Sunday, August 9, 2020

Character Analysis: Zuko(Feat Akuma)



Zuko | Avatar Wiki | Fandom

  • Profile (Name, Height, Weight, etc)

    • Height - Unknown

    • Weight - Unknown

    • Age - 19 during Aang’s Time. 91 in Korra’s Time

    • Alias

      • Lee

      • Zuzu

      • The Blue Spirit

  • Training

    • Firebending Training by the Fire Sages

    • Sword Training by Piandao

    • Trained in Hand to Hand Combat

      • Possibly Northern Shaolin Kung Fu

  • Misc (Hobbies, quirks, quotes, etc)

    • Former Fire Lord (currently being held by his daughter)

    • Tried to kill the Avatar.


  • In 83 AG, Zuko was born from Prince Ozai and Prince Ursa. For a while, Ozai was unsure if Zuko would be a fire bender since he showed no promise to even bend it. Eventually, he did show he was a fire bender, but not one with as much promise as his younger sister Azula. He even was taught the art of sword fighting from master Piandao. Despite being a diligent student, Ozai looked down on Zuko for numerous reasons, even saying he was lucky to be born.

  • At the age of 11, Ozai was ordered by his father to kill Zuko for punishment for trying to take Iroh's place. To save him, Zuko's Mother made a deal that would protect Zuko while ensuring Ozai becomes the next Fire Lord. Two years after that, Zuko spoke out during a meeting with generals which was felt as insubordination. To punish him, his father burned Zuko's face, stripped him of his birthright, and exiled him until he can bring the Avatar to them.

  • Three years later, accompanied by his uncle Iroh, Zuko would find out that the Avatar is still alive and is a young boy. For several weeks, he continued to search for Aang and his friends and even rescued him once to prevent another from taking the Honor he seeks. But because of their actions during the Siege of the North, Iroh and Zuko were branded as traitors to the Fire Nation. Azula hunts them down while Iroh leads Zuko to Ba Sing Se to hopefully find a more peaceful life.

  • When Azula took over the Earth Kingdom, she convinced Zuko to join her side and be welcomed back to the Fire Nation. Despite his willingness to accept it, he couldn’t help but think he was doing the wrong thing. So he leaves the Fire Nation to join the Avatar so he can help him learn Fire Bending and overthrow his sister as the Fire Lord. Now as the Fire Lord, Zuko helps the nations his kingdoms have devastated and begins a new age of balance between nations.

  • As Fire Lord, Zuko got married and had a daughter named Izumi, a pet dragon known as Druk, and continued to be friends with Aang until the Avatar's death. He even Teamed up with Sokka, Tenzin, and Tonraq to defeat Zaheer's gang and kept them imprisoned in their specialty made prisons. In 167 AG, he stepped down as Fire Lord as he gave the title to his daughter. 



  • Dual Broadswords: These are two metal blades, specifically designed to chop or slash, that are to be considered as different parts of the same weapon. The swords can also be used individually as single-edged blades and are known to be used in both the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation. 


  • None


  • None


  • None

Powers and Abilities


  • Blazing rings and arcs: Spinning kicks or sweeping arm movements create rings and arcs to slice larger, more widely spaced, or evasive targets. Zuko used a circular motion with his feet to create an expanding ring and successfully knocked Azula down during their Comet-Enhanced Agni Kai.

  • Fire blade: A more advanced version of a blazing arc. By narrowing and condensing their flame projections, firebenders can create thin blades of fire to slice through objects without completely destroying them.

  • Fire bomb: Used as a short-range attack, a firebender can create a flame at the end of a limb and thrust the flame down in an explosive burst. Zuko used this technique once and both Zuko and Aang performed it at the beginning of their routine on Ember Island.

  • Fire daggers: Blowtorch-like jets that are created from the fist or fingertips to use as close-range melee attacks. However, they lack the ability to actually block physical objects.

  • Fire lashes: An even further extension of the fire whip/stream, firebenders can create a long lash of fire and bring it down on their enemies.

  • Fire streams: A basic firebending ability, firebenders can shoot continuous streams of fire from their fingertips, fists, palms, or legs. These streams can be widened to create flame-thrower like techniques. Fire Nation soldiers often used this technique to damage or destroy villages and towns.

  • Fire whip: An extension of a fire stream, this continuous stream of flame has a semi-tactile quality and can be utilized as a whip. Zuko used a larger version of the fire whip in his fight in Ba Sing Se, creating streams of great length for continuous mid-to-long range combat, which he used to counter Katara's water whip technique.

  • Fireballs: Another basic ability, jabs and punches produce miniature fireballs and missiles of flame. These can be charged up (refer to "charged attacks" entry) to create larger, slower bursts, or swiftly and repetitively fired to keep opponents off balance.

  • Intertwined fire stream: An advanced move based on the basic fire stream. The performer directs two powerful fire streams at their opponent, though by intertwining the two streams, a massive, comet-shaped fire stream is formed that has more power than the single stream. Zuko used this technique in the Crystal Catacombs and later again in his Agni Kai with Azula.


  • Blocking fire: A skilled firebender can defuse and extinguish an oncoming fire blast from another firebender by using a swift kick, jab, or any other defensive maneuver, allowing them to stop attacks.

  • Flame redirection: In a similar fashion to waterbending, firebenders are capable of changing the course of an incoming fire blast and redirecting it back at the attacker using fluid motion. This move exemplifies the use of firebending as an extension of the body and is used infrequently in modern combat in favor of more offensive maneuvers. Wan used this to defend spirits from firebending hunters.

  • Shield of fire: This technique creates a protective shield of fire in front of, or around, a firebender that can deflect attacks and explosions.

  • Wall of flames: One of firebending's few defensive techniques, either a situated explosion or controlled inferno, this wall of concentrated flames acts as a barrier to incoming attacks. It may be a more powerful version of a fire shield. It not only protects against attacks, but when used right, can be used to stealthily escape from foes. Zuko used it to stop a combustion attack (although he was still being pushed back by the force).


  • The Dancing Dragon: This firebending form was learned from the sacred statues that were hidden atop the ancient civilization of the Sun Warriors. It involves a more fluid and natural form of firebending. It is a simple, yet possibly very powerful firebending form, as it also brings advantages for more skilled firebenders; upon integrating it into his own style, Zuko's abilities improved to the point that he was able to duel evenly with Azula, successfully dispelling her attacks instead of overcoming them or trying to endure them. It is also one of the few firebending techniques with defensive capabilities. There is a circular nature to the technique, which is unusual in firebending; the only other known techniques to incorporate smooth, circular movements are the fire circle and lightning generation.

  • Charged attacks: Certain firebenders have been shown charging their attacks before releasing them, allowing them to create enormous blasts of fire. Zuko and Iroh used a combined charged attack against Aang prior to their first encounter. 

  • Fire augmentation: Firebenders can also control the size and intensity of any nearby flames and can draw them in to manipulate them at will. Zuko was the first one to show mastery over this technique, when he augmented the flame of the candles before him when his uncle brought him bad news. Another example was when Zuko was attacking Aang in the beach house, as he disintegrated flames Aang used to counter-attack. He is also able to snuff out fires from a distance.

  • Jet propulsion: Skilled firebending masters are able to conjure huge amounts of flame to propel themselves at high speeds on the ground or through the air. Normally, this can only be used for short periods of time by regular firebenders. Zuko used this technique in the comics, so this is a skill he can use without the comet boost.

  • Dragon fire: When the dragons, Ran and Shaw, unleashed a vortex of fire, several other colors of fire beyond the usual yellow, orange and blue flames were present, including white, purple, green, pink and red fire. While defending his family during an ambush, Zuko also showed himself capable of creating a fire vortex with hints of green and purple flames.

  • Heat control: Certain advanced firebenders appear to have the ability to control heat. Using this technique, firebenders can heat a wide range of liquids, like water or tea, heat metal to scalding temperatures, or melt ice. Zuko has used this technique to snuff out flames in the comics.

  • Stealth: Zuko is skilled in Stealth tactics.


  • Infiltrated a Fortress without using Firebending.

  • Aang’s Firebending Teacher


  • Zuko

    • Shatters chains with a kick (Season 1 Episode 7 - Winter Solstice, Part 1: The Spirit World) 

    • Releases a blast that destroyed a crystal defense (Season 2 Episode 19 - The Guru and Episode 20 - The Crossroads of Destiny

    • Can create heat despite being underwater in the artic (Season 1 Episode 19 - The Siege of the North, Part 1 19:00-19::09)

  • Scaling

    • Toph Holds a Library in Place (Season 2 Episode 10 - The Library 18:27-18:43 and 19:50-20:09 and 21:06-21:48 and 23:12-23:25)

    • Azula creates crater with volleyball (Season 3 Episode 5 - The Beach 06:47-06:56)

    • Korra in her base from was able to freeze a large portion of the mech used by Kuvira



  • Zuko

  • Scaling

    • Iroh Redirects Lightning (Season 1 Episode 12 - The Storm 19:32-19:40)


  • Extreme cold: Cold temperatures reduce a firebender's abilities; the prison on the Boiling Rock used insulated chambers, the coolers, and piped in cold air as a punishment for those prisoners who used firebending. While in disguise, Sokka was told by a guard that Chit Sang "won't be firebending in there". However, this can be overcome, as Zuko used his breath of fire to stay warm while he detached the cooler as part of Sokka's escape plan.

  • Full moon: With waterbending becoming stronger with it and firebending being water's opposite element, the full moon weakens firebending to some degree.

  • Lack of defense: The major combat weakness behind the applied art of firebending is its confrontational nature. Due to its aggressiveness and pursuit of continuous assault, it traditionally lacks basic defensive techniques, which can leave an inexperienced bender considerably vulnerable to enemy counterattacks. It also consumes a vast amount of energy leaving the bender at a considerable disadvantage in a prolonged battle. A common mark of a firebending master is the ability to sustain attacks for long periods.

  • Lack of drive: In order to firebend properly, one must have "inner fire", his or her drive, without which one's firebending becomes weak. 

  • Other circumstances: A firebender's power may decrease in any situation which might extinguish their flames, such as being underwater or caught in the rain. Zuko overcame this while underwater in the North Pole by melting ice by heating it with direct contact.

  • Poor breath control: According to Iroh, true firebending power comes not from physical size or strength, but rather from the very control of one's breath. Firebender discipline stresses self-restraint and breath control as a means of directing and containing the fire manifested. Poor breath control means dangerously poor control of any fire generated. For this reason, breathing exercises are one of the most critical first steps for beginning firebenders.

  • Poor self-control: Though anger, rage and other intense emotions can amplify the power of firebending, it can lead to dangerous explosions or wildfires and can also cause any nearby flames to burn out of control. 

  • Solar eclipse: Firebending's connection to the sun results in a lessening of strength during the night and a complete loss of firebending during a solar eclipse.

Victory Over

  • Katara

  • Commander Zhao

  • Azula

Defeated by

  • Aang

  • Azula


  1. As long as Matthew "Ultraguy" Jones is at the helm of research/writing,I can say with absolute certainty that Archie Sonic will lose to...anyone & everyone in a Death Battle matchup.

    1. What does Archie Sonic have anything to do with Zuko? This isn’t even on topic, and bringing it up is pretty petty.

