Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Army Analysis: Bowser's Soldiers

 General background

The army Bowser uses to wage war against the Mushroom Kingdom, and/or whatever bad guy happened to piss him off on a given day. It’s important to note that Bowser’s Army is organized, with captains, divisions and actual leaders. Most prominent being the captain Goomba.


The lowest ranking members of Bowser’s army. Goombas are essentially walking mushrooms without arms (Yet somehow they’re still able to hold objects).  They have a moderate amount of combat abilities.


Goombas can dash into opponents with a headbutt attack. In some games they can jump into the air and head bash opponents.


Some Goombas have wings, allowing them to fly. Such Goombas are called ParaGoombas.

Flying Goombas PMTYD 

ParaGoombas SPM 

Kuribo shoe

The Kirubo shoe is a giant green boot Goombas can ride in and use to stomp opponents.


Goombas can bite into foes as an attack.


Goombas in Mario RPG can also shoot needles from their mouths as an attack.


Smaller Goombas that flying Goombas can drop on foes to deal damage.

Spiked Helmets

Goombas can wear spiked hats to protect themselves from being stomped


Goombas can use the tanooki leaf power-up to take on the form of Bowser, along with his associated powers.


The second most common troops under Bowser’s command. The koopas are a race of bipedal turtles, and are most known for the durable shells they can duck into for defense. They have several methods of attack.


Some Koopas can gain wings, allowing them to fly. These are called ParaKoopas.

Dash attacks/shell bash

Most Koopas either dash into their foes or duck into their shell while ramming opponents as an attack.


Koopas are capable of wearing protective metallic armor in some games.

Shell projectiles

A Koopa's shell is removable, allowing them to be picked up and thrown as a form of weaponry. 


Sentient walking Bombs. Bob-ombs double as artillery for Bowser’s mechs and as ground soldiers. They can dash attack opponents, but they’re main form of offense is to detonate themselves to create massive explosions. It should be noted that the explosions they cause do not harm them.

Piranha plants

Living plants with large mouths and sharp teeth. They live mostly in pipes, but are capable of tunneling underground, and sometimes even sprouting plant-like legs to walk.

They also have an assortment of other abilities like

Fire breath

Piranha Plants can breathe fire balls.


Piranha Plants can use their large mouths to bite into opponents.

Poisonous breath

Piranha Plants can poison foes with toxic breath clouds.

Petal blast

Finally Piranha plants can cast spells that create a torrent of razor blade like petals.


Ghost-like entities that serve as paranormal forces in Bowser’s army. They have many ghostly abilities that set him apart from the rest of his troop. It should be noted that while some Boos are shy to be looked at, many do not maintain that weakness during more intense battles.


A Boos most useful abilities are the power to become invisible and intangible. Allowing them to disappear out of sight or phase through solid objects easily. They can even force these traits onto other objects, causing objects or people to phase out of reality as well.


Boos can change their outer appearance. Disguising themselves as somebody else.


It’s implied that since Boos are already dead, they’re technically immortal.


Boos can also combine themselves into larger Boos or split themselves into smaller ones.

Pocket dimension creation

Boos can create pocket dimensions using paranormal power.


Boos can easily teleport to and steal objects from opponents in the Mario Party games.


Ghosts can take control of inanimate objects, such as suits or armor. Boos themselves can even hide in such objects.


Boos can teleport short distances


Small turtle-like creatures that ride on magic flying clouds. They can throw spiked turtle-like creatures called spinies as an attack and can create lighting strikes.  In Paper Mario it’s also shown the clouds they ride on can create massive gusts of wind.

Chain Chomps

Living metal balls with massive teeth and dog-like mannerisms. They chase after and bite into foes as their main form of attack. Sometimes they’re chained to objects and sometimes they’re allowed to roam free

Shy Guys

Shy Guys are small humanoid creatures that act as foot soldiers and have some of the most diverse move sets out of Bowser’s army. They have a large combination of weaponry, equipment and magical abilities to give them an edge against opponents. They’re notably acrobatic when fighting.

Stilts/Pogo sticks

Shy guys can use stilts and pogo sticks as a means of transportation.


Shy guys have multiple methods for flight. Some have wings, some tie balloons to themselves, others have helicopter hats and some have flying capsules.

Melee weapons

Shy Guys can use various melee weapons. Including Swords, shields, spears, jump ropes, maces and hammers.

Projectile weapons

Shy Guys have numerous projectile weapons, including slingshots, bombs and vegetables.


Shy guys can replace the masks on their face with new masks with a variety of separate properties. Such masks can fire cannon balls, lasers, and snowballs.


Some Shy Guys can heal allies


Shy guys can manipulate electric energy. Either to charge melee weapons with electric power or cast electric projectile spells.


Shy Guys can also control fire. Allowing them to fire fireballs or set themselves ablaze to prevent foes from touching them.

Spinning/Tornado generation

Shy guys can spin at rapid speeds to hit opponents or create miniature tornados.


Shy Guys can pilot large airships BIS and 


Koopa variants that specialize in various melee and elemental weapons. They come in 4 basic variants, Hammer, Fire, Ice and Boomerang.

Hammer Bros

Hammer Bros attack their foes either by swinging or throwing hammers. In some games these hammers can shrink the opponents they hit.

Fire Bros

Fire Bros throw fireballs at opponents.


Boomerang bros throw boomerangs at opponents. Naturally these projectiles return to them when thrown.

Ice Bros

Bros that throw ice balls at opponents. These ice balls can freeze opponents solid.


Magic oriented Koopas. They typically fly on brooms like witches and cast various offensive and defensive spells.

Magic projectile spells

Magical projectile spells. These typically take the form of various shapes in a cluster of energy.


Magikoopas can teleport, allowing them to maneuver around foes.


Magikoopas can magically generate objects or allies out of nothing.

Healing/Status buffs

Magikoopas can cast a variety of status buffs. Such as increasing defense or strength, and healing allies.


Magikoopas can cast several fire spells, such as those that create blasts or rings of fire.

Undead units

Many of Bowser’s allies have “undead” forms, including Koopas, Lakitus, Shy Guys, Goombas and Piranha plants. Typically these undead forms take the form of skeletons or ghosts, with the former being able to reform themselves if broken apart. 

Dry Bones

Dry Bones are the undead form of Koopas. They have a skeletal form and can throw bones at enemies as an attack.

Fishing Boo

Undead Lakitus. They take the form of ghosts riding clouds and can swing around balls of fire on a fishing line.


Undead ghostly shy guys. They can attack foes with scythes and perform a variety of elemental magic spells.

Dry Piranha plants

Piranha Plants in a skeletal form. Outside being undead, they’re abilities remain the same.

Misc army wide abilities


Anyone in Bowser’s army is capable of using various Mario power ups. Including mega mushrooms, tanooki leafs, cat bells, and RPG items like the stop watch(which stops time).

General strength

As a whole Bowser’s minions all have super strength and durability. For example..

General scaling

Bowser’s minions at their best are capable of holding their own against high tiers in the Mario verse, at least as a group.

General resistance

Bowser’s army has resistance to mind control, via sheer loyalty to Bowser. Having been shown to be resistant to brainwashing from Fawful in the “Bowser’s Minions” side game. Bowser Jr also creates an antidote that can counteract brainwashing in “Bowser Jr’s Journey”.

Special skills

Special skills are various special abilities Bowser’s army can activate when in certain combinations with each other. Ranging from increasing offense/defense , casting debuffs on an opponent, performing team attacks, ECT.

Captain commands

Captain commands are special abilities that can be used by captains in Bowser’s army. They can take the form of special attacks, healing, buffs, ETC

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