Sunday, July 7, 2024

Character Analysis: Aigis

 Note: Not gonna bother worrying about SMT arguments.

I made this as part of my Patreon. New poll for the next blog will be up shortly. I think the options will be SMT focused this time.


A 7th generation Anti Shadow Android created by the Ergo labs foundation under the Kirijo Group. Aigis’ personality is based on data collected from dozens of robots from prior generations, along with a personality template taken from a sickly young girl.

Aigis was reawakened and placed on the supernatural investigation squad SEES in Persona 3. Her intended goal being to help resolve the “Dark Hour” and “Tartarus”, two supernatural phenomena caused by a Kirijo Group experiment 10 years prior. She gains a particular obsession with her leader Makoto/Kotone.

During her time on SEES she helps exterminate several supernatural “shadow” monsters under the belief that their destruction will end the Dark Hour and destroy Tarturus. This is later shown to be a lie, as the chairman Ikutsuki manipulated SEES. Destroying these specified shadows actually caused them to reform as a stronger shadow called Death, which could call down a maternal being called Nyx to destroy the planet. Aigis was even hijacked by Ikutsuki to facilitate mankind's destruction, though she is able to regain control over her autonomy. 

It’s later revealed that a large reason for Aigis’ obsession with Makoto/Kotone is due to Aigis herself having sealed the original incarnation of the Death Shadow within them 10 years ago.

At the end of Persona 3, Death aka Nyx’s avatar, calls Nyx’s body to Earth to end mankind. Makoto/Kotone use their own life energy to enact a seal that prevents Nyx’s awakening, leading to their death.

This later results in Aigis undergoing a form of depression and attempting to split her human emotions into a separate entity called Metis. This is chronicled in the plot of the “Answer” and  culminates with Aigis coming to terms with Metis’ existence, the loss of Makoto and battling against Erebus, the incarnation of mankind's desire for self destruction.

After the events of the Answer Aigis joins the Shadow Operatives, a peacekeeping force created by the Kirijo CEO Mitsuru Kirijo.


General armor

AramidSemi-Shell: AigisInitial body armor

Soul of Athena: Aigis’ strongest armor


Aigis has access to various accessories that can grant status buffs or even block elemental weaknesses. The most powerful is the Omnipotent orb, which nullifies all damage but Almighty. The Omnipotent orb is implied to function via some vague reality warping.

Answer Armor

Additional military grade body armor and supplies worn by Aigis in the Answer.


Jet Boosters 

Aigis has a large jetpack and jet boosters that can allow for short range flight.


Weapons that allow Aigis to fire bullets from her fingers as long range attacks.

Gatling Gun

A large gatling gun weapon.

Radical Cannon

A giant back laden grenade launcher.

Vulcan cannon

Guns installed in Aigis headbands.

Megido fire

Large flamethrowers embedded in Aigis limbs.

Pandora missile launcher

A large collection of missile launchers fired from an apparatus on the back.

General weapons

Aigis has access to a multitude of weapons in Persona 3. Include a Rocket punch, Grenade launcher, Railgun, Missile launcher, “Bighid’s flame” flamethrower and two weapons that use mystical power called  Pandemonium and Metatronius. She also has an Antimatter cannon attachment.

Plume of dusk

Plumes of Dusk are fragments of the maternal being Nyx. They exist in a state between matter, mind and information. They can be used to hold souls and form the base of Aigis’ soul apparatus, the Papillion Heart.


Special attacks introduced in Persona 3 reload. Aigis gained this ability via a mechanical upgrade. Aigis’ Theurgy attacks generally deal piercing damage and ignore enemy resistances. 


Database and observation tools

Aigis’ internal computer system contains a database that she can use to look up information. She also has various sensors that allow her to analyze materials, record events or keep track of teammate vitals.

Orgia mode

An overlocked mode Aigis can temporarily use. It increases attack strength and removes any status effects upon activation. Using it for too long causes Aigis to overheat, making her vulnerable for a short period.

Super Orgia mode

An enhanced Orgia mode used by pulling power from the Plume of Dusk. It grants greater strength and mobility. It also recovers ammunition. It cannot be disabled once started and always results in overheating.


A Persona is a person’s “shadow” or suppressed negative emotions, controlled and weaponized by their ego. How a Persona is gained varies from game to game, but most traditionally it involves accepting your shadow as being a part of yourself. A shadow has also been described as fragments of the mental power of Nyx, the maternal being that indirectly gifted humanify higher thought. Persona also have attributes allowing them to block, negate or resist certain elemental or physical attacks.

Connection to Gods and Demons 

Personas and Shadows take the form of Gods and Demons because they’re technically the same thing. Gods and Demons in the Persona series are manifestations of human thought, given form in unconscious worlds. This is most evident in Persona 5 where Joker directly turns the Demons he fights into new Persona.

Summoning conditions

There are various general “methods” for summoning a Persona.

Summoning via Mental world connection

A Persona is most easily summoned within a mental world in the Collective Unconscious. In a physical world it's much more difficult.

Summoning via Fear/Death

A fear of death or large physiological strain can also break down a person's subconscious barriers and allow them to summon a Persona regardless of location.

Summoning via Evoker

Evokers are tools created by the Kirijo group to facilitate Persona summoning anywhere. The gun shape helps create a fear of death and “Plumes of Dusk” installed in them help facilitate a connection to the unconscious mind. Aigis has an evoker built into her.

Loss of control

Those who are weak willed, or lack control over their shadows, may lose control over their Persona. This can lead to the Persona possessing them, killing them or fleeing from them.

Enhanced strength, durability and fighting ability

A Persona grants a person enhanced strength, durability, magical endurance and fighting prowess.

Stamina & Spiritual energy

Special Persona attacks require stamina or spiritual energy to perform. Excessive usage of a Persona can make the user tired. 

Persona breaks

If a Persona takes too much damage it can be broken temporarily. While this does not harm the user, it can result in some notable mental pain.

Time/space manipulation

Shadows and Persona users can influence space and time.

Non corporal interaction

Shadows are immune to normal forms of attack or weaponry. Only Persona users can harm them.

Spiritual awareness

Persona users are spiritually aware. It’s implied for example that Demons and Shadows can’t normally be seen if they manifest in the real world, outside of Persona users.


A Persona can grow in power and even evolve into stronger forms as the heart of the user develops.


Persona users have some natural immunities, such as resistance to mind control.

Wild Card

The wild card is the ability to utilize more than one persona. Agis inherits this ability from Makoto after his death in Persona 3.

Social links

Wild card users can siphon the power of their bonds with friends or family into energy that can amplify their Persona. This power can also be used to endure normally fatal damage or overwhelm the “will” of godly entities.

Velvet room

The velvet room is a location between mind and matter that can be used to manage Persona abilities. It’s run by Igor and Philemon. A Persona user can enter the room physically or mentally. When entering mentally they leave their physical body untouched in the real world.

Fusion & Compendium

The Velvet Room can be used to fuse new Persona and also keeps a record of old Persona that can be recalled at any time through the use of a compendium. Wild Card users can use these services mid battle via their mental link to the room.

Existence outside normal space/time

The Velvet room exists outside of normal space/time. Allowing it to connect to various time periods or timelines. 



Aigis’ default Persona is Palladion. It can transform into a large energy cannon. It blocks Poison and is weak to electricity.

  • Movie 2 29:11 Aigis uses Palladian to create an energy wave. 


Athena is Aigis’ ultimate Persona. It wields a large spear and has a shield for blocking attacks. It block pierce and poison attacks and is weak to electricity.

Persona Skills

Note: I can’t find any videos for P3 versions of some of these attacks. So just gonna use P5 footage to fill in the gaps. Aigis will probably also have access to new skills whenever the Answer DLC comes out.


Phys Skills

Various physical attack skills

Slash Skills

Strike Skills

Pierce Skills

Fire Skills

Fire explosive spells

Single target

Multi target

Ice Skills

Ice explosive skills

Single target

Multi target

Elec Skills

Electric explosive skills

Single target

Multi target

Wind Skills

Wind explosive skills

Single target 

Multi target

Light Skills

Light skills

Instant kill


Darkness Skills

Dark Skills

Instant kill


Almighty skills

Almighty are non-elemental spells. According to mainline SMT they involve some form of existence erasure. 

  • SMT If describes the Almighty element as ‘governing over destruction’ and bringing ‘death beyond death’. 

  • Velvet Blue:  “Just after, Elizabeth’s Megidolaon exploded. The golden flames stormed with a force that transformed the space itself into nothingness. Only the Persona user who cast the spell could possibly withstand it. Anything and everything would be incinerated by this flame. Despite being directly hit by the Megidolaon, the girl was completely unharmed.”

  • Velvet Blue: “A Fusion Spell— a technique which makes two simultaneously summoned Personas interact. The SEES girl had done this technique by herself, but Elizabeth was able to create a Fusion Spell with the help of Margaret. Armageddon, the same spell that had defeated Elizabeth before, eradicated each and every Shadow, leaving not even one atom in its wake. “

Explosive/offensive spells


  • Life drain (drains HP)

  • Spirit drain (drains SP)  

  • Stagnant air (Increase ailment susceptibility) 

Support Skills


Increases strength/defense/evasion

Reduces enemy strength/defense/evasion




Ailment Skills

Ailments cause status effects. 

  • Charm (Hypnotizes opponent into being an ally)

  • Distress (Lowers evasion to 0)

  • Panic/Confusion (Seals opponents skills,increases chance of critical damage, Makes opponent throw away items)

  • Poison

  • Fear (Paralyzes opponent or makes the opponent flee)

  • Enrage (makes opponent attack without pause)

Multi-target Moves

Tentarafoo (Panic) : 

Evil smile: (Fear) : 

Ghastly Wail: Instant kills any fearful foes.

Eerie Sound(Distress)

Poison Mist(Poison)

Sexy Dance(Charm)

Infuriate (Rage)

Healing Skills

Healing spells



Healing/healing ailments

Passive Skills

  • Boost/Amp skills : Increases strength of elemental skills

  • Misc stat modifiers

  • Null/Absorb skills: Gives Persona an ability to absorb or nullify a given element

  • Regeneration 3: Recovers HP over time

  • Invigorate 3: Recovers SP over time

PQ 1-2 skills

  • Salome's kiss : Binds a characters strength skills, magic skills and movement

  • Sleep,confusion,poison, stun, decay, silence, lethargy circle: Induces ailment on opponent repeatedly.



  • P3 Movie 4 10:4:56 Aigis lifts a giant Persona used by Strega



  • P3 Movie 4 5:54 The P3 cast survives a giant bridge exploding


Explaining the Collective Unconscious

The Collective Unconscious is a paranormal location created by the mental connection and experiences of all living things on the planet. It was created in response to Nyx, an alien creature from outside of reality. Nyx fused their mental energy with Earth primitive lifeforms and those lifeforms internalized Nyx’s spirit as a part of themselves, and used that energy to create the Collective Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious acts as a seal against Nyx’s mind regaining autonomy. 

Sea of Souls

The Sea of Souls is the location in the Collective Unconscious where all human souls originate from and return to after death.


The Collective Unconscious is connected to alternate timelines. This includes both times of each Persona 2 game, Persona 3 Portable’s female route and an infinite number of other timelines not directly shown.

Locations outside of normal space/time

Many locations in the Collective Unconscious exist outside of normal space/time.


It’s implied that locations in the Collective Unconscious have a “depth” or distance from the physical world. This depth is described as infinite.

  • P2E Kadath Mandala is a realm where archetypes of Persona and Demons slumber and is one level “shallower” than Philemon and  Nyarlothotep’s realms

Nyx’s Avatar

Aigis aided in fighting Nyx’s avatar, Roiji. It’s implied that Roiji himself wasn’t much different than the true Nyx sealed in the moon.


Aigis helps fight Erebus.


Aigis is on par with the Persona 4 cast and Yu, who fought Izanami.

  • P2E Izanami appears in P2E and fights a Tatsuya who has lived through Innocent sin. This means Tatsuya would have already fought Nyarlothotep and an avatar of Philemon


Aigis aided in defeating Chronis, a God of time and Death.


Aigis has fought alongside Joker, who defeated Yaldabaoth.


Aigis aided in fighting Enil. A God who created various cinema realms in the Collective Unconscious.


Aigis in general has interacted with most Persona 3 users onward and should also be comparable to other Wild Card users.

  • Movie 4 1:11:58 Makoto survived a blow from Nyx Avatar that dispersed a ton of clouds


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