Sunday, November 15, 2020

Character Analysis: Blue team(Feat Grand)



While Red Team’s beginnings are quite “humble”, Blue Team goes back to the core of Project: Freelancer, a military corporation with the goal of making the best of the best soldiers. For this, their Freelancers were to be equipped with special equipment such as strength enhancements and invisibility, but they needed an A.I in order to function properly. Enter the Director of the project, Leonard Church, who created an A.I replica of himself which was named Alpha. Unfortunately, the project could not create more A.I’s, so instead, they tortured and fragmented the Alpha, separating traits such as its logic, creativity, trust, memories, etc.

However, when the project’s progress went south, the Director needed to hide the Alpha A.I from some of his rogue Freelancers. Thus, Agent Florida of the project was sent to gather a group of simulation troopers and put them at “war” with each other as a way of monitoring the Alpha and preparing their remaining agents for “the big fight”. He assumed the name Captain Flowers, stuck the Alpha into a Private by the name of Private Jimmy’s head so it had a host body and believed itself to be Leonard Church, and assigned Lavernius Tucker to the team as well.

This trio “fought” the Red Team of Blood Gulch for a period of time, but eventually Captain Flowers died of an aspirin overdosage, and the Blues got a new team member: Michael J. Caboose, as well as a tank which used the same A.I as Project Freelancer, F.I.L.S.S, though they renamed her to Sheila. Their final team member was Agent Texas of Project: Freelancer, a recreation of the Director’s late wife, who joined the Blue Team for their conquest against the Reds after being called in shortly after Caboose and Sheila (and Church) accidentally killed Church… but don’t worry, he’s an AI so they came back fine. The team of five lived on! For about five volumes, at least.


Leonard Church

The unofficial leader of the Blue Team, Church is known for being a huge prick and having somewhat of a short temper. He’s also the Alpha AI from Project: Freelancer, based off the director of the project. The Alpha was destroyed at the end of Volume 6 along with all of the AI fragments besides Epsilon. It was capable of possessing people through their armor. He also has really bad aim when it comes to guns.

Lavernius Tucker

Tucker is a womanizer and perverted man. He began as a lazy soldier who mostly just wanted to stand around and talk with his friends, but eventually grew more respectable after being part of an alien prophecy and being mentored by Agent Washington, eventually proving vital to saving the planet Chorus from the Space Pirates.

Michael J. Caboose

While many of the Reds and Blues are incompetent, Caboose is the only one who is truly dumb. After spending a lot of time with the Omega AI stuck in his head, he developed a happy-go-lucky, ignorant personality who didn’t quite understand a lot of what happened around him. He also gained an amazing amount of strength however, and is the strongest and has the best stamina of all the Blood Gulch crew. Now if only he was capable of killing people who weren’t his teammates, he might be set for life.


The FILSS AI from Project: Freelancer. She was installed in an M808V Main Battle Tank that was given to the Blue Team during one of their tanks, and was renamed to Sheila by Church and Caboose. As a tank, she had an impressive canon that managed to send the Warthog jeep flying and killed Church in one-shot. She was difficult for many of the Blues to drive however, and despite having a tutorial program, they never seemed to figure out why there were six petals on her if there were only four directions. The Sheila that the Blues were familiar with was destroyed when they uploaded her AI to a Pelican plane which crash-landed in Vahalla.

Agent Texas

A Freelancer from Project Freelancer, and the best of the best of them. Tex was a failed clone of the Director’s wife Allison, who had died during a battle. He had since spent his life trying to bring her back, with many failed attempts. After going rogue from the project, Tex was was hired by Caboose and Tucker to help them defeat the Red Team after Church died in Volume 1, and stuck around with them since then to help them defeat the Reds. She went missing after her ship crashed at the end of Volume 5, and was defeated in combat by the Meta and trapped in the Epsilon AI unit. She met her end when Epsilon decided to let go and forget her, and Allison was put to rest alongside her husband after Epsilon and Agent Carolina managed to complete their mission of destroying what remained of the project.


Mark VI Armor

While the armor aren’t touched upon very much throughout Red VS Blue canon, they should be similar to the armor seen in Halo, as described by Church in Volume 6. This armor includes features such as:

  • Helmet made of Titanium

  • Titanium Alloy Outer Shell

  • Titanium Nanocomposite Bodysuit

  • Hydrostatic Gel

  • Reactive Metal Liquid Crystal Layer

  • Magnetic Weapon Holder Strips

  • Energy Shields

  • Pressure Seal

  • Automatic Biofoam Injectors

  • Fusion Reactor

  • Force-Multiplying Circuits

  • Reactive Circuits

  • Power Supply Control Unit

  • Mjolnir Mark VI BIOS

  • Lock-Down System

This is the armor used by Church, Tucker, and Tex.

Mark V Armor

The armor used by Caboose as he never upgraded after leaving Blood Gulch. As such, it doesn’t quite have everything that the Mark VIs do, but it’s still got plenty to get by, such as:

  • Titanium Helmet

  • Titanium Alloy Outer Shell

  • Titanium Nanocomposite Bodysuit

  • Hydrostatic Gel

  • Reactive Metal Liquid Crystal Layer

  • Magnetic Weapon Holder Strips

  • Shields

  • Pressure Seal

  • Biofoam Injector Port

  • Fusion Reactor

  • Force-Multiplying Circuits

  • Reactive Circuits

  • Power Supply Control Unit



A standard hand gun. Used by all members of Blue Team.

Battle Rifle

The standard rifle for all soldiers. Better range and more rounds than the Magnum. Used by all members of the Blue Team.

Sub Machine Gun

Another standard soldier weapon, though this is used mainly just by Tucker and Texas.

Sniper Rifle

A long-range weapon that’s extremely powerful. Normally wielded by Church, but he has absolutely abysmal aim with it (though he manages to hit things every once in a while). His time has been better spent using it just as a telescope. Tex has also held one and been considerably better with it, as well as Tucker on the very few occasions he’s had it.

Assault Rifle

Used by Caboose. He had his AI pet Freckles’ chip put into it, so it’s an AI controlled Assault Rifle. Freckles can overtake the gun himself to auto fire, has auto targeting, as well as a safety lock that shoots out confetti to prevent Caboose from killing his own teammates.


Great Key

Tucker’s signature weapon is an energy sword that he got from a bunch of aliens. Can be used for some swish-swish-stab action. While Tucker has gotten pretty good with it, capable of taking down a few Texas clones, he still isn’t properly trained in combat and has mostly just been winging it the entire way through. Lucky for him, the sword can only be used by Tucker, and won’t activate if anyone else tries to use it.

Armor Enhancements

Used by Agent Texas. Tex can use them to enhance her strength greatly beyond that of normal soldiers, as well as camouflage herself to appear invisible.


Used by Tucker and Tex. Agent Texas used landmines and planted explosions through her battle with the Meta and Agent Washington. When she attacked Red Base in Volume 1, she used a sticky grenade to knock out Private Donut. Tucker used a similar weapon when fighting the Meta in Volume 8.


  • Tex flipped over Sheila. Assuming she’s comparable to Halo tanks, she would weigh 66 metric tons.

  • A clone of Tex lifted a giant crate, which Tucker cut through with his sword.

  • Caboose carried a bomb that even Tex couldn’t pick up

  • Tucker had an alien baby and became the prophetic hero of said alien baby’s race alongside his son. He named him Junior.

  • Tucker and Caboose are the last surviving members of the original Blue Team. Helped stop the Meta, Project Freelancer, Space Pirates, and the Blues and Reds.

  • Tucker punched a cyclops in the balls.

  • Tex defeated Simmons, Grif, Sarge and Tucker

  • Agent Texas was number one on the Project Freelancer leaderboards.

  • All of them regularly dodged gun fire.

  • Tucker, Caboose and Church all survive a 50 megaton bomb.

  • It was primarily the Blue Team who killed Agent Wyoming.

  • Caboose overpowers several Tex clones after going into his “rage mode”


As a group, the Blue Team are pretty efficient, though they each individually have their own problems. Church has a horrible aim, Caboose is pretty much a dunce, no one really knows how to properly use Sheila, and as Tex is based on the memory of the Director’s late wife, she is always doomed to fail. This seems a bit inconsistent however, as she does manage to beat the Reds and Tucker in a fight, and managed to stay at the top of the Freelancer leaderboard throughout her time in Project Freelancer.

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