Monday, May 31, 2021

Steven Universe VS Star Butterfly Q&A (ft. DJTiki and HershelLousyton)

 "The following is the opinion of only those involved in its writing. It is not officially endorsed by Rooster Teeth Productions or necessarily representative of the views of the Death Battle staff at large."

“What is up with the Diamond Blast? Is Steven Solar-System Level?”

It may come as a shock to some people to not see a certain recalculation of the Diamond Blast appear in the episode. Mainly because I'm the one who made it. I'm surprised no one caught on that I just used the pre-established figures from a previous calc and applied the more recent methods of luminosity to it. In truth, the feat isn't that high.

Using the sun's GBE and the Homeworld distance, you can get up to over 200 Ninatons of TNT (it says Tenatons in the episode, I had accidentally added a zero when communicating to Editors). That's Dwarf Star level. But a couple things:

The blast clearly happens between Earth and the Moon. Sure, it seems to kinda be shown to the side of the moon at first. But the actual beam of light overcasts the Earth but not the Moon. The distance could be much shorter. The main evidence we have for using two galaxy's worth of length is the statement that White Diamond hasn't left Homeworld in "eons."

Which, given when we see White Diamond she is fairly integrated within all of Homeworld, is believable. We also know that she is solely responsible for Homeworld’s busted up shape. So there is some corroborating evidence, but the statement leaves a lot up in the air.

Yellow could have meant by eons that Diamond was just there for a long while. This would still line up with the Gem Wars. White Diamond could have just as easily left Homeworld for a day or two to annihilate the Crystal Gem army, and the statement would still be true. 

You can argue for either, but even using the highest yield we could get for the feat, Steven still loses with similar leniency given to Star. I had calc’d the luminosity with the midway Earth to Moon distance to be far less. With GBE methods, around City level. With the luminosity equation, you get Country level. Both are well below even some of Star's spells. Using any of them is fine, but the Diamond Blast certainly isn't Solar System level.

“Did Star need Universal scaling to win?”

Nope. A lot of her spells already reach Planet-level on their own. The lasso spell and gravity spells when scaled to Earth’s rotational energy reach 53 Zettatons (5 times more than the higher end of the Lapis calc). 

Not only that, but Rhombulus had used his diamonds to stop a black hole that was being created by one of the magical creatures he trapped (Star VS. The Force of Evil, Season 2, ‘The Hard Way’, 6:33). At first we questioned if it could be considered a legitimate black hole, but the Book of Spells outright mentions the former prince of Mewni trying to measure a black hole’s ‘gravitational radius’. 

When calc’d, it reaches the low Yottaton range, which is also above anything in Steven's paygrade, even accounting for the Cluster. Both are pretty well-corroborated by Star’s crystal laser being stated to be capable of destroying planets.

Steven would only win this if we ignored all the arguments for Universal Star, and used the high ends of all of Steven's calculations. To be fair, comparing base forms to each other, Steven does surpass her in every stat given that without magic, Star's physicality is fairly featless. But then again, the fact that Star's exposure to her world's magic would likely scale to her durability, and Skywynne surviving her own dimension bust (we’ll get to that), makes this point arguable.

“What would happen if Steven took Star's wand?”

Steven's "temple" bubbles prevent power from being conducted inside of them. Gems cannot reform while inside of one. This can effectively take Star's wand out of the fight. But the wand was only training wheels to the real deal. Star has learned to cast magic without the use of a wand.

Should Steven wise up and use the wand for himself, it closes the gap on AP. Toffee used the wand to defeat the High Commission without prior ability to use it. But Steven has never been in Star's world and wouldn't have the history in magic needed for it to scale to his durability. Not to mention, he wouldn’t know if he could actually use the wand until he tried it. Steven would still get one shotted and out-ranged if Star decided to go all out.

“Is the Whispering Spell effective on Steven?”

"Gem Magic", as it is referred to in the series, is not magic in the traditional fantasy sense. It cannot be equated to Star's type of magic. "Gem Magic" is the photokinesis, biology, and setup for gems to develop tools and weapons for the sake of Homeworld. It is fantastical, but it's technically still natural to Gem physiology. Sort of like how Superman’s powers are ridiculous, but not mystical in nature. Gem magic certainly isn’t an MP bar in Dungeons and Dragons.

So short answer, no.

Various objections to Skywynne’s feat

The full narration and page mentioning Skywynne’s dimension bust, for context.

“I wanted to make something explode. I have done this before on a bad day, but this time I wanted to blow up something bigger than a hill, or even a mountain! I wanted to rip the Earth in two, feel the heat from its center! I charged up my wand, and I was emotionally charged as well. Thinking of Sir Gem-robin, and also feeling a fool for even caring. I charged and charged up my wand, the glow so bright I felt like I was a star. My cheeks glowed as well! I knew I must be dipping down for the first time! What a wonderful feeling, a feeling of so much power! I powered up and up, the glow from within me burning brighter and brighter! I was floating high in the air! When I couldn’t hold on to it any longer, I let out a mighty blast… And Dimension 811 was no more.” 

“Star isn’t a descendent of the original Butterfly family bloodline, and therefore can’t be scaled to Skywynne.”

Lineage has nothing to do with someone’s actual magical potency. Star and other members of the Butterfly family gain their magical powers from being exposed to magic on a regular basis through the royal family wand until they can ‘dip down’ without the wand. Hence why we referred to the wand as ‘training wheels’ in the episode. It’s also why the Magic High Commission was able to easily replace Eclipsa’s family line with the random peasant family that Star descends from. Because ANYONE can have magic potency comparable to the Butterfly family as long as they are regularly exposed to the wand’s magic for a long enough time. Ergo, lineage is not grounds to deny Star scaling to past queens of Mewni.

“But Star lost to Meteora, who is the true heir to the Butterfly family. Doesn’t that mean the true members of the Butterfly family are more powerful?”

The fight for full context: 

We’re not sure what people define as a ‘loss’, but Star and Meteora fight pretty evenly as far as we’re concerned. Star uses up all her magic in the fight, sure, but Meteora gets blinded and seriously injured as a result before ultimately being de-aged by Eclipsa. They’re clearly at least somewhat on even grounds. This, if anything, is proof that Star scales to the past queens of Mewni despite not being related by blood.

“But Skywynne was under mental stress when she destroyed the dimension.”

We’re not sure what this changes. It has been shown multiple times in Star VS. that magic and the intensity of it responds to the user’s emotions. In Skywynne’s case, her dimension bust stemmed from her unrequited love for Sir Gem-robin. Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that Star being placed into a battle to the death would eventually lead to comparable, if not more, ‘mental stress’ than an unrequited crush? 

“How are you sure that Star knows the same spells as Skywynne?“

Of all the sections in the Book of Spells, we know for a fact that Star has at least read Skywynne’s chapter. Glossaryk mentions in the book that Star ‘stopped reading everything after Skywynne’s chapter’. Star claims she ‘skimmed’ the rest, but regardless of who you believe, she still read Skywynne’s chapter. I.E, the one that conveniently has the section about destroying a universe with magic. Star’s signature move, the Warnicorne Stampede, was also learned from Skywynne’s chapter. So it stands to reason that any spell Skywynne could perform, Star can as well.

“Skywynne didn’t even record the spell she used to destroy Dimension 811 though.”

Skywynne didn’t record the spell because she didn’t use a unique or specific spell. She just harnessed her emotions, let out a generic explosion, and the dimension went poof. You may know this as "Dipping Down" since that is exactly what it is. Note from the monologue:

"the glow so bright I felt like I was a star. My cheeks glowed as well! I knew I must be dipping down for the first time!"

Even being pedantic and assuming that the spell must be specific, Star has known how to dip down since Season 1. She fully mastered it by the end of Season 2. Skywynne dipped down to destroy the dimension, Star would only need to do the same to win.

We’ll also point out the section of Skywynne’s chapter that covers this feat is called ‘What to do when you explode a dimension’. Skywynne wrote this specifically as a guide for her successors with the expectation that they would accidentally destroy a dimension like she did. It would make no sense for her to be orders of magnitude stronger or more magically gifted than Star or her successors, and for her to also think they can replicate her dimension-busting feat.

“We don’t know the context behind the Skywynne blast. It could have taken several minutes, maybe hours to charge. How do we know Star can just tap into enough power to overtake Steven on a whim?”

Universal levels often get thrown around like bargain bin tiers to everyone nowadays, but Universal is a lot of power. Let’s put this in mathematical terms. It takes around 6.752e+82 Tons of TNT to extinguish one universe. Now Star is stated numerous times to be a prodigy amongst anyone who has taken the Mewni throne. Skywynne should at the very least be comparable. Let’s say, hypothetically, that she charges a linear amount of energy per second. Now we can apply that to an arbitrary “charge time” to which we can divide our above value. Okay, here we go.

10 minutes = 600 seconds = 1.1253333e+80 Tons of TNT (Multi-Galaxy)

1 hour = 3600 seconds = 1.8755556e+79 Tons of TNT (Multi-Galaxy)

1 day = 86400 seconds = 7.8148148e+77 Tons of TNT (Multi-Galaxy)

1 week = 604800 seconds = 1.1164021e+77 Tons of TNT (Multi-Galaxy)

1 year = 3.154e+7 seconds = 2.1407736e+75 Tons of TNT (Multi-Galaxy)

15 years (Star’s age) = 4.73e+8 seconds = 1.4274841e+74 Tons of TNT (Multi-Galaxy)

Mewni has been ruled by 37 queens. They are pretty 1-to-1 with humans for the most part, but let’s say every one (including Star, Eclipsa, and Moon) lived out to old age. And that the life expectancy for a Mewman is equivalent to the oldest person who ever lived on Earth: Jeanne Calment of 122 years and 164 days, but we’ll round up to 123.

123 * 37 = 4551 Years

4451 Years = 1.4352e+11 seconds = 4.7045708e+71 Tons of TNT (Multi-Galaxy)

The Universe is theorized to be 13.8 billion years old.

Age of the Universe = 4.351968e+17 seconds = 1.551482e+65 (Multi-Galaxy)

Notice how not a single figure dropped below Multi-Galaxy, not even remotely close to the highest balled KiloFOE version of the Diamond Blast. Star could be charging for the entire age of Mewni’s history - upwards to the age of the universe (and even then, way more than that), and she would be producing enough power per second to one-shot Steven. The narration also outright states that "I let out a mighty blast, and dimension 811 was no more." It was more than certainly a lot more sudden than that.

While it may seem just a couple tiers above one another on a forum site, Universe level is far above Steven’s paygrade.

“But Skywynne’s dimension-bust is an outlier”

This one has always been a bit confusing to us. Series finale aside, Star isn’t a genocidal maniac, and for as irresponsible as she can be, isn’t going to be eradicating universes on a regular basis. How many universe-busting feats can we reasonably expect from a kid’s show about a goofy magical princess?

That aside, there is actually a lot of stuff to corroborate the feat. 

-Queen Moon states very clearly that the royal wand is capable of destroying their universe in the first episode. Star’s own magical power exceeds the wand’s by the end of the series.

-Toffee one-shots Omnitraxus (alongside the rest of the High Commission), who is essentially the embodiment of space and time, and a living universe himself. Star later one-shots Toffee.

-In the finale, Star, Moon, Eclipsa, and Meteora’s combined silencing spell destroys the realm of magic, and ultimately magic as a whole across the multiverse.

A universe-busting feat from a guidebook, several universe-busting statements in the show, the death of a living universe that embodies space and time, and the eradication of magic across a vast multiverse is, quite frankly, way more consistent than a series like Star VS. has any right to be. And all of it can be scaled back to Star. Sprinkled in are also several planet level mid-tier spells such as Skywynne’s gravity spell and Star’s Crystal Laser.

“Toffee defeating Omnitraxus was just a case of hax.”

Not really. Characters in Star VS. have a finite amount of magic they can generate. Using up too much can lead to exhaustion, or in the case of beings composed of magic, potentially death. We see this multiple times across the series. Reducing Omnitraxus to the state he was put into would require overpowering him with a comparable level of magic. It isn’t a hax thing like, say, transmutation, where you’re bypassing an opponent’s durability through unconventional means. Toffee just completely overtook Omnitraxus and his magic.

“But Omnitraxus didn’t die, he was just in stasis.”

This is really splitting hairs. He was still completely decommissioned by Toffee’s magic. Even if it was only 80% of Omnitraxus’ magic for whatever reason, Toffee would still scale, and taking out all the other Magic High Commission members afterwards would more than make up for it.

“There’s nothing concretely proving Omnitraxus is a universe-buster.”

We see pretty clearly that he is a living universe when Star enters the world within him. It’s hardly a stretch to say that destroying Omnitraxus equates to a universal feat since the world within him would be destroyed as well. Similar to how a character like Queen Sectonia from Kirby is considered planet-level bare minimum from her size alone. Maybe if this was the only feat to support Star being universal, it would be debatable since Omnitraxus was sized down during the fight, but... It isn’t the only feat we have. So it works well as corroborating evidence.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Character Analysis: Star Butterfly(Feat Lousy)


Age: 15 (14 at the start of the series)

Height: 5’2 (157 cm)

Species: Mewman

-Has demonic ancestry

-Inspired by Sailor Moon and various magical girls.

-Likes kicking in doors.

Once, in the magical land of Mewni, there existed the royal Butterfly family, led by Queen Moon and King River. The Butterfly lineage had ruled Mewni for generations, creating countless magical spells while fighting back monsters. The Queen and King’s hopes were that their daughter, Star Butterfly, would carry on that rule. But like most teenagers, Star was a little weird, and a little wild when it came time for her to inherit the royal wand.

Normally this would get her a one-way ticket to St. Olga’s School For Wayward Princesses, where she’d get all the fun and individuality removed from her. Instead, her parents decided to send her to a little dimension called Earth as an exchange student, where she would learn to better control her magic. It was there that she met and befriended an awkward Earth human named Marco Diaz.

Star wasn’t the only one making trips to Earth though. Constantly pestering her was the monster kappa, Ludo, who wanted her magical wand in order to conquer the universe. Inevitably, their conflicts would lead Star on a series of misadventures across various dimensions. All while dealing with the pesky feelings and emotions that every teenager has.

Aside from Ludo, Star also faced off against the much more competent septarian nemesis of Mewni, Toffee, the deranged former Mewni soldier, Mina, the HeadMistress of St. Olga’s, and many other odd, supernatural foes. Over the course of it all, Star slowly realized that monsters weren’t all bad, and attempted to unite them and mewmans. The generation-spanning resentment between mewmans and monsters made this difficult.

But as it turned out, Star and her mother weren’t the true heirs to Mewni’s throne. Long ago, Eclipsa, one of Mewni’s former Queens, eloped with a monster named Globgor. Despite intending to unite monsters and mewmans, her actions were seen as treasonous, and she was crystalized. The Magic High Commission then removed Eclipsa’s child, Meteora, from the royal records, instead replacing her with the child of a peasant family, who Star is a descendent of. This would come back to bite the Magic High Commission when St. Olga’s HeadMistress, Heinous (real name: Meteora) learned of her heritage, and tried to reclaim Mewni.

Fortunately, Eclipsa was freed from crystallization, and infantcided (more or less) her evil child. After which, Star relinquished the throne to her. The problems were far from done though. Tension between mewmans and monsters continued, escalating to an all out war. The former mewman soldier, Mina Loveberry, recommissioned hundreds of magical armors, and planned an insurrection against Queen Eclipsa with the backing of the Magic High Commission.

Backed into a corner and seeing how much trouble magic has caused for everyone, Star decided she might as well stop Mina and the entire conflict by destroying all magic in existence. She, Moon, Eclipsa, and Meteora used a silencing spell in the magical dimension to do exactly that. This decision had the slight downside of killing every magical creature across the multiverse. Or at least, magical creatures whose existence depended on magic. 

But that sort of gets brushed over, because in the finale, as the portals between worlds are closing, Earth and Mewni (somehow) get merged, reuniting Star and Marco (presumably) for the rest of their days.


While inexperienced with magic throughout most of the show, Star does pick up some tricks and progress as it goes on.

-Star received some training in magic from Glossaryck, the magical entity that inhabits the Butterfly family’s spellbook. (Season 2, Episode 1, 3:50)

-Star was noted for being particularly gifted in magic, being able to use magic without a wand at the age 14 (Season 2, Episode 1, 10:15). For comparison, Star’s mother first learned to do so when she was 19.

-A magical inspector/tester even states Star is far beyond where Moon was at her age. (Season 2, Episode 16, 10:48)

-Star was very briefly ‘trained’ by Mina Loveberry, though this was mostly a lark that showed how crazy Mina had become. (Season 2, Episode 5, 3:18)

-The Book of Spells states Star has read some of her family’s spellbook. Star says she ‘skimmed’ everything past the first chapter, but it shows she has some formal understanding of magic.

-Several flashbacks show Star being taught combat by her family’s royal guard at a young age. She also claims she was taught how to use a sword. (Season 3, Episode 20, 4:06)

-While Star generally relies on her wand and magic, she has shown herself capable of fighting without it. (Season 1, Episode 4, 17:30)

-Star spent some time learning different magic poses to better control her powers. (Season 2, Episode 7, 20:02)

-By season 4 Star no longer has her wand, and has learned to use magic without it. (Season 4, Episode 1, 0:45)


Royal Magical Wand: Star’s primary weapon throughout most of the series. Created by Glossaryck, the wand is a family heirloom Star received from her mother. Its appearance alters depending on its owner. For example, when Eclipsa had the wand its form was an umbrella. In Star’s hand, it’s more akin to a traditional wand with a vibrant, toy-like aesthetic. Star’s specific version of it is made of rare ‘ameratized starglass’ and is durable enough to parry sword strikes. 

-Underneath the wand is a miniature ‘mill-horse’ that powers the wand by running along a tread-mill. (Season 1, Episode 13, 18:06)

-The wand also has a charger that needs to be used to keep it powered. (Season 1, Episode 4)

-The wand was partially broken and corrupted at the end of Season 1, which would cause it to go haywire if Star tried to cast magic while feeling negative emotions. However, this has since been fixed.

Of course, the wand’s bread and butter is in its magical spells. Originally Star needed the wand to perform spells, but she has since gained the ability to use magic on her own.

Dimensional Scissors: Magical scissors that can create portals to other dimensions. Normally these can be used to go to any point across the multiverse. Though as demonstrated when Star and co. tried to sneak into St. Olga’s School For Wayward Princesses, the user can be prevented from going to their exact desired location if there is some kind of anti-magic or interference. (Season 1, Episode 10, 6:05)


Aside from superhuman strength, speed, and durability, Star’s status as a mewman with Butterfly family heritage gives her several benefits.

Butterfly Wings: After undergoing ‘mewberty’ Star gained a tiny set of wings on her back. In her normal form they don’t do much, but can give her a brief burst of pseudo-flight. (Season 2, Episode 3, 6:40). In her Butterfly form, Star’s wings grow in full, and can be used for proper flight. (Season 3, Episode 10, 7:00)

Ultimate Magic/Butterfly Form: Star’s much more powerful magical form. The result of undergoing ‘mewberty’, a phenomena unique to members of the Butterfly family who are exposed to a large amount of magic. In this form, Star grows 2 extra pairs of arms, can fly, create portals to other dimensions, and gains a considerable boost in magical power.

-While it never comes up in the show, according to Glossaryck’s section in the Book of Spells, the Omatidia Eyes of the Butterfly form lets its user view more than one dimension at a time. Though he notes that ‘You probably won’t be able to comprehend it at the time.’ 

-He also claims in the Book of Spells that the eyes let the user read any language.

-Star originally could not control when she entered this form, but as of Season 3, Episode 12 (21:23), can switch between it and her normal form whenever she wants.

Magic and Mysticism: Through either her wand, or her own prowess, Star can perform a multitude of magical spells. I’ll be covering the important ones. The full list of spells can be found here. While Star hasn’t used every spell listed, and may not be capable of several such as Eclipsa’s body swap, she should be able to use most of them. Some spells were made up by Star on the fly, while others are ones she learned from her family’s book of spells.

Cupcake Blast: One of Star’s go-to attacks. Fires a beam filled with cupcake decorates. Star has a variant that fires poisonous cupcakes as well.

Blueberry Cupcake Bazooka: Star forms a bazooka that fires a cupcake-themed blast.

Kitten Bomb: Star creates several kitten-themed timebombs that explode after a few seconds.

Supersonic Leech Bomb: A series of time-bombs shaped like leeches that stick to surfaces.

Shooting Star Explosion: A blast of star-shaped projectiles.

Gravity Removal: A spell that stops the gravity by stopping Earth or Mewni’s rotation. 

Weapon Creation: Unnamed magic that Star can use to either transform her wand into or create weapons. (Season 3, Episode 15, 9:05) (Season 1, Episode 2, 17:00)

Mega Explosive Crystal Laser: Said to be one of the most powerful spells and capable of ‘neutralizing planets’. Naturally, Star uses it as a glorified laser pointer for cats.

Dagger Heart Blast: Fires a series of heart-shaped daggers.

Bulla Spiro: A special bubble that allows Star to breath underwater.

Forcefields/Barriers: Star can create magical force fields to block attacks. (Season 3, Episode 21, 16:42)

Rainbow Battle Armor: Star can form a giant humanoid mass of rainbow-colored energy around her to act as battle armor. (Season 4, Episode 19, 6:48)

Rainbow Blast: Star fires a rainbow colored beam.

Radiant Rainbow Bridge: Creates a rainbow that can be traversed.

Levitato: A basic telekinesis spell that wraps objects in a barrier, and levitates them towards or away from the user.

Lightning Blasts: Star can fire blasts of lightning (Season 3, Episode 8, 8:12)

Jellybean Hallucination Mist: A blast of mist that temporarily hypnotizes the opponent.

Winter Storm Hyper Blow: A blast of ice that can freeze foes in place, and in mid-air. (Season 4, Episode 17, 1:42)

Bunny Rocket Blast: Star creates a small blast of magic that propels her at speeds fast enough to catch up with a car. (Season 1, Episode 3, 17:18)

Raspberry Panzerfaust: A long-range magic missile.

Raspberry Ribbon Lasso: Creates an energy lasso that can grapple things.

Transmutation: Star can use her wand to transmute individuals into weaker, less threatening forms. Such as squirrel frogs. (Season 4, Episode 1, 14:02)

Unarmed Stretchy Arm: Star creates a giant sticky hand that can grab foes.

Black Widow Calamity Cobweb: Star creates a mystical spider-web that can be used to ensnare foes.

Magic Bubble Double Diffusion: Traps foes in a special bubble.

Starfish Tsunami: Star summons a giant tsunami filled with star-fish.

Syrup Tsunami Shockwave: Star creates a giant tidal wave of syrup that harms and sticks foes to surfaces.

Life Creation: Star can give life to inanimate objects, such as beanbags.

Releaseo Demonius Infestica: A spell used to heal broken arms… While also transforming said arm into a sentient tentacle.

Turbo Nuclear Butterfly Blast: A large explosion capable of levelling houses. (Season 1, Episode 2, 8:30)

Easy Peasy Time Freezy: A spell that completely stops the flow of time across the universe for everyone except the user, and at least one person of their choosing. In the episode  ‘Freeze Day’, where this was first used, the spell achieved this by knocking Father Time off the Wheel of Time. But he has since started operating the wheel of time using several magical creatures. Star also promised to not use the spell ever again. Making its applicability in combat questionable.

Whispering Spell: A silencing spell that is designed to destroy and neutralize magic. Star used it to (temporarily) destroy the magic within her wand (Season 1, Episode 13, 15:15). However, she can theoretically also use it to silence others’ magic. In the show’s finale, Star, Moon, Eclipsa, and Meteora all infamously destroyed all magic across the multiverse by using the Whispering Spell within the Realm of Magic.


Summons: In addition to her spells, Star can summon a variety of creatures. Often these creatures are used as singular projectiles, but others have different uses. Note that these creatures aren’t created or materialized into existence every time the spell is used. It’s shown in multiple episodes (such as Season 2, Episode 11, 12:40) that these creatures live in their own pocket space within Star’s wand, where they hang out until being called upon by Star’s magic. And that they all have their own personalities, dreams, and aspirations (which makes the series finale all the more messed up, but I digress).

Interestingly enough, the wand also houses the creatures summoned by past queens (Season 4, Episode 12). Though Star has only ever used the ones relegated to her domain. The various creatures within this domain include...

Cloudy: A sentient pink cloud that Star will sometimes use to fly to different locations. It can, however, be impeded if it has to fly through polluted air, or is fed contaminated or undesirable food.

Honeybee Tornado Swarm: Creates a swarm of honeybees that seek out opponents.

Narwhal Blast: Star fires a stream of narwhals at the opponent to damage them. Interestingly, these narwhals can also use echolocation (Season 4, Episode 12, 19:10), and fire magical energy beams (Season 4, Episode 12, 19:55)

Warnicorn Stampede: One of Star’s signature moves. Originally invented by the 1st Queen Skywynne, the spell summons a herd of warnicorns that stampede through anything in their way.

Minotaur: A giant minotaur Star can summon to charge enemies and break barricades.

Giant Whale: An unnamed giant whale Star can summon to crush foes.

Spider With a Top Hat Blast: A seemingly harmless spider that actually has a laser minigun stored in his hat. This makes him Star’s trump card in various situations, and arguably her most powerful summon. In Season 2, Episode 11, Spider was the only summon of her’s powerful enough to put down the giant monster of the week.

All Seeing Eye: A summon that originated from one of the Dark Magic Spells Star learned from Eclipsa’s section of the Butterfly family spell book. It creates a tear in space, through which the caster can see and spy on anyone they wish.


Strength & Destructive Power

-Destroyed a house with Turbo Nuclear Butterfly Blast. (Season 1, Episode 2, 8:30)

-In her mewberty form, lifted a car. (Season 1, Episode 6, 10:02)

-Blasted a large hole in a magic temple. (Season 3, Episode 3, 1:30)

-Broke down a wall. (Season 3, Episode 5, 6:42)

-Created a large blast that destroyed most of a throne room. (Season 3, Episode 21, 17:08)

-Star’s Mega Explosive Crystal Laser spell is stated to be capable of neutralizing (destroying) planets. (, Star and Marco’s Guide to Mastering Every Dimension)

-Star’s wand is stated to be capable of destroying the universe. (Season 1, Episode 1, 1:35)

Speed & Agility

-Caught up with a speeding car using the Bunny Rocket Blast spell. (Season 1, Episode 3, 17:18)

-Dodged darts. (Season 1, Episode 4, 16:55)

Durability & Survivability

-Survived a large magical blast that leveled the top of Butterfly Castle. (, Season 3, Episode 4, 9:53)

-Star’s base durability should reasonably scale to her lower level spells, and the durability of her Butterfly form should scale to her magic.


Who does Star scale to?

Star has either fought relatively even with, or defeated most of the top threats in her universe. She’s also noted for being exceptionally gifted in magic, learning to use magic without a wand at age 14, when it took Moon until the age of 19 to accomplish such a feat. As such, she should reasonably scale to any of the threats she’s faced, the previous Queens of Mewni, ETC.


-Stopped a black hole by encasing it in crystal. (Season 2, Episode 18, 6:33)


-Deflected a lightning blast. (Season 3, Episode 21, 11:26)


-Ran around the planet in seconds


-Stopped and restarted the planet’s spin. ( Star VS. The Forces of Evil: The Magic Book of Spells)

-Destroyed Dimension 811. (Star VS. The Forces of Evil: The Magic Book of Spells)

It’s also worth noting Skywynne’s feat is pretty well corroborated with other stuff we see in Star VS...

-Queen Moon states in the first episode that Star’s wand could destroy the universe. (Season 1, Episode 1, 1:35)

-Omnitraxus prime has galaxies swirling around inside of him, and is the literal magical embodiment of space and time. (Season 2, Episode 17, 6:22)

-Toffee absorbs Omnitraxux Prime’s magic and kills him, along with the other High Commission members. Star’s Butterfly form one-shots Toffee after he does this. (Season 3, Episode 4, 19:35)

-Star, Moon, Eclipsa, and Meteora’s combined magic was enough to completely silence the Magical Realm, destroy all magic in the multiverse, and ultimately merge Earth and Mewni. (Season 4, Episode 21)

-Ludo states the universe is infinitely expanding. In case there’s any question as to whether or not the dimensions in Star VS. are universe-sized. (Season 2, Episode 1, 11:58)


Star’s magical potential is great, but it’s slightly hindered by how eccentric and unfocused she can be. While her unpredictability can be to her benefit, and she isn’t completely incapable of strategizing, she isn’t going to be coming up with any genius strategies mid-fight. Her magic and stamina also have a limit (albeit, a pretty steep one with her Butterfly form), and though she is very versatile with her magic, she is just as vulnerable to many of the spells she can cast as anyone else. As evident in her wand being vulnerable to silencing spells.

Fun Stuff

-Star mass genociding every magical creature in the multiverse.

Character Analysis: Steven Universe(Feat DJTiki)


Steven Universe

  • Full Name: Steven Quartz Universe

  • Gender: Male

  • Age: 16

  • Species: Half-Human; Half-Gem

  • Son of the Legendary Rose Quartz

  • Member of the Crystal Gems

  • Cookie-Cat’s No.1 Fan

  • Has never actually gone to real school before.


[MAJOR SPOILERS as it’s not revealed until late-series]

Once upon a time, the Diamond Authority of the Homeworld planet set out to conquer everything in their path. They ravaged and repurposed multiple planets harboring organic life for their expansion. They continued to do this until Pink Diamond was given her own colony of a new Earth. Ruling her own colony bored her, so her servant Pearl decided to show her around Earth. It changed Pink Diamond’s viewpoint of things. After failing to convince the other Diamonds to spare the Earth from being destroyed, Pink Diamond would fake her own death and transform into a Rose Quartz. From there, she would start a war about individuality and life under the banner of the Crystal Gems. And it did work, the Earth was eventually saved, but not without the price of many Gem lives. So technically, they lost. Post-war, Rose would settle down with a human named Greg and would give up her physical form to give birth to her son: Steven Universe. 

The Crystal Gems now consisted of the fusion Garnet, an overcooked Amethyst, a defective Pearl (yes, that same Pearl), and a little Steven in a small city known as… Beach City. Steven grew up not like other kids, he fought off corrupted gems and monsters that would threaten his home. He’d train himself how to use his powers to be more like the Rose Quartz his family of Gems and his father Greg told him about. He wasn’t really good at first (he was kinda an airhead). This would continue until new Homeworld Gems began threatening the Earth including the terraforming Lapis Lazuli, a technologically enhanced Peridot, a perfect Quartz in Jasper, a geo superweapon called The Cluster, some Rubies, and the Diamonds themselves. But no fear, as Steven has a knack for seeing the good in other Gems and turning them over a new leaf (most of the time).

Steven was now face-to-face with the problems his mother started and he didn’t know the truth about his mother being a Diamond. He continued to live in her shadow and was becoming outcast in his mind about it. But with his friends (especially his soon-to-be girlfriend Connie), he would face every adversity that tried to stop him and the Crystal Gems. He was mastering his powers and becoming a force to be reckoned with. With information about Rose Quartz “shattering” Pink Diamond, Steven began to wonder if his mom was truly a good person. But it’s fine because they were the same person… which didn’t go over so well with him. Now truly angered he was faced with issues he didn’t start, Steven began to live for himself. Eventually, when the Diamonds came up to Earth’s doorstep to end things once and for all, Steven got through to them and transformed a conquering Homeworld into an era of peace and prosperity… Era 3. Gems were accepted into Beach City, the Diamonds left behind planet conquering, and everyone was finally allowed to be whoever they were. The world was finally saved.

Except, turns out, being essentially a child soldier since thirteen isn’t really healthy for the mind. Steven ended up having to confront years of trauma and stress, ultimately leading him down a path to be as vicious as his mother once was. Steven’s emotions that were swelling up came to the forefront and almost ended up hurting… a lot of people and Gems. It was there that the Crystal Gems, the Homeworld Diamonds, and his friends realized that Steven was always there for them and needed to be there for him. After a heartfelt reconciliation of Steven almost destroying the planet, Steven finally realized that he had so much time being a Gem, he forgot what being human was like. He would then set out on a journey of self-discovery, leaving the Crystal Gems and Beach City behind it. Finally being the person he always was, Steven Universe. 

Powers & Abilities

Gem Powers

As half-human, half-Gem, Steven boasts some standard superpowers. As he is still a biological entity, he cannot use these abilities as fluently as the Crystal Gems, but he still has them, nonetheless.

Superhuman Strength: Steven isn’t an ordinary kid, he’s got the strength to tear apart steel and lift heavy objects with ease.

Superhuman Agility: Steven can dodge and outrun things that no ordinary human would be able to, such as light lasers.

Superhuman Durability: Steven has a knack for shrugging up very hard hits. Some Gems knock him completely silly and Steven can live. Impressive, since one punch from the Gems can dislodge mountain sides.

Shapeshifting: The ability to transmute his body into different forms. He had never completely mastered the ability but is fine shapeshifting a few of his body parts at a time without horrible damage. Steven can age himself up and down, changing maturity and how his body responds to it. Since he is biological, this ability does actually mess with his skeletal structure in horrible ways.

Gem Magic: Every gem is capable of using the light in their gems to use their unique abilities.

Fusion: As a gem, Steven can pull a Dragonball character and fuse with another Gem, or even a human. He’s fused plenty of times. They transform into an entity greater than the sum of the two fused parts. (not really usable since Steven is alone in this fight)

Steven / Pink Diamond’s Gem

Steven’s inherited gem from Rose Quartz / Pink Diamond / his mother grants him a set of unique abilities that no other Gem possesses in their arsenal.

Shield: Every gem has a weapon, Steven has a shield. It does… what a shield does, it can block attacks. He can also toss it around like Captain America, summon multiple at once, strike others, slide on it, or enlarge it to cover a wide area. It has a vibration function, and therefore, can actually repel energy based attacks to disrupt others. It can break without enough force.

Bubble: One of Steven’s earliest abilities he has the best mastery of. The bubble can encompass Steven and protect him or others from attacks. He does not need to bubble himself whatsoever. It varied in its use: boxing gloves, spiked surfaces, changing its size, and even popping it to cause shockwaves. The most common use is bubbling small objects like Gems and sending them to the Crystal Gem temple. In a small bubble, no magic is able to be used and a Gem cannot reform in it. Note, it can be popped with enough outside force and has plenty of times.

Healing Saliva: Steven can heal anything or anyone with spit (organic or inanimate). Suffice to say, Steven has a small healing factor that can repair fractures and injuries instantly as they happen to him. His tears, however, can revive the dead, though in a pink-pseudo-zombified state.

Phytoanimation: Steven can bring plants to life with his healing saliva. This even works on seeds and saplings to make them grow faster. They each have a will of its own, but will do anything to protect Steven if he’s in danger. Rose was described as using this to create an army of plant life to help her combat. Steven should be capable of the same. His most loyal group of plants are his Watermelon Stevens, which have their own civilization. 

Mind Transfer: In his sleep, Steven can fully possess the mind and body of another person. The limitations of this ability seems to be unspecified, but as long as Steven doesn’t willfully go back into his own body, he may have possession of their body indefinitely. It can only occur in his sleep.

Astral Projection: Should Steven be knocked out, he can communicate with people’s minds and thoughts using a ghost-like body. It can travel billions of light years in minutes. But the caveat is that it cannot interact with the physical world at all (only possession). He uses it as a communicative ability. 

Speed of Descent Manipulation / Floating: It’s floating, Steven can float. It’s another one of his main abilities. He can alter his personal gravity to slow how fast he falls to the ground. Because of this, he can also leap several meters in the air in a single bound. He can activate it mid-air to prevent himself flying away from a fight. 

Pink State: By far, Steven’s most dangerous set of abilities. It’s a super form brought about by Steven’s anger, stress, and repressed emotions. It’s his tapping into his Diamond powers more. His strength, durability, and abilities are enhanced to ludicrous levels. He can alter his personal time to a crawl, increasing his speed by thousands. He can now fly as opposed to floating. Shapeshifting becomes more irraditic, turning into dangerous swelling. His healing becomes accelerated and his phytoanimation more rapid and violent, his bubble and shields are replaced by Hexagonal plates that can crush and kill powerful Gems like Jasper. In this state, he is by far one of the strongest gems, period.

Pink Steven: This is the personification of Steven’s / Pink Diamond’s Gemstone. It’s his soul and powers incarnate. Will only come out should Steven’s gemstone be removed. It doesn’t have much of a personality and only seeks to reunite with Steven. Without his soul, Steven will slowly die. But his soul is capable of using enhanced versions of all of Steven’s abilities (mainly his shield). It can even block full scaled attacks by White Diamond from multiple vantage points. Much stronger than the Diamonds on its own.

Monster Steven: When Steven viewed himself as a monster due to his past actions, he transformed into a Godzilla-like monster that could destroy Earth. It’s more powerful than The Cluster, Lapis, Alexandrite, and the Diamonds. It does not have much of a will instead of sad destruction and tantrum. Its shouts can cause earthquakes. He must be suffering nothing short of a literal mental breakdown to transform.


Strength & Attack Potency

Speed & Reactions

Durability & Stamina

Skill & Intelligence

  • Led Homeworld into Era 3, stopping a several millennia conflict.

  • Broke Greg out of the Homeworld Zoo.

  • Mastered his Pink State in a matter of three days.

  • Became one of the most powerful Gems in a couple years.

    • Likely afforded due to Pink Diamond’s gemstone…

  • Able to rationally deal with conflicts without resorting to violence himself.

  • Founded Little Homeworld, a village for Gems wanting to live on Earth.

  • Defeated several powerful gems, including:

    • Jasper

    • Bismuth

    • Spinel

    • Bluebird (Fusion of Aquamarine and Ruby / Eyeball)


