Monday, September 27, 2021

Goku Black vs Reverse Flash Q and A


 "The following is the opinion of only those involved in its writing. It is not officially endorsed by Rooster Teeth Productions or necessarily representative of the views of the Death Battle staff at large."

          Dragon Ball cosmology questions

Can you explain Dragon ball Microcosm scaling

Ok so one of the big things with the size of the Dragon ball universe is that it’s technically larger than a normal universe. Essentially the whole thing is in a sphere, with “heaven” taking up part of that sphere outside what we would consider the mortal universe. Being the bottom. The universe also extends outside this bubble, with the “land of the kais” which the supreme kai planet floats around in. Whenever a character threatens to destroy universe 7, they have to go to each of these places.

We normally assume the mortal universe is the volume of our observable universe and that’s it. In order to find the volumes and lengths for everything else we turn the volume of the mortal universe into a number of px3, then say that’s equal to the 4e80 of our universe. Then cross reference that with the volume of everything else.

Mortal world diameter=325px


Mortal world height=140px

Earth+heaven world diameter=334px


Heaven height=201px

Kai dimension=90px

Kai radius-45px

Demon realm height=31px

Everything diameter=573px


Volume of mortal world=7,409,551 px3 =4e80m3


Volume of heaven + earth=19,509,135 px3=1.0531885e+81m3

Volume of kai world=381,704px3=2.0606053e+79

Volume of demon realm=9930px3=5.3606487e+77m3

Volume of everything=98,505,956px3=5.3177828e+81m3

Volume of everything=5.3177828e+81m3 (13.29x)

Is the microcosm cannon?

Yes it was shown in the super manga. Many of its locations are also directly shown in the 90s anime, video games, and multiple designs from atwork over the years

Akira also  created the microcosm idea himself, and has repeatedly referred to it over the years

Akira mentions he drew the afterlife map as a reference to the animation studio.

The afterlife was another place besides Earth that became the setting of the story, after Planet Namek. What kind of style did you think up the afterlife?

For God’s temple, I gave it a comparatively mysterious feeling, but on the other hand I thought it’d be good to have the afterlife be realistic. So Enma-daiō and the oni all wore suits like salary-men. I think you can see this by looking at the world map in this book, but there’s a thing called the airport to Heaven. The background on that is that the people who go to Heaven all have to go by plane. This complete map was originally background information that I drew at the request of the anime people, but I took this opportunity to add the Kaiōshin World, which wasn’t included in the complete map before, to make it perfect. In truth, this complete world map is something I made after I finished drawing the story, to make everything consistent. (laughs) With me, I think up the story in advance, then come up with the world’s background information to be consistent with it. I guess that if I was a normal cartoonist who did things properly, I’d think up the background information first and then come up with the story. Saying that, you’d think that I don’t really think through anything. There’s a vague image, even before I create the story. (laughs)

Akira again mentions that he came up with the microcosm idea for dragon ball and how it works. Also mentions Zeni is equal to Yen in value. Akira also explains that saiyans stay young for long periods of time before rapidly aging.

How did you come up with the ball-like cosmos?

I think it’s something I came up with so both I and the readers would be able to grasp the atmosphere of it easily. The big ball in the center is the world known as “this life” and “the afterlife”, and the one who watches over it from outside is Kaiōshin. Only, at the bottom, as though in opposition, a Makaiōshin2 exists, and governs evil. (Although right now, Kaiōshin’s power appears to be greater.) 

Akira again references the spherical world of dragon ball. It’s clearly still canon

Q8: What sort of place is the Demon Realm?

Toriyama: It’s a hideout for mages!

The Demon Realm is located in the universe, but its scale is very small, the size of a hideout for mages. The mages live in the Demon Realm like evil goblins.

Fusion: Inside Scoop

The Secret Behind the Spherical World

Toriyama: I thought up the ball-like world so that it’d be easy for both me and the readers to wrap our minds around!

The central big ball has the worlds called the living world and afterlife, and the Kaiōshin oversee all that from the outside. As their antithesis, at the bottom of the big ball are the Makaiōshin, who govern evil. Currently, it seems the Kaiōshins’ power is superior.

Does DB only have 4 galaxies? 

-It’s specifically stated  in the world guides that the Dragonball universe is not 4 galaxies in the conventional sense. It’s stated in the universe definition that the universe there are "nebulae" composed of innumerable stars, and there are "galaxies" composed of innumerable nebulae.

Jaco also refutes this idea of there only being “4 galaxies” in Dragon Ball Super

  • DBS ep 31 4:40 Jaco says the galaxy Earth is in is large and that there’s countless galaxies in the universe

DB have separate space-times
The different locations on the DB map are separated by barriers of sorts, which you normally can't cross without certain abilities or authority. For example Goku falls into hell during Z filler, and a cloud barrier prevents him from traveling back to snake way. This is what people mean by DB having multiple space/times, though it should be made clear they all still exist on the same "timeline". It's more along the lines of having multiple adjacent pocket dimensions taking up the same space.

Is the Dragon Ball universe infinite and ever expanding

There’s a “handful” of statements that can be interpreted this way. In addition to the quote from the world guides above, you have these..

The unknown, explored only by that which is small. An infinite space filled with light and darkness."

‘Infinitely expansive universe”

main-qimg-0a8bd2d29981b1c2d5ca5a7dae17e146.png (602×444) (

"The infinitely expanding universe is determined mainly by the direction that each king manages, and the place managed by the king is supervised by the king of the world, and the gods of the north, south, east and west Manage the universe. Ultimately, the Great King God is supposed to oversee the whole world. "

1ae3acdaf6c17e01f6a0be6d7ff6cbea41324cf7r1-996-386v2_hq.jpg (996×386) (

"The darkness that stretches out into infinity and illuminates galaxies. Dozens to hundreds millions of light years away, beyond the light of the stars, there are uncountable monsters beyond imagination."

However it’s pretty likely that most of these cases are simply flowery language. We’ve seen the microcasims from the outside before, and they have a set design. It’s also specifically stated that earth is on the edge of universe 7 and it's a plot point the DBZ characters had to travel to the center of their universe to use the dragon radar to locate the super dragon balls. Neither of those statements would be possible if the universe was infinite in size.

DBS ep 29 21:05 Bulma explains that earth is on the edge of the universe and that to find the super dragon balls they need to move the radar more towards the center.

Bulma says the universe has an edge in the manga

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General Goku Black questions

Can you explain Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue

Super Saiyan blue is essentially a combination of the Super saiyain God form and the standard Super saiyan form. This creates a hybridized form with blue hair. That's how form was described to work in art books leading up to the revival of F. As well as why Super Saiyan Blue was originally called Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. Super Saiyan Blue is literally the Super Saiyan version of Super Saiyan god.

  • Revival F 1:02:19 Goku takes on the SSGSS form for the first time. Later renamed SS blue. It’s stated to be the SS form of SS god

  • DBS ep 24 20:29 Goku explains that he learned to tap into the power of SSG on his own and that Blue is the SS level of that form

Is Goku’s base form as Strong as Super Saiyan God was in the super first arc

Edit: Please read this entire section rather than paraphrasing a single line. People seem to be unclear about what it's actually saying.

Essentially when Goku “absorbs' ' the god form when fighting Beerus he gains access to a new form. This is the “beyond Saiyan'' form. In this form Goku can partially tap into the SS God forms power without fully transforming into SSJ God. The file posted in the last section even alludes to this when it says ”control god like power without transforming” 

So speculatively Goku can tap into like 80% of the SS God’s power without becoming a Super Saiyan god outright. Since God power is so much more potent, it essentially makes his “base” form stronger than a SS3 on its own. Though if he’s using 100% of that godly power after mastering God Ki he’ll just become SS God outright, rather than amplifying his base form.

The confusion comes because Akira has flip flopped on how the god forms were supposed to work. Such as not really intending for the normal SS God form to show up again after battle of gods, only to change his mind later. As well as the fact  that Goku’s SS form and SS god aren't part of a linear transformation line. Which is something a lot of people don't understand, because they can't understand Goku stacking portions of the SS gods power onto his other forms without needing to shift thought SS 1-3.

Please explain Dragon Ball universal multiplies

SS 1 is 50x from base

SS 2 is 2x from SS 1

SS 3 is 4x from SS 2

SS God is more speculative, but we normally say the form is at least 5x stronger than a character's hypothetical power in SS3. Since it required 5 saiyans to do the ritual, and Goku was fairly outclassed by Beerus as a SS3. That said you do not need to go or know the normal SS forms to go to God since it’s a separate transformation line. It’s just naturally really strong on its own because of god Kis potency.

SS Blue is 50X from SS God. Since it’s applying the normal SS form to SS God.

Kioken is obviously multiplied by the number given(x10 or x20)

Fusion we normally say is 2x the strongest form of the person in a fusion. Since it’s been stated by Whis’s sister that fusion multiplies the power of both characters multiple times over. As well as the fact Vegito/Gogeta was stronger in his base than Goku or Vegeta in the Buu arc and the Super Broly movie.

This would also mean that for say Gogeta he would start with all of Goku’s multipliers then x 2 as his base(since Gogeta in base is Stronger than Goku or Vegeta). Then would have the SS God multiplier(x 400 x 5) then x 50 for blue.

How do you think multipliers apply to Dragon Ball fights

Goku’s universe feat was done as a SS God. So all universe feats in Dragonball start from that form. 

The Dragonball universe we have is 13.29x our universe size.

So Blue is x50 for 664.5 our universe

Then x 20 for Kioken


Obviously characters of similar power to the Saiyans count.

Ultra instinct’s increase is less clear btw. Mainly because it was implied to be as strong as Beerus or Broly, but DBs writing keeps moving the goalpost for both in terms of power.

For the sake of this fight Goku Black is compared to SSB Goku which is 664.5 universes 

Likewise fused Zamasu is compared to Vegito/Gogeta which is 1,329,000,000 universes

What about Jiren’s shaking an infinite void feat

This happened far after the Goku Black arc, so it doesn’t scale. Not to mention the word “infinite” was a mistranslation of eternal, which would imply the null realm has just been around forever chronologically.

General Reverse Flash questions

How big is the DC universe

The DC universe is at least 100 trillion ly diameter which is 1,243,323,440 x our universe size based on volume.

Additionally according to Superman, the DCU expands at 60 trillion light years in half a second. That’s 120 trillion ly a second. The DCU is 20 billion years old. Thus, the diameter of the DCU would be:120,000,000,000,000 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 x 20,000,000,000

= 7.56864e31 ly across

=5.39e59 x our universe size

I’ll also add that while in real life the big bang expands faster during the initial explosion and then at a more gradual speed afterward. That initial expansion happens in  10−32  seconds and only over the first 10.6 light years. Most of the expansion described in this DC panel would have happened during the slower gradual expansion of the universe, rather than that initial expansion, hence you can extrapolate it (and 60 trillion light years a second is much much slower than 10.6 ly in 10e-32 seconds anyway).

How much Stronger is Flash universe than Dragon ball

Zoom is 1871066.12491 x stronger than Black when using the 100 trillion radius 

and 4.055681e+50 stronger than fused Zamasu using the high end DC universe size based on expansion.

Even if we assume infinite zamasu has the Gogeta/Vegito multipliers and scaled to all 12 universes in dragon ball in all 7 “canon” timelines, thereby buffing him up to 111636000000 universes. Reverse flash would still be 4.8281916e+48 x stronger.

Would flash still win even if the Dragon Ball universes were infinite?

It really wouldn’t matter. There’s plenty of statements in DC that can imply the universe is infinite and some even imply singular universes have multiple dimensions.(scroll down slightly on this page). Busting a single DC universe is just more impressive than Dragon Ball regardless of how you slice it. It’s honestly mute anyway since Reverse flash would scale to Barry and Wally’s multiversal feats anyway.

What about Dragon Ball heroes

Dragon Ball heroes is basically the Archie Sonic of the Dragon Ball fandom. While it’s clearly based on “canon” concepts of the main series, it extrapolates far outside the realms of what would be considered reasonable for a composite. I would personally say it's unlikely to show up for a random Dragon Ball character, unless the fight is specified to be using an incarnation from that media.

If you did use Dragon Ball heroes would Zoom still win

Taking a quote from the Sonic vs Wally Q and A

DC’s multiverse is also infinite, but is multi-dimensional, with some claims even putting it at infinitely dimensional. And each universe within the infinite multiverse is subject to an infinite number of alternate universes differentiated by branching timelines. So an infinity of infinity. This is known as the metaverse. This is all contained within the Bleed, below the Speed Force, as evidenced by Grant Morrison’s cosmology map. Here are some extra sources that explain it all in greater detail:

So the short answer is it might be closer, but Goku Black would proooooobably still lose. Even in Xenoverse/Heroes the most you can really argue for is multiversal+, with maybe 1 dimension on top of that with some levity(and it honestly takes waaaay more steps to get to that point than DC). DC’s multiverse is much larger in comparison and frankly Zoom would still be stronger if you decide to take dimensional tiering seriously, because of the bleed. Not to mention Zoom has far more “incalculable” speed feats than you can possibly argue for heroes(which has maybe one or two feats, which are contested).

This doesn’t get into the fact that technically Xenoverse, Online and Heroes are all separate continuities. As well as the fact many of the Heroes games/media like the victory mission, ultimate mission X, world mission, the various anime/manga ect are also essentially separate adaptations with similar concepts.There really isn’t some grand master plan that ties this stuff together. It's all fanservice and most of the attempts to connect it all into something cohesive is mainly just fan theory.

The only argument I’ve ever seen is people trying to say Heroes is “outerversal”  because the player character in Heroes, “Beat”, Comes from the “real world''. Then that this “real world” looks down upon Dragonball as fiction. But that’s always been heavily extrapolating imo. Beat’s world in heroes is pretty consistently portrayed as just being a future timeline of Dragon Ball GT, and has cameos, references and so on pointing to that being the case as early as 2012. 

Regardless if you have to go this far, it’s pretty clear Black can’t win without some heavy benefits of the doubt.

Misc questions

Can Reverse flash nullify the time rings paradox protection

The fact Black’s paradox protection comes from a physical object is a weakness. Nothing is stopping Zoom from learning about how the time ring works via the timestream, or simple observation(it glows when used). Once the ring's abilities are discovered Zoom can just vibrate the Ring off Black’s finger or remove it with superior speed. I’ve also seen people argue the negative speed force can neg acausality as well.

Who has the better time traveling abilities

Zoom's time traveling is much less restrictive than Black’s. Zoom can go to the past, future and alternate timelines at will under his own power. Black can only time travel using the time ring, which can be removed or destroyed. Likewise the time ring only allows Black to go to the future or between alternate timelines. It can technically open up holes in space to follow Zoom if he travels to the past, similar to how Black followed Trunks’s time machine in the anime. But time traveling with the time ring this way isn’t permanent, and pulls Black back to his starting point after a set amount of time.

Can Black counter Zooms aging ability

Ironically no. In Black’s original body of a Kai he would have lived around 75,000 based on DB interviews. But Saiyain’s lifespans are stated to be around 80 according to Akira Toriyma and Vegeta himself meaning Goku's stolen body would be easily killed via this attack.

DBS Ep 32 3:43 Goku says saiyans stay youthful until about 80

Can Black counter Zooms invisibility

Yes, via the Ki sense

Can zoom counter Blacks thunder shock surprise

Yes. Zoom can vibrate through the energy  force fields created by Hal Jordan’s lantern ring. Other speed force users like Wally West can also phase through energy.

Could the “work of the gods” move hypothetically neg Zooms durability and cut him due to spatial cutting hax

In theory, yes. Zooms molecules are still occupying space. Granted it’s unlikely to hit due to the speed difference and Black has never used this attack in this manner.

Can zoom counter Black’s mass replication

Hypothetically yes. Zoom has traveled to locations he’s been before in time/space and seen himself, meaning multiple of him can exist at once. While out of character he could make an army of himself if needed.

If we gave Black Future Zamasu to create fused/Infinite Zamasu or if we count the manga where Black technically gained immortality after his cells fused with future Zamasu’s, could Zoom still kill them.

Yes, Zoom could hypothetically charge Black with energy the same way he did to Iris, and then travel to the future to set off the trigger to destroy the entire timeline. Zoom also scales to Barry and Wally who were able to destabilize the entire multiverse by running. Nuking the entire timeline Fused/Infinite Zamasu was in was exactly how the Omni-King destroyed him, so we know this can work.

What are your thoughts on Black teaming up with Zamasu or using fused Zamasu

"Note this is Ultra's opinion"

I personally feel like adding Zamasu to the fight kinda detracts from Goku Black. Once you add him in, the entire fight really starts to center more around Zamasu’s immortality and the various fused zamasu forms. Not to mention utilizing Zamasu literally removes Goku Blacks physical appearance from the episode and would probably take up a ton of animation time. Acknowledging it in the tabs seemed like it was the best compromise. 

That said, I think if “Zamasu” himself was in a separate ep, all that stuff would be much more on the table.

Can Black overcome Zoom’s immortality

No. Goku Black didn’t learn Hakai and has no abilities that can permanently erase Zoom’s soul from all time. Though given Hakai failed against black due to him having protection against paradoxes via the time ring, I would imagine it would fail against Zoom anyway. 

But doesn’t Zoom dying mean the fight is over?

This is a grey area in Death Battle, but essentially the fight is only over if a character can be put down and rendered unable to fight for a “substantial” amount of time. Say a few hours to a day. If a character literally can’t die or has a way to keep engaging in a fight that’s near immediate in real time, it doesn’t count as a loss.

Can Black counter Zooms mind control

Black himself has never shown resistance to mind control. Technically Vegeta has done this by being mind controlled by Babadi. But Zoom’s mind control works more via speed force energy and physiological manipulation, rather than magic or Ki.

List of Hax and abilities Zoom has that can be used against Black 

- Phasing into Black and messing with his organs

- Aging him into dust

- Ripping him apart molecularly by running back and forth

- Knocking him out with his telepathic blast

- Dumping him into the Negative Speed Force where he'll be ripped apart atom by atom and absorbed into it

- IF he's able to figure out about the time ring and remove it, time travel and murder

- Create a vacuum to suffocate him

- Read Black's mind (could be a way to figure out about the time ring)

- Resurrect and time travel back to the fight if killed

- Vibrating into and possessing Black's body (Black's soul would get dumped into the speed force)

- Create afterimages to fool Black

- Change his age to camouflage himself (he can look young or old to appear to be a different person)

- Utilize time travel as a method of escape or to inform his past self of Black's abilities

-He also has some hax gadgets from the silver age like a matter manipulating device and a shrinking ray

Is destroying the hyperbolic time chamber uni.

Probably only with leniency. I only really recall it being stated to be as large as the earth, so it’s probably a pocket dimension.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Character Analysis: Goku Black


Goku Black was the first original villain introduced in Dragon Ball Super. He’s essentially described as this murdering machine that has been attacking Future Trunk’s timeline, forcing said character to flee to Dragonballs Main timeline for help. For much of the Black arc the Z warriors don’t know who Black is supposed to be or where he came from.

In actuality Black’s original identity is that of Zamasu, the northern Kai of universe 10. This Zamasu hails from a slightly more progressed version of the “main” timeline in DBZ and acted as the apprentice of his universe's supreme Kai Gowasu. While being mentored Zamasu became unsatisfied with the cosmic order due to an ingrained belief that mortal beings were unworthy of the guidance and prosperous worlds the gods provided for them. This anti-mortal astigmatism was constantly strengthened by seeing the savagery of mortal species. As well as later on learning of their abuse of time travel, which was considered a sin even for deities. This eventually led to Zamasu gaining a desire to exterminate all mortals from the cosmos.

  • DBS ep 51 17:00 Black explains how he wants to kill all mortals

    • DBS ep 61 17:32 Black states Trunks messing with time is part of the reason why he wanted to get rid of all mortals

In the manga and the anime Zamasu takes an interest in Goku, and decides to switch bodies with him to get control of his strength. In the anime he gains interest after sparring with Goku, while in the manga it’s due to Zamasu watching video recordings of Goku’s performance at the god of destruction universe tournament.

Anyway Zamasu hatches a plan. He learns about the Super Dragon Balls and how they work from a deity named Zuno. As well as where in the future he would be able to find them collected already.

Zamasu then kills his mentor Gowasu and takes the role as Supreme Kai. Afterwards he uses a time traveling device available to supreme Kai called a Time ring to travel to the future and wish on the Super Dragon Balls. This wish is to Switch Bodies with Goku and was when Zamasu officially became Goku Black.

With Goku’s power under his belt Goku Black enacted a plan to wipe out all mortals, but rather than start with his own timeline. He decided to use the time ring to travel to Trunks’s alternate timeline. Essentially Supreme Kai and Gods of destruction have a life link of sorts, and in Future Trunks’s timeline the Supreme Kai Shin was killed during Babdi’s invasion to revive Buu.  This meant that Beerus was dead in this timeline, which gave Black a foothold to enact his plans. Black essentially went across the various universes in Trunks’s timeline, and killed all the Supreme Kai, resulting in the gods of destruction dying by proxy. This allowed Black to mostly rule unopposed.

Anyway, as part of Black’s plans, he enlisted the help of the Zamasu from Trunks’s timeline. This Future Zamasu also made a wish on the Super Dragon Balls to become immortal.

After Trunks enlists the help of Goku and Vegeta they almost fight off Black and Future Zamasu, only for them both to fuse together into a single more powerful being. What happens next differs slightly based on the medium. In the anime Trunks defeats the fused Zamasu, but due to Zamasu’s immortality his spirit persits as an incorperal ether that fuses with the entire timeline. Goku is forced to use a button that summons Dragon Ball Z Strongest god Zeno to the battlefield, and Zeno destroys the timeline. 

  • DBS ep 67 1:49 Trunks defeats fused Zamasu, which causes him to turn into ether and merge with the timeline

  • DBS ep 67 10:12 Goku summons Zeno, who decides to destroy the entire future multiverse with Zamasu in it

In the manga the merged Zamasu de-fuses due to the potara fusion method having a time limit, but it’s revealed Black and Zamasu permanently combined on a cellular level anyway. This gave both immortality and they started to self replicate with no way to put them down. Goku has no options and is forced to call upon Zeno who destroys the timeline.

Misc notes on DBZ Timelines/Blacks creation

Certain aspects of Goku Black’s history doesn’t make sense. Goku Black is specifically stated to be the Zamasu from the “Main” Dragon Ball Timeline. However when Trunks travels to Goku’s timeline he arrives at a point before Zamasu becomes Black. In both the anime and the manga this eventually leads to the Z fighters investigating Zamasu under suspicion of being Black. In the anime Whis uses his time manipulation abilities to observe Zamasu tring to kill his master, and then reverses it with a temporal do over. In the manga Kibito tells the Z warriors Zamasu asked Zuno about the Super Dragon Balls and Shin confirms he’s evil by using a time ring to see his evil actions in the future. In both versions Beerus kills the main timeline Zamasu with Hakai. 

Logically you would think Trunks traveling to Goku’s timeline caused a timeline split of some sort. But the official explanation in both the anime and manga is that Beerus using Hakai on Zamasu itself split the “main” dragon ball timeline into 2. One where Zamasu was destroyed and one where he lived to become Black. This is what both the anime and manga timelines state as well.

In the anime Zamasu gets the idea to become Black due to sparring with Goku, but the spar only happens because they investigate Zamasu due to thinking he has a connection with Black. So it becomes a temporal paradox that doesn’t actually have a beginning or end. The manga is slightly more explainable, but overall needlessly confusing.. People have made long rants on this topic.


Time ring

Time rings are a time traveling device that can be used by Supreme Kai. They come in a box that has one silver ring and a multitude of green rings. The green rings represent alternate timelines. When you use the Silver ring you can travel forward in time and then back to the present where you started. You can also use it to travel between your own timeline and any adjacent alternate timelines. Black is able to use his time ring due to having killed the supreme Kai Gowasu and stolen his position as supreme kai after taking his potara earrings.

Time rings can also react in the presence of space/time distortions caused by others, such as Trunks’s time machine. In these cases the ring can open a rift in space to allow Black to follow said people to whatever location in time they’re traveling to. Though Black will be pulled back through the rift to his original starting point after a set amount of time has passed.

  • DBS ep 49 7:04, 20:59 Blacks time ring reacts to the time distortions of the Trunks’s time machine, allowing Black to follow Trunks to his destination in the main DB timeline

    • DBS ep 50 10:26 Black is pulled back into Trunks’s timeline after the time rift the ring allowed him to go through closes

    • DBS ep 50 11:00 Whis explains the Black’s time ring reacted to the space/time warp of Trunks’s time machine, pulling him into the main timeline 

Finally wearing s time ring does protect you from time paradoxes. So altering Black’s past or trying to kill another version of him with a temporal erasure move like Hakai isn’t effective.

  • DBS ep 61 3:41 Goku black says the time ring protects him from changes to time, so the temporal effects of Beerus’s Hakai didn’t affect him



A generic trait of the Sayains. Every time they recover from a near death experience they receive a massive boost in power. Black has this ability due to inhabiting Goku’s body.


A form of metaphysical life energy that exists within all living things. Humanoids and other sapient creatures can harness it to increase their physical strength and durability. As well as channel it for various energy attacks. A large enough outburst of ki can affect the environment, manipulating clouds and causing earthquakes.

It’s mentioned Ki control is needed to increase physical power

God Ki

A specialized version of Ki typically utilized by deities. God Ki is more potent than normal ki and normally can’t be sensed by non deities. Zamasu naturally had God Ki due to being a Kai, and his ability to use it transferred to Goku’s body when he became Goku Black.

Sensing God Ki

  • Battle of Gods 19:54 Goku mentions he can’t sense Beerus’s presence and King kai explains that its because you can’t sense the presence of deities

  • DBS ep 5 2:35 Goku mentions he can’t sense Beerus’s god ki


God Ki can also be used to regenerate minor or major wounds, such as impalement. Since Black is utilizing Goku’s body, he should be able to do the same.

  • DBS ep 11 17:56,20:00 Goku gets punched through the chest. He falls through orbit and into the ocean. His god power regenerates the wound however.


The ability to manipulate ki to fly or lift oneself into the air. The technique was initially introduced into the series by the crane hermit students. 

Ki blasts

The ability to create small explosive bullets of Ki as a projectile attack. 

Ki Sense

The ability to sense the life essence and aura of other living beings.

Instant transmission

The ability to instantly teleport to another location via KI. The normal Goku could travel short distances, and long distances ranging from across the universe, the afterlife and the world of the Kai. You typically need some kind of energy beacon to lock onto when you use this ability. Black seemingly inherited the technique due to taking over Goku’s body.

Spirit shot

A short burst of air, typically used to force an opponent backwards.

Black Kamehameha

A powerful Ki attack originally invented by master Roshi. It’s an energy beam released from the user's palms. Black seemingly inherited the ability due to taking over Goku’s body. But his version of the move is corrupted, and takes on a dark coloring.

Black power ball 

A powerful yellow energy sphere that can be shot over long distances and explodes on contact.

Divine  retribution

A more powerful variation of the Black power ball move. This version has a red and black coloring.

  • DBS ep 57 8:31 Black uses the divine retribution attack on Trunks

Invisible eye blast

A projectile ki attack projected from the eyes. 

God split cut 

An aura of Ki placed around the immediate hand and arm that can cut through opponents or objects.

Alteration Ki

Alteration Ki is the ability to shape Ki into various energy constructs like weapons or blades. Black has several KI constructs he’s used in Super. Such as

Violent fierce god slicer 

A large pink broadsword energy blade.

Azure dragon Sword

A larger curved Pink energy sword.

  • DBS ep 61 15:55 Black creates the Azure Dragon energy blade to use as a weapon against Goku

Divine lasso

Javelin-like projectile energy constructs  that explode after a few seconds after hitting an opponent. Black generally creates them as projectiles flung from his other energy sword weapons.

  • DBS ep 61 16:00 Black creates a myriad of explosive javelin like projectiles from his azure dragon sword

Sickle of sorrow

A large energy scythe 

  • DBS ep 64 4:50 Black creates an Ki Energy scythe to use against Goku and Vegeta

The  work of the gods

A tear in space time that can be created by swinging the sickle of sorrow. Black himself isn’t sure where it may lead, saying it could go to the past, future or another timeline. In the xenoverse series it’s implied Black could open a tear like this because of the time ring. In the anime the energy the tear creates  interferes with Goku’s ability to sense Ki and as a result his instant transmission ove.

  • DBS ep 64 6:07, 6:26 Black creates a tear in space using his energy scythe. Black isn’t sure where the hole leads, thinking it may go to another universe, the past or the future.

  • DBS ep 64 12:02 It’s stated that Black’d tear in space is interfering with Goku’s ability to use instant transmission. Mainly by its energy interference

  • DBS ep 64 19:05 Black uses instant transmission to go to Zamasu. His rift in space disappears when he leaves 

Mass replication 

Black can also draw power from the rifts in space he creates. Using its energy to create an almost never ending series of clones of himself. Albeit every individual clone being weaker in durability than the original.

  • DBS ep 64 9:54 Black draws power from his tear in space to create perfect clones of himself. There’s at least 23 Blacks in total on screen at once. Each can be taken down in one good strike.

Thunder shock surprise

A move originally invented by Master Roshi. It traps the opponent in an electric field.


The ability to lift small or large objects from a distance via Ki. 

Energy shield 

An energy barrier composed of Ki


Super saiyan

A legendary transformation of the Saiyan race that had been forgotten about for centuries until Goku rediscovered it after witnessing the death of his friend Krillen at the hands of Freeza. Official guide books state this form is a 50x power boost, though other multipliers higher and lower have been suggested by other media or Akira himself. Black was able to tap into this transformation due to stealing Goku’s body.

Super Saiyan rose

Super Saiyan rose is essentially Black’s version of Super Saiyan Blue. It combines God Ki with the base SS transformation. It’s likely the color change was due to Zamasu’s Ki being evil in nature.






Black has fought SSB Goku and SSB Vegeta, ergo he scales to any feats of both characters from episodes prior to the Goku Black arc. Black should be able to match Goku in particular, since the body Black inhabits technically belonged to him. 

Some notable Goku feats are

  • DBS ep 12 6:19 SS god Goku and Beerus creating energy shockwaves that can rip the entire universe apart

  • DBS ep 12 5:51-6:04 SS god Goku and Beerus perform a physical clash that releases a shock wave that travels over earth and to the Kai realm in seconds

    • DBS ep 12 9:06,9:19 Goku and Beerus create more impact waves. The also move in tandem with them when produced

  • DBS ep 39 20:16 Goku’s increasing his speed to make Hits “time skip” infective 

    • DBS ep 40 Hit "apparently" Freezes Goku during his time skip, but Goku overcomes it

    • DBS ep 43 6:47 King Kai says Goku was forcing himself into the future when fighting Hit



  • DBS ep 48 5:20 Base Goku Black fights SS Trunks 

  • DBS ep  50 5:28 Base Black fights SS Goku

  • DBS ep  56 18:11 Rose Black fights SSB Vegeta

  • DBS ep 57 7:50 SSB Goku fights Rose Goku black 

  • DBS ep 61 10:05 Rose Black and Future Zamasu fight Trunks, SSB Vegeta and SSB Goku

  • DBS ep 63 8:53 Black uses the god slicer attack in a sword duel with Trunks

  • DBS ep 63 18:00 Rose Black and Zamasu fight SSB Goku and SSB Vegeta