Sunday, June 20, 2021

Ultraguy's top 20 favorite Death Battles

 20. Goku vs Superman

I love thinking back to this match due to how insane the debates were on screwattack after it was announced. Likewise, despite being a season one episode you can really tell they put a lot more effort into determining the outcome and the character interactions than they did for most normal episodes at the time. It honestly still holds up as one of the show's most ambitious episodes.

19. Fox vs Bucky

I saw this fight back before the RT team was fully established. I think it’s slightly outdated due to the advancements in calcs/lore for the Star Fox series, but a lot of segments like the jetpack fight have a lot of charm to them. I can also tell the people making it had a soft spot for Bucky, and I came to like him myself after watching his cartoon.

18. Carnage vs Lucy

I know some people were disappointed that Carnage didn’t win this fight, but I really enjoyed the animation. It’s creepy, fast-paced and the brutality of both characters was incredibly on point.

17. Sigma vs Ultron

This was the first fight Swan got to write and that makes it one of my favorite episodes by default. Likewise, I’m obviously a big Megaman fan who liked Sigma from the get-go and I loved the snarkiness Swan wrote on Ultron’s side.

16. Ratchet  and Clank vs Jak and Daxter

Jak and Daxter and Ratchet’s were some of my favorite video game series from childhood. So this was one of the big crossovers I always wanted to see on the show. TBF Ratchet winning was kind of obvious, but the 3d animation holds up pretty well for a season 3 episode regardless.

15. Eggman vs Wily

This was actually the first fight in the series that attracted me to the show. I’ll admit in hindsight I kind of wish it had a more “definitive” ending, but I always really appreciated all the work that was put in to bring in both characters' armies as a part of the fight. Some of the more obscure additions like the swatbots and Scratch/Grounder were a nice touch as a longtime Sonic fan.

14. Johnny cage vs Captain Falcon

I had a slight amount of involvement writing this ep and I put in a decent amount of time researching Falcon. I really enjoyed figuring out what he can do given his general lack of interest from the vs community. Likewise, he came off as really badass in the final fight, so I enjoyed that.

13. Snake vs Sam

This fight really did both fighters justice and is generally considered one of the best fights in the series for a reason. The one-liners, the integration of both characters' partners, and the references to Twin Snakes flipping scenes were all great. I particularly liked the knife fight at the end.

12. Wolverine vs Raiden

I think the thing that really attracted me in this fight was the uncertainty of whether or not Raiden could actually win. The fight itself was one of the most well-animated in the series history, sure, but Raiden actually cutting Wolverine’s head off always made me lose my mind.

11. Genos vs War machine

I wasn’t originally invested in this match, but I actually found myself coming to really like War Machine as a character as the research went on. He had a lot of really unique powers and hadn’t really been heavily researched before, which made looking into him rather fun. It’s also one of the few fights that was in 2D, which I found pretty entertaining to watch.

10. Mob vs Tatsumaki

One punch Man and Mob are two of my favorite new anime franchises, so I was ecstatic to see the show go with this fight idea. Not gonna lie I REALLY wish Mob could have won this fight since it honestly just “feels” better to see him put Tatsumaki in her place. But the animation was fantastic either way.

9. Mario vs Sonic 2018

I think I like this fight a lot because of how much of a game-changer it was for the show. Up until this point we had never really had any rematch that had ended in an opposite verdict. So Mario winning this time around showed the show was willing to re-evaluate past episodes. The 2d animation was also pretty great and I particularly liked the Hyper Sonic vs Star Mario segment.

8. Ganon vs Dracula

This was probably the most wanted fight of the research team for several years. Zelda is also obviously one of my favorite series, so the fact I got to research Ganon was a godsend to me.  The fight also being in 3D was a surprise direction that I think really paid off in the end.

7. Weiss vs Mitsuru

This is another fight I had been pushing for a long time. I love persona so I was eager to get one of their characters on the show, and this seemed like a good pairing given Death Battle already had a connection with RT.

The fight itself was well animated and Mitsuru got an awesome comeback line before delivering the finishing blow. I’ll also be honest that I thought it was slightly amusing seeing so many people go in worried about a non-existent “bias” for Rwby characters.

6. Flash vs Sonic

I didn’t officially work on this fight, but I did help significantly, so I felt really proud at how they were able to pull something so complicated. I also have to give Wally props because he only really only beat Sonic by a slim margin. The animation was also pretty good and I loved the killing blow with the reference to the Sonic memes.

5. Beerus vs Galaxia

Probably one of the most epic fights I worked on. I loved how the scale of this fight essentially ended in multiple planets being destroyed and a black hole forming. This fight was also really amusing to me due to the massive amounts of misinformation flying around about Galaxia.

4. Miles vs Static

This was the first fight I ever wrote so it has a special place in my heart. I really love the music they made to accompany this fight and honestly, Miles and Static are two of my favorite comic book heroes. Static in particular since there really weren't a lot of popular black superheroes back in the 90s.

3. Link vs Cloud

The original Link vs Cloud was the second ever fight-for-death battle I actively argued about in the community. Likewise, the long wait for the original episode's release is what spurred me into making my own Death Battle blogs, and subsequently led to meeting a lot of the current research team members. Because of that, being able to work on the new version made me fairly sentimental. The fight honestly went above my expectations and I loved how they were able to fit in so many different weapons and materia for both characters. PERSONALLY, I do wish Link could have won, but I knew going in Cloud was the likely victor. Though Link def didn’t go down without a fight.

2. Shadow vs Ryuko

I really really love that this episode happened. I won’t lie, I always felt like Shadow needed a “modern” death battle treatment. The original Shadow vs Vegeta Death Battle was good for the time it came out, but it’s kind of outdated by today's standards. Likewise, Mewtwo vs Shadow had an animation that I really wish could have been expanded upon. Shadow vs Ryuko being able to show off Shadow's entire arsenal, have a modern analysis, and have such a high-octane anime-inspired fight was wonderful. Kill la kill is also one of my favorite anime, so I LOVED being able to use Ryuko as well.

1. Megaman Battle Royale

I went back and forth a few times, but I think this is definitely my favorite fight. I had been pushing for the match to happen for a while and as a lifelong Megaman fan seeing it actually happen was a dream come true. I’m always really proud of the research that went into this fight because honestly trying to combine all the Megaman's backstories and arsenals into a single video was a huge challenge. The animation was also pretty top-notch and I love the ending where EXE obliterates StarForce and X after transforming into Hub form.


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  2. I hope Death Battle use Super Sentai Franchise in their show. if he's the case. Use Gokai Red/Captain Marvelous version who have 70/80 episodes and 7 movies contents and not Super Mega Force Red when have like 22 episodes of contents
