Monday, May 6, 2024

Prediction Blog: Meta Knight vs Zero

I made this blog as part of my patreon. I’ll be making a new poll on matchup blogs soon. The options this time will be.

Yu Narukami vs Aiba(Digimon)

Makoto Yuki vs Neku

Adachi vs Kira

Makoto vs Tifa

Kirby Anime was watched via this link: 


Meta Knight


A knight living on the planet Popstar. He often helps Kirby fight various monsters or evil entities. In the anime series he’s a 100 year old veteran Star Warrior who fought against the forces of Nightmare Enterprises. He desires to train Kirby as a warrior to protect the cosmos.

  • Ep 1 12:30 Meta Knight meets Kirby and recognizes him 

  • Ep 4 11:30 Meta Knight talks about Nightmare enterprises 

  • Ep 4 12:00 Meta Knight explains how the star warriors fought Nightmare

  • Ep 4 12:30 Meta Knight mentions how he was the last Star Warrior outside of Kirby

  • Ep 4 13:50 Meta Knight wants to help train Kirby to be a warrior


A robot created by Dr. Wily. He was made active in the same time period as Megaman X and indirectly caused many of the events of the plot. Dr.Wily encapsulated Zero with a virus that caused robots to go berserk. This virus ended up infecting the series villain Sigma, leading to the “Maverick Wars” that serve as the backdrop for the Megaman X series.

For much of the series Zero has no direct understanding of his creation by Wily, but subconsciously recalls the intent of his creator.

This intent was to be a ferocious killing machine. An intent which Zero’s programming can revert back to under some circumstances.

Throughout the Megaman X series Zero “dies” or “seals” himself on several occasions, primarily due to being the original carrier of the Maverick virus. 

200 years later Zero is found again by the character Ciel and develops amnesia regarding the events of the prior series.

It’s later explained that Zero and Z at some point managed to destroy Sigma and the Maverick virus using a computer AI called the Mother Elf. This Elf was then corrupted by a scientist called Dr.Weil, leading to a devastating conflict called the Elf wars. X at some point died and was replaced by a copy. This copy led the only major settlement left on Earth, Neo Arcadia.

There’s later some doubt as to whether the Zero featured in Megaman Zero is the “real one”, but it’s later explained Zero’s mind was simply inserted into a new body.



Black Zero

Zero’s most consistent super armor. It increases weapon energy by 50%, reduces damage by half, increases power by 2x, doubles dash speed/distance and enhances overall speed by 1.5x.  It also reduces fire damage by 75% in Command MIssion.

Absolute Zero

A secret hyper mode for Zero in Command Mission. It has wings for flight, enhances attack Power by 100%, Speed by 50%, and reduces damage from water by 50%. It has two water attribute water attack moves called Killer Left and Brutal right. The form's most powerful attack is a rushing melee attack called Calamitous Arts.

Megaman Zero armor Forms

In Megaman Zero 2, Zero gained the ability to take on a variety of different armor “forms” that changed his physical attributes and the strength of his weapons. The best was probably his “ultimate form”.


Various implants introduced in the Megaman zero series. 

Head chips

Robotic chips that can be installed in Zero’s head to increase his defensive and offensive capabilities. 

The A-Charge chip makes Zero’s weapons charge automatically. The Q-Charge3 chip reduces the charge time for all of Zero’s weapons to 1 second. The A-Recover3 chip makes Zero slowly recover energy/health whenever he stands still. The A-Filling chip makes the ammo of the weapons Zero steals with the Zero Knuckle refill automatically. The Weapon Plus chip adds one additional unit of ammo to any weapons stolen by the Zero Knuckle.

Body chips

Robotic chips that can be installed in Zero’s body to increase his defensive and offensive capabilities. 

The Absorber chip prevents Zero from staggering when hit by an attack. The Rolling chip gives Zero the ability to do a rolling slashing attack with his Z-Saber. The Erase chip allows Zero’s to destroy energy projectiles with his Z-Saber. The Reflect chip allows Zero to reflect energy projectiles with his Z-Saber. The Strongest chip prevents death by lava or spikes. Finally the light chip reduces Zero’s body weight and prevents him from breaking through fragile floors.

Foot chips

Robotic chips that can be installed in Zero’s feet to increase his defensive, offensive and movement capabilities. 

The ultima chip increases his running speed, prevents slipping, gives Zero another jump, and gives him the ability to dash through enemies or projectiles.  The Spike Type W chip prevents Zero from being moved by strong magnets or strong winds.

Elemental chips

Robotic chips that can be installed in Zero’s body to give his charge attacks and some skills with various weapons(buster shot, Z-Saber, shield boomerang, ect) elemental attributes. Zero has 3 types of these chips, thunder, flame and ice, which produce electric, fire and ice attributes respectively.


Meta Knight


A normal double bladed sword. Used by Meta Knight during his original appearances in the Kirby series.

Samurai blade

A samurai blade.


A magic sword forged over 1000 years ago by the alien Photron. It was recovered by Meta Knight from a monster known as the Kirisakin. The sword is sapient and can only be used by its chosen wielder(Meta Knight). 

  • Ep 60 13:06 1000s of years ago, the ruler of the fire people Photron. The sword has a mind of its own.

  • Ep 60 15:6 Galaxia electrocutes those who are unworthy of wielding it

  • Ep 60  18:05 Galaxia telepathically explains that Meta knight was the chosen warrior to wield it.

  • Ep 60 8:55 Meta knight fought the beast Kirisaken to reclaim the sacred sword Galaxia

  • Meta Knight throws Galaxia to Kirby 

  • Galaxia is used to fight Dark Mind 

  • Ep 3 4:44 Meta Knight has his Galaxia sword

Sword beam

Galaxia can fire sword beams and energy projectiles from itself.

Energy manipulation

Galaxia can generate pillars of energy or envelope itself in an electric/fire aura.

  • Ep 60  19:15 Galaxia creates a pillar of energy. Galaxia can create a firelike aura around its user

  • Ep 30 3:20 Galaxia has an energy aura


Galaxia can summon meteors from the sky.

Dimensional cape

A cape that allows Meta Knight to teleport between locations.

Galaxia darkness

A special attack where Meta Knight will draw an opponent into a dimensional warp and then strike them with his sword.

Maximum tomato

A healing item that can be used to fully recover HP.


A interstellar spaceship used by Meta Knight as a battle fortress in a few games and the anime.

The Halberd is used to fight Star Dream 

  • Final ep 34:40 Meta Knight's Halberd is revealed

  • Final ep 44:40 The Halberd fires a missile and blows up a starship

  • Final ep 1:00:06 The Halberd in a space fight with Enemy forces


Cyber Elves

Sentient computer programs. They can manipulate data in a shadow dimension called the cyber world and use that to affect Zero’s attributes or alter enemies in the real world.

Some common applications include healing, creating ammo, boosting defense, transmuting opponents, etc. A full list can be seen here 

Z buster

A long range energy buster used by Zero in the Megaman x series. He can charge his buster weapon to various levels of power in most games. Both of Zero’s arms can be morphed into buster weapons.


An energy sword. It has an incredibly high slicing ability and can be charged for greater striking strength. In some games it can create shockwaves when swung. Zero has several variants of the Z-Saber in the game Command Mission, each with extra attributes such as fire, water, and thunder elementality.

The Z-Saber can also be morphed into several other weapons. Including….

Shield Boomerang

A defensive transfiguration of the Z-Saber. It’s accessed by inserting a Z-Saber into a mount on Zero’s arm, and spinning it around at high speeds to create a shield. The shield can block and reflect most incoming enemy fire. The Shield boomerang can also be thrown as a projectile.

Triple Rod

A lance transfiguration of the Z-Saber. It can extend to its length and be spun around in a helicopter like fashion.

Chain Rod

A whip transfiguration of the Z-Saber. It can impale opponents from a distance, or pull them to Zero’s position for follow up attacks. It can also be used to swing from walls and ceilings. 

Recoil Rod

A tonfa transfiguration of the Z-Saber. It’s used for short range melee attacks. It can be charged to create a burst of energy.


A long naginata weapon designed for longer range melee attacks. It can also be spun around to deflect enemy fire.


Two kunai energy weapons. They have short range but hit fast

Sigma Blade

A variation of a bladed weapon Sigma uses in Megaman x8. It has two times the reach of the normal Z-Saber.

B fan

Two fan weapons can be used to attack foes or deflect projectiles.


A Large powerful hammer weapon. It’s useful for breaking through barriers, and obstacles.


Basically a pair of Kaiser knuckles used for powerful up close punching attacks. Zero can use various street fighter inspired moves while wielding them.

Buster Shot

A handheld gun that shoots out energy bullets. It acts as Zero’s default projectile weapon in the Megaman Zero series. It can be charged to release a larger more powerful shot of energy.

Zero Knuckle

A chip implant that allows Zero to rip out weapons from his opponents and use them himself. 


Meta Knight


The ability to fly with a pair of bat-like wings.

Mach Tornado

A spinning attack that envelopes Meta Knight in a tornado that rips opponents to shreds. Meta Knight can also create twisters to envelope the environment or his foes.

Meta Quick 

An ability that gives Meta Knight a short boost in speed.

Meta Heal

An ability that heals the user.


An ability to summon other blade wielding warriors for backup.

Meta knightmare

A team attack with various knights. Attacks the opponent with numerous sword strikes.


Meta Knight can project tangible doppelgangers of himself. These doubles can deal damage with their attacks.


Meta Knight can lift objects telekinetically.




Zero doesn’t outright copy weapons data like other Megaman protags. He simply imitates and creates his own new techniques based on observation. Because of this the majority of Zero’s techniques and Ex-skills do not need any form of “weapons energy” to be used.

Z-Saber techniques


Turns zero’s saber pink and allows it to destroy incoming projectiles. 


AllowsTechnique that allows Zero to reflect projectile attacks with his saber.


Move that creates a large orange sword beam during a sword slash.


Allows Zero to fire homing energy darts from his Z-Saber.


A mid-air  rolling saber slash.


A powerful horizontal saber strike.


A charged powerful close range saber swing.


A forward thrust with the Z-Saber charged with electric energy.


An ability that turns Zero temporally invisible. When performing a forward saber thrust he also makes a trail of electricity.


A wood element saber thrust that can break through enemy barriers


A water elemental circular saber slash.


A powerful upwards saber slash engulfed in flames.

E blade

An upwards saber slash surrounded by electric energy.


A downward saber thrusts engulfed in a giant icicle.

Quake blazer

A downward saber thrust covered in a fire aura. 


Downward stabbing slash engulfed in fire energy.


Transforms Zero’s saber into a giant metallic sword for downward thrusts. Causes an explosion and releases an anchor on impact.


An upwards saber attack that is surrounded in a fire aura and creates a fireball when used.


A move where zero will fire ice projectiles from his saber sword swings.

In X6:


An upwards rising saber slash surrounded by an electric tornado.


An upwards twirling ice elemental slash.


A defensive saber stance that blocks attacks with an energy shield.


An airborne darkness element spinning saber attack. 


A gravity powered overhead slash. Can pierce through enemy guards.

V-Hanger techniques


A move where zero uses V-Hanger to fire homing energy blades.


D-glaive techniques


A water elemental forward thrust using the D-Glaive weapon. 


Several rapid thrust attacks that are performed with the D-glaive. It can break through enemy barriers. 

B-fan techniques


Move that uses the B-Fans to reflect projectile attacks back at an opponent.

T-breaker techniques


A downward punch with the T-Breaker. Causes an earthquake that can damage opponents.

K-Knuckle techniques

Zero has several Street Fighter inspired moves centered around the-Knuckle. This includes a downward energy punch called the Ganzanha. A dark element version of the hurricane kick called the Senpukyaku. A lightning uppercut called the Raijinken. A descending fire diagonal kick called the Enkouryaku and finally an ice elemental spiraling punch based called the Shoryuken.


Misc. techniques


A double jump move.


A dash move. Can be used in mid air.


An attack that fires an energy wheel towards opponents.


Creates a shadow clone that can be sent out a few feet to slash opponents.

Twin dream

Creates a hologram version of Zero that mimics his movements and attacks. Can pass through solid objects and walls.


An advanced mid air dash with an ice element barrier that damages enemies.

Dark hold

A time stop move. Zero can still attack while time is stopped.

Yammer option

Creates dragonfly sentry drones that can shoot or ram into opponents.

In X6:

Guard shield

Creates an energy shield that can absorb and reflect projectile attacks. 

In X6:


Giga attacks


Zero punches the ground with an energy aura that releases energy bolts around him in 

a fan pattern.


A move where Zero will surround himself in an energy aura and punch the ground to release energy bolts in a fan like fashion.


Zero punches the ground and creates multiple pillars of energy that damage or destroy all opponents on screen.


An attack where Zero will punch the ground and create a large ring of fire.


A Giga attack where Zero will punch the ground and summon a large damaging vertical pillar of light,

Saber Ex-Skills

-For the most part the EX Saber Skills have similar applications to the Saber techniques used in the X series. So I won’t bother listing them all.

Ice Beam

An ice elemental sword beam.

Buster Shot Ex-Skills

Laser shot

A focused laser shot.

Triple shot

Shoots 3 fanning icicles out in a fan pattern. 

Spark shot

Creates a large electric bullet that splits into sparks that fly into different directions after hitting a target. 

Blast shot

Powerful explosive fire based shot. 

Reflect laser

Shoots a laser that can bounce off walls.

Burst shot

Creates a flaming fireball projectile. 


Creates two energy bullets that fan out in a v pattern. 

Blizzard arrow

Creates a large ice sphere that produces various ice projectiles.

Time stopper

Energy blast that stops time for enemies for a short period of time.

Tractor shot

Creates an energy sphere in front of Zero that absorbs projectiles.

Burning shot

Shoots out large blasts of fire.

Ice javelin

Fires a large ice spear that can freeze and piece through opponents.

Chain rod EX-Skills

Energy chain

A move that uses the Chain Rod to attach to and drain HP from an opponent.

Shield Boomerang EX-Skills

Filter shield

Uses the Boomerang Shield to turn projectiles into E-crystals. 

Shield sweep

Sends out the boomerang shield along the ground to roll into enemies. Can also have an electric attribute

Orbit Shield

Makes the Boomerang Shield orbit around zero, destroying enemies that come within his fight range.

Recoil Rod techniques

Soul launcher

An upwards thrust with the Recoil Rod that flings balls of energy into the air. Can be balls of fire if Zero has the fire chip equipped.


Meta Knight









Meta Knight


Misc bosses



Meta Knight


Misc games











I think this fight is fairly clear cut. I think Kirby himself destroying multiple planets just by hitting an asteroid out of orbit already outdoes any on screen feats performed by the Megaman characters, and that the Kirby series also has several comparable black hole feats(Magalor uses one and Hyper nova is a black hole). In terms of speed I’m fairly certain Meta Knight has crossed distances of planets or vast lengths of space that outcompete Dou by several orders of magnitude. The Janemba Heart is also probably faster than any Megaman highballs I’ve seen proposed.  While I’m sure there’s highballs for both concerning strength, such as Lumine potentially destroying a pocket dimension, Kirby’s highballs are much better. It has multiple dimension feats that are arguably universal if not higher, including Magalor, Drawcia, etc. All and all Meta Knight stomps physically.

TBF Zero does have a lot more variety in his attacks, but outside the time stop and “maybe” a handful of cyber elf abilities, I don’t think they’d matter much. None of Zero’s abilities have the AP needed to end the fight even during a timestop, and Meta Knight is probably resistant to cyber elf transmutation as the Cook ability does not turn him into food. I’d say Meta Knight is the winner.

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