Sunday, July 26, 2020

Character Analysis: Galaxia(Feat DJTiki)

Ultraguy: Since people don't pay attention. I should probably reiterate that I don't literally write every profile on this account myself.

When discussing notes regarding Sailor Moon, it is imperative to take into account the original writings of Naoko Takeuchi,. There are multiple continuities and not all of them are the same, even though they follow a similar blueprint of structure.

Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon, the original 1992 TV anime, follows Takeuchi’s writing but it had a lot of unnecessary and contradicting filler to pad out times between manga chapter releases. Non-contradicting feats and supporting evidence from here are referenced. There are also three movies that are original Sailor Moon stories not present in Takeuchi’s writing and can be used.

Sailor Moon Crystal, the reimagined anime beginning in 2014 and ongoing today, following the original manga more closely. As it is closer to the blueprint of the manga, Crystal will be used when providing context to certain feats for the manga.

Sailor Moon is the original manga run by Naoko Takeuchi in 1991 and is the primary source.


(as it is told in the manga, the anime backstory is completely different)

Sailor Scout Title: Sailor Galaxia

Birth Name: Unknown

Gender: Female

Age: at least hundreds of years (physically 25)

Species: Humanoid (not of Earth)

Sailor of Destruction

Holder of the Sapphire Crystal

Leader of Shadow Galactica

Likes: Causing death wherever she goes, conquering civilizations, expensive jewelry, making Sailor Moon’s life miserable, the color gold, sitting

Dislikes: Trash, ugly planets and stars, Chaos, being opposed, patience

Born on a deserted and unloving planet, Sailor Galaxia had resented weak and unappealing things, from planets to stars. She was forced to scour what she described as a living hell for an unknown amount of time. It was then that she discovered that she received her Sapphire Crystal and her fate as a Sailor Scout, the Sailor of Destruction. After realizing her abilities, she deemed her home planet unworthy and scoured the galaxy for a rightful place to call home, all the while destroying everything that got in her way.

She eventually found herself face-to-face with Wiseman, one of the many, many incarnations of a primordial evil named Chaos, who informed her about the Sagittarius Zero Star, the place where all things in the universe are born. Upon arriving there, teaming up with Chaos, and etching her own castle, she put her plan into motion.

Galaxia decided her objective would be to kill Sailor Scouts across the galaxy in an effort to prove herself the strongest. Her arrogant and cutthroat demeanor stuck not only fear, but respect to all she came across. Eventually, inhabitants of the planets she targeted would kill their own Sailor Scouts / planet protectors to join Galaxia’s ranks under her Shadow Galactica empire. Under her reign, her followers would receive power necessary to combat even the strongest Sailor Scouts who ever lived, making her the most dangerous threat to the future of the universe.

Apparently, all of this murder was a cover-up as she planned to utilize the Silver Crystal, owned by Usagi / Sailor Moon, to kill Chaos before he inevitably double-crossed her. By killing Chaos, she aimed to end all misery and war across the universe with herself as its champion. In order to properly capture the Silver Crystal, Galaxia set out to torture Sailor Moon by not only killing her friends, but everything she held dear to her to force Usagi to use the full extent of her unlimited potential in their battle.

Sources: Act 55 (18 - 22), Act 54 (23 - 26) Act 56 (32), Act 59 (5 - 6, 34)

The Sapphire Crystal is a True Star Seed, the crystals gifted by planets to an individual whom they deem worthy. It contains their essence and concept of powers, acting as a Sailor Scout’s battery and soul. Without it, a Sailor Scout would cease to exist. The Sapphire Crystal in particular is the antecedent to the Silver Crystal, and boasts extraordinary destructive capabilities (as opposed to the Silver Crystal having restoration abilities). With it, Galaxia stands as the universe’s strongest Sailor Scout in sheer destructive output, second only to Sailor Moon overall . It can destroy planets with a mere gesture. While not explicitly stated, the Sapphire Crystal may boast unlimited energy being comparable to the Silver Crystal (stated numerous times to be infinite) and Wiseman’s Dark Crystal, which was also stated to have infinite power.

Sailor Galaxia’s secondary piece of equipment but all the more powerful. They are golden bracelets created through her own power that when worn gives the user unique abilities. Galaxia can endow people with bracelets for their loyalty in return. Removing the bracelets means instant death.

Power Boost - users receive destructive power that can compete with the strongest Scouts: Eternals, Divinity, and the Starlights.

Galactica Techniques - grants the user a series of techniques named after Galaxia*. Including generic energy blasts, these abilities are:

Galactica Crunch - absorbs incoming energy projectiles.

Galactica Tsunami - a water-based energy attack that is comparable to a typhoon

Galactica Tornado - a wind-based energy attack much similar to a tornado

Galactica Myosotis Alpestris - seemingly just another powerful projectile attack

Galactica Inflation** - surrounds the user with an aura of dark, negative lightning and can be used as a direct physical attack.

Galactica Puppet - energy tendrils that restrains opponents with negative electricity

Galactica Plants Blizzard - able to create and uproot massive murderous plants from within the soil to restrain and damage opponents

Galactica Super String** - Galaxia’s primary ability. Creates a wave of cosmic energy around her that she can direct and fire at victims.

Deflection - users can shield themselves and the bracelets will deflect incoming energy projectiles, even spells created by Sailor Moon.

Star Seed Removal (Only used in the anime) - perhaps the most potent ability. By shooting golden balls of energy, the Galactica Bracelets can remove someone’s Star Seed. In the Sailor Moon universe, every living being possesses a Star Seed which is essentially their soul and essence. Without it, a living being would cease to be.

* While not all the techniques are used by Galaxia herself, there is no reason to assume she can’t use them, considering they were abilities passed down through the Galactica Bracelets to those, who previously, had no power to begin with.

** These are techniques used by Galaxia herself.

Powers & Abilities

Sailor Scouts
While specific abilities, such as elemental attacks and specialty prowess (like Mercury’s technology or Pluto’s time manipulation) is different between Scouts in general, having a Sailor Crystal / being a Sailor Scout grants you abilities that all other Scouts receive. These include the following:

Superhuman Status: As a Sailor Scout, the user is granted superhuman strength, superspeed, and a great amount of endurance to boot. They easily outclass any human in physicality.

Magic: While the nature of their magic is specific to each given Sailor Scout, they are able to channel magic throughout their body. They can shoot it out towards targets, deflect it, and even directly counter spells with barriers.

Healing Factor: Once transformed, a Sailor Scout will heal any injuries incurred previously. Overtime, damage done to the body is repaired, though it is not instantaneous, but a few hours is usually what it takes to repair all physical damage back to normal.

Flight: The ability to fly, every Sailor Scout has it. It’s not tied to a power supply. As long as they are transformed, they can fly for indefinite periods of time.

Enhanced Senses: Sailor Scouts are immediately able to sense danger and radiating power given off by other Scouts. It gives them a sixth sense in detecting the presence of other auras. They are even able to hide their own aural presence from others.

Environment Protection: A Sailor Scout can exist anywhere that light is able to freely flow in (which is everywhere except in a black hole). This means they can survive extreme temperatures, intense gravity, and even the vacuum of space.

Mental Fortitude: They can resist low-level brainwashing and having their personalities altered entirely.

Shapeshifting & Disguises: A Sailor Scout can disguise themselves into different clothing. When they are not transformed, they have a Civilian State which allows them to live normal lives (essentially their superhero alter-egos, i.e a Clark Kent to Superman). They need to be transformed to make the best use of their abilities.

Non-Corporeal Interaction: Sailor Scouts are in-tune with the spirit and can see ghosts, spirits, and even free-flowing energy. They can interact with it as they please. Some especially powerful entities can even project their spirit outside of their body.

Immortality: With a True Star Seed / Sailor Crystal, the body will not age past the physical age of 25. While they can be killed in battle, a Sailor Scout cannot die of old age.

Energy Manipulation: Sailor Scouts are the masters of their own energy reserves and can utilize it to their liking. They can pass it on to other people, combine it with outside forces, or even shield people to even large cities with their energy.

Erasure Resistances: Sailor Scouts has resistances towards having their essence removed.

These are the abilities tailored towards Galaxia (contradictory abilities like Chaos Galaxia and her sword are excluded as they are not supported by the original writing):

Golden Lightning: she can summon golden lightning from the clouds. They act as more along the lines of energy, though they can take the shape of large nukes that destroy anything in a given vicinity. She can conjure it in her hand as well.

Dark Lightning: similar to her golden lightning but a black variant. It is formed by her aura. Not much changes but she can fire them as black balls of energy which essentially does the same thing as golden lightning with explosive effects.

Repulsive Force: she can send a wind-like force to repel anything, from energy projectiles to other people.

Energy Balls: standard and generic pure energy blasts for the express purpose of damaging others.

Energy Whip: she can conjure up a golden whip to slap others with.

Instant Teleportation: exactly what it says. Galaxia can teleport however she wishes.

Barriers: invisible barriers that block incoming attacks, magic or physical.

Thought Projection: able to give messages telepathically and project images, even within dreams. She cannot attack others using this. It’s a more communicative ability.

Astral Projection: she can project her spirit or energy onto the battlefield.

Dimension Trapping: she can transport people into her own dimension where there are no normal means of escape.

Destruction: the Sapphire Crystal allows Galaxia to destroy anything: people, planets, and even large stars. She can atomize anything and reduce it to nothing by simple gestures (like pointing) regardless of its size. Her destruction tailored abilities can be countered though.


(ANIME-ONLY) dictates that it is an anime feat not supported by other mediums.

Strength & Attack Potency

Her transformation proceeded to completely annihilate Tokyo.

Destroyed Galaxy TV Headquarters by nuking it with Golden Lightning. (19:37)

Her arrival on Earth proceeded to shroud the entirety of Earth in darkness. (16:37)

Galaxia destroyed a planet.

While fighting the Starlights, created explosions larger than portions of the Milky Way Galaxy

Caused disruptions across space-time even in the distant 30th Century.

Broke the seal on Queen Nehelenia. (14:25) (ANIME-ONLY)

Destroyed the Holy Grail, the source of transformation for Sailor Moon’s strongest forms.


Undoubtedly, the strongest opponent Sailor Moon has ever faced.
Sailor Saturn destroying Pharaoh 90 and the Tau Nebula.

Chibi-Chibi sends out a distress signal and Chibiusa arrives with backup in mere moments.

Neo Queen Serenity’s giving her power to Sailor Moon lights up the entire universe.  (ANIME)

Sailor Scouts resisting erasure from existence. (Physical, Spiritual, Temporal)

Stronger than all of her minions and Eternal-level / Crystal Power Scouts combined.


Allergic to getting off her ass and doing anything in the anime.

These are from three different episodes. She doesn’t walk anywhere until Episode 197 of the 200 episodes produced.

Collects all of the galaxy’s star seeds only to just throw them away as easily.


Should she find something worth protecting and not destroy, the Sapphire Crystal will backfire on Galaxia, killing her and destroying the stone with it.

Oftentimes pretty arrogant, and rightfully so, since no one has beaten her in a real fight even after her death.

With enough power(he meant resistance), it is possible to counter her destruction powers that the Sapphire Crystal grants her. There is a limit to how much power she can output at one time.

In the anime, a strong-will can resist the effects of wearing the Galactica Bracelets (the mind control slavery part).