Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Sanji vs Rock Lee Mini Q and A

 Q. "Did you feel proud looking at Lee's chapter gap"

A. Nah it sucked. Lee deserved better.

Q. "Can I see the 13c one-piece calc"


Luffy Waits Patiently for Light to Reach Him (Luffy VS Pacifista)


10 frames between Luffy crouching and standing

Image #1


Luffy (crouched) height: 73 px

Assuming a crouch is ½ total height

Luffy (standing) height: 174 cm

Luffy (crouched) height: 87 cm

(I’m using this calculator for the equations below)

Using standard FOV of 70

2*atan(object_size/(panel_height/tan(FOV/2))) = degrees

2*atan(73/(1080/tan(70/2))) = 5.419441753122

Plug those numbers into this calculator for the distance!

Click “Distance” and then fill out the degree and the object size.

Luffy’s crouched height is the object size, which is 87 cm.

Distance: 919.1 cm

Image #2


Luffy (standing) height: 147 px

Luffy (standing) height: 174 cm

Using standard FOV of 70

2*atan(object_size/(panel_height/tan(FOV/2))) = degrees

2*atan(147/(1080/tan(70/2))) = 10.888378337166

Plug those numbers into this calculator for the distance!

Click “Distance” and then fill out the degree and the object size.

Luffy’s standing height is the object size, which is 174 cm.

Distance: 912.85 cm

Distance light travelled while Luffy stood:

919.1 - 912.85

= 6.25 cm

Distance Luffy travelled while standing: 87 cm

Luffy’s speed: 


= 13.9 times FTL

Q. "I want to know how fast they think One Piece characters can legitimately be"

A. Around mid to high-double digit c.

Q. "I'm curious about how high Guy's 7th Gate island explosion gets"

A. It got a little under 5 gigatons when we calc'd it for All Might VS. Might Guy

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