy absorbed from a spirit bomb.

  • DBS ep 66 18:54 Trunks absorb power from the remaining life on his earth. This gives him a Blue tinted Aura. This power up lets him fight on par with fused Zamasu





  • DBZ ep 120 5:31 Trunks cuts up Freeza’s soldiers with his sword faster than they can react


Trunks can eventually fight SS Rose Black, who’s on par with SSB Goku/Vegeta. This means he scales to any feats from the Freeza and Beerus arcs prior to the Black saga.

  • DBS ep 62 2:07 Trunks gains the SS rage form after getting angered by Zamasu. He can keep up with Black and SS blue characters.

    • DBS ep 62 3:10 Trunks fights on par with Rose Black

    • DBS ep 63 9:01 Trunks fights Black and Zamasu at the same time alone

Trunks scales to these feats

  • DBS ep 12 6:19 Goku and Beerus create energy shockwaves that can rip the entire universe apart#strength feat

  • DBS ep 12 5:51-6:04 Goku and Beerus perform a physical clash that releases a shock wave that travels over earth and to the Kai realm in seconds#speed feat 

    • DBS ep 12 9:06,9:19 Goku and Beerus create more impact waves. The also move in tandem with them when produced



  • History 13:50 Trunks training with future Gohan

  • History 19:38 Trunks fights android 18

  • History 36:30 Trunk’s fights both androids(17/18)

  • DBZ ep 121 3:15 Trunks’s Shining sword attack is used to kill Freeza

  • DBZ ep 121 7:58 Trunks fights and kills King Cold

  • DBZ ep 122 8:27 Trunks has a light spar with Goku while using his sword

  • DZ ep 136 4:46 Trunks attempts to attack the mainline android 18

  • DBZ ep 153 21:20 Trunks and Vegeta emerge from the time chamber after training for an entire year

  • DBZ ep 159 11:50 Trunks uses a ki attack to knock down Vegeta

  • DBZ  ep 159 15:12 Trunks fights semi imperfect cell

  • DBZ ep 163 17:48 Trunks holds his own against perfect cell

  • DBZ ep 194 10:22 Trunks battles the androids from his timeline

  • DBZ ep 194 16:34 Trunks fights and defeats future imperfect cell


  • DBS ep 48 5:20 SS Trunks fights base Goku Black

  • DBS ep 54 17:53 Trunks spars with Vegeta

  • DBS ep 57 6:23 Trunk’s uses his sword to deflect an energy blade blow from Rose Black

  • DBS  ep 57 8:44 Trunk’s  fights future Zamasu

  • DBS ep 63 9:01 Trunks fights Black and Zamasu at the same time alone

  • DBS ep 66 17:40 Trunks helps fight fused Zamasu

  • DBS ep 66 18:54 Trunks uses spirit bomb energy to fight on par with fused Zamasu#trunks

  • DBS ep 66 21:17  Trunks defeats fused zamasu


DBZ movies

  • Broly 46:25 Trunks helps fight DBZ Broly

  • Bojack 12:01 Trunks fights Tien while flying

  • Bojack 23:58 Trunk’s fights one of Bojack's minions

  • Android 13 23:11 Trunk’s using his sword while fighting androids 14 and 15 

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