-Decided to throw this together since people got so hype on Metal.
A copy of Sonic built by imitating his life data. Metal Sonic is generally considered Eggman’s most powerful creation.
OVA 30:40 Sonic’s life data was copied to make Metal Sonic https://archive.org/details/1996sonicthehedgehogthemovieupscalednew
OVA 35:58 Metal Sonic has all his memories and thoughts https://archive.org/details/1996sonicthehedgehogthemovieupscalednew
Metal Sonic is particularly notable for betraying Eggman and taking over his empire in Sonic Heroes. Following this game he had his intelligence nerfed and was re-coded to be more obedient.
Eggman was captured by Metal Sonic https://youtu.be/igNqo4iwgZA?t=865
Physical info on Sonic, Eggman and Metal, Orbot and Cubot. Metal Sonic had his intelligence nerfed https://web.archive.org/web/20210114235639/https://pastebin.com/cqe2vqij
Eggman removed Metal’s rebellious nature from his code. He upgraded Metal again for forces https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-7?id=137590#8
Despite this, Metal Sonic does retain some autonomy. In particular he has a drive to defeat and outperform the “real Sonic”.
Metal Still has some sense of self https://grabber.zone/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_638cf45f90602/480f1c9b3643fe6cbf470f9714ba573d/25.png
Metal Sonic does have self awareness and a drive to beat Sonic. He can also power himself up with chaos energy https://prong-earwig-daa.notion.site/Sonic-Metal-Sonic-8436bcfd0dac40459cd96f7bd18f4af2
Metal Sonic gathered data on the racers against Eggman’s orders and ran off after losing https://youtu.be/Cj5buxlnTXk?t=7537
Metal Sonic can fly.
KC Metal Sonic can fly https://youtu.be/PyNrwyG2D9Y?list=PLjG6mC5UUAdi5xUmU3jQvg2-97v4qb42c&t=88
OVA 31:40 Metal Sonic can fly https://archive.org/details/1996sonicthehedgehogthemovieupscalednew
Spin Attack/Dash
Metal Sonic can perform the spin dash.
S4 Metal Sonic performs a spin dash https://youtu.be/rhnObpUR72M?t=1280
Light Speed Dash
An ability that allows the user to travel along a trail of rings at light speed.
SA Sonic gets light Shoes. These allow him to follow rings at light speed https://youtu.be/mLuJqR3JUGk?list=PLlKwdx8xJfGOxsvxSspzv2bQB6KZcfMQG&t=1129
Light Speed Attack
A spinning attack that hits multiple enemies at light speed.
SA Sonic gets the Ancient Light. He learns the light speed attack https://youtu.be/mLuJqR3JUGk?list=PLlKwdx8xJfGOxsvxSspzv2bQB6KZcfMQG&t=3287
Energy projection
Metal Sonic can produce and throw balls of energy at opponents.
S4 Metal Sonic produces and throws energy blasts https://youtu.be/rhnObpUR72M?t=1338
S4 Meta Sonic generates a massive ball of energy https://youtu.be/rhnObpUR72M?t=3493
SM Metal Sonic can fire energy balls from his body https://youtu.be/iNJLX15aEn4?t=3604
Chest laser
Metal Sonic has a chest laster.
Metal Sonic has a chest laser https://youtu.be/atg06Plq4ik?t=15
Maximum V Overdrive
Metal Sonic’s Maximum V Overdrive is a powerful energy dash attack.
STT Metal uses Maximum V Overdrive https://youtu.be/drcKKfWnYF8?t=3272
STT Metal Sonic uses V Maximum Overdrive https://youtu.be/qBTjXNOOeDY?t=2893
SM Metal Sonic uses maximum V Overdrive https://youtu.be/iNJLX15aEn4?t=3524
IDW is 51 Metal Sonic uses Max V overdrive https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-51?id=202555#23
Metal Sonic uses V Maximum Overdrive https://youtu.be/x-9nUkIMiUg?t=27
Ring Spark Field
Ring spark field is an explosive round energy field that damages any opponents that come into contact with it.
STT Metal sonic uses Ring Spark Field https://youtu.be/qBTjXNOOeDY?t=2898
Metal Sonic uses Ring Spark Field https://youtu.be/x-9nUkIMiUg?t=5 and https://youtu.be/x-9nUkIMiUg?t=42
Black Shield
Metal Sonic can project a shield around himself to block attacks.
IDW is 56 Metal uses the Black shield. Metal Sonic fights Surge https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-56?id=209818#9
OVA 32:15 Metal Sonic forms a shield around himself https://archive.org/details/1996sonicthehedgehogthemovieupscalednew
Machine control
Metal Sonic can embed himself into various machines to control them.
KC Metal Sonic embedded himself in a machine https://youtu.be/R5WbIyunnx0?list=PLjG6mC5UUAdi5xUmU3jQvg2-97v4qb42c&t=39
SM Metal Sonic embeds himself in a machine https://youtu.be/iNJLX15aEn4?t=3491
Rivals Power-Ups
Various elemental attacks and traps that can be used in the Sonic rivals games. Most can be used as projectiles to hit from a distance.
SRi Ice Power up https://youtu.be/PqYyZXy8eMY?list=PLtgJSYwrhFtPKSxUkaFFsqq0GmQQwGVW9&t=82
SRi Fire Power up https://youtu.be/PqYyZXy8eMY?list=PLtgJSYwrhFtPKSxUkaFFsqq0GmQQwGVW9&t=145
SRi Lightning Power up https://youtu.be/lfvb1k6biTA?list=PLtgJSYwrhFtPKSxUkaFFsqq0GmQQwGVW9&t=22
SRi Mine Power up https://youtu.be/GnC9Jm0OjME?list=PLtgJSYwrhFtPKSxUkaFFsqq0GmQQwGVW9&t=144
SRi Illusion Power up https://youtu.be/9Z6YqTCWIIA?list=PLtgJSYwrhFtPKSxUkaFFsqq0GmQQwGVW9&t=31
SRi Ring Magnet Power up https://youtu.be/9Z6YqTCWIIA?list=PLtgJSYwrhFtPKSxUkaFFsqq0GmQQwGVW9&t=115
SRi Wing Power up https://youtu.be/LfPia90jQZQ?t=1459
Speed Battle Items
Various elemental and long range attacks found in Speed Battle.
A full list can be seen here https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_Forces:_Speed_Battle#Items
Steal: Sends out a Chao that can steal items from an opponent.
Monitor Boxes
Various monitors that encapsulate short lived power ups.
Invincibility: Grants temporary invincibility.
S1 Invincibility Power-up https://youtu.be/gjDanVVS5EI?t=30
S2 Invincibility https://youtu.be/oR2HjN_GEZ8?t=1557
SCD Invincibility https://youtu.be/qBTjXNOOeDY?t=2696
Shield: Grants a shield that blocks one deadly attack.
S1 Normal Shield https://youtu.be/gjDanVVS5EI?t=399
S2 Shield https://youtu.be/oR2HjN_GEZ8?t=31
SAv1 Shield https://youtu.be/0tCbIh7ePYA?t=95
Speed Shoes: Grants temporary boost in speed.
S2 Speed shoes https://youtu.be/oR2HjN_GEZ8?t=1549
SCD Speed shoes https://youtu.be/qBTjXNOOeDY?t=2024
Lost Labyrinth treasure
An energy orb Mental Sonic uses to power himself up in Sonic 4.
S4 Metal Sonic got some kind of mystical artifact to power himself up with https://youtu.be/4b3j0nrDm7s?t=526
Chaos Emeralds
Metal Sonic can siphon chaos energy to power himself up.
Mania ep 6 Metal Sonic can use the Master Emerald to power up https://youtu.be/3HSc3ASFoG8?list=PL6YtbPaCgKrT1o0_QT1uGR5PruDIDLmew&t=128
Mania ep 5 Metal Sonic powers up with the Chaos Emeralds https://youtu.be/3HSc3ASFoG8?list=PL6YtbPaCgKrT1o0_QT1uGR5PruDIDLmew&t=44
Mania Ep 5 Metal Sonic fights Sonic, Tails, Ray and Mighty at once https://youtu.be/3HSc3ASFoG8?list=PL6YtbPaCgKrT1o0_QT1uGR5PruDIDLmew&t=84
They are a set of mystical objects that are said to grant near infinite power through the use of “chaos energy”. They can often be found hidden in alternate pocket dimensions known as special zones, and are said to turn the thoughts of the user into power. Many sources also claim them to be directly correlated to the health of nature itself. Their power can change based on the circumstances they’re used under.
S1 “The Chaos Emeralds are a super substance, giving energy to all living things.” https://pastebin.com/j3j5G1mQ
S18BIT “The Chaos Emeralds are a super substance, giving energy to all living things. Furthermore, they can be applied to nuclear and laser weaponry as well through scientific techniques.” https://pastebin.com/j3j5G1mQ
SCh Emeralds are the source of vitality for all living things https://info.sonicretro.org/images/b/bb/SonicChaos_GG_US_manual.pdf
Channel Stories Emeralds disperse upon being used https://prong-earwig-daa.notion.site/Sonic-Tails-328d755db22c40198c3e2a8376f202ca
IDW is 12 It’s stated the Emeralds powers can changed in a given situation or their usage https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-12?id=148378#13
Chaos Control
The ability to bend time and space or empower oneself with the aid of a chaos emerald. The more chaos emeralds a character has the more enhanced the ability to use chaos control will be.
Teleportation: The main use of chaos control is to teleport either the user and or an object through space. This can work across dimensions or be applied to large objects. Supposedly there is a limit to the range though.
SRi2 Shadow used Chaos control to exit Ifrits dimension https://youtu.be/a-xmr6fzYuY?list=PLdwU6fiTmnT5Tbw-MahnRZEytG9JevMqX&t=3564
SAv3 Eggman uses an Emerald to cause chaos control and split the world https://youtu.be/FAy6y50dr2A?t=29
SAv3 https://info.sonicretro.org/images/2/28/SonicAdvance3_GBA_US_manual.pdf The word has been split in 7 by chaos control by Eggman
IDW Is 19 Chaos control only works over a limited range. The emeralds also can’t just do anything https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-25?id=167545#19
SA2 Sonic and Shadow chaos control the Ark back into orbit https://youtu.be/IvtP37wqIs0?list=PLqDauv-a8gjTyP1Etz_aHPo9f1-tV-BFp&t=1872
SH Shadow Chaos controls the Black Comet https://youtu.be/J6Yc1uFd7sg?t=5023
Warping: Chaos control can be used to warp the user at high speeds.
SA2 Shadow uses an emerald to warp with Chaos Control. Sonic notices the warp https://youtu.be/Dh-Obo_YmlU?list=PLqDauv-a8gjTyP1Etz_aHPo9f1-tV-BFp&t=535
SH Shadow Warps with Chaos Control https://youtu.be/t5v9cTZp3F0?t=637
Time Stop: The ability to stop time through chaos control.
SA2 Time Stop https://youtu.be/ZExQokYUuk8?t=45
Time Travel: The ability to travel through time with Chaos control. Requires two users using chaos control at once.
S06 Duel Chaos control https://youtu.be/olgZyoZvnfs?t=823
Emerald Powers
Special powers granted to the emeralds while exposed to the energy of the Northstar Islands.
Emerald powers are exclusive to Northstar Island https://www.tiktok.com/@sonic_hedgehog/video/7311806494910024991
Avatar: Creates dozens of energy copies of the user.
SS Avatar https://youtu.be/qpDrXhgDJzg?t=27
Bullet: Turns the user into a fiery bullet that can dash mid air.
SS Bullet https://youtu.be/qpDrXhgDJzg?t=63
Vision: Allows the user to see invisible objects.
SS Vision https://youtu.be/qpDrXhgDJzg?t=112
Water: Turns the user into water that can swim up sources of liquid.
SS Water https://youtu.be/qpDrXhgDJzg?t=161
Ivy: Creates a giant ivy stalk that can be used for platforming.
Slow: Slows down time.
Extra: Grants an extra ability. This is the homing attack for Classic Sonic.
SS Extra(Homing Attack) https://youtu.be/qpDrXhgDJzg?t=320
Mind manipulation negation
The Chaos Emeralds can negate mind manipulation.
SRun Eggman attempts to use a brainwashing laser on Sonic, but the emeralds absorb the energy https://youtu.be/Oj_45WKv7vo?list=PLuWWx5Uk-l024X5K9gcGNJPzkR9QYBEFX&t=1398
OWC Tails says the world has changed due to an anomaly caused by Eggman. Tails started getting his memory back due to the power of a Chaos Emerald https://browniehideout.wordpress.com/2023/05/31/sonic-calendar-otherworld-comedy-story-act-6-the-true-princess-june-2023/
OWC Emeralds give Blaze and Silver their memories back. The Emeralds can resist otherworldifiction https://browniehideout.wordpress.com/2023/07/31/sonic-calendar-otherworld-comedy-story-act-8-reunion-with-the-magical-princess-august-2023/
Soul/Casualty Manip
The Ancients could use the emeralds to manipulate souls and causality. They could also build pocket dimensions.
SFro It’s stated the Ancients built a reality to contain THE END https://youtu.be/OUiUOibohYM?t=566
SFro "Whoa! A law-deying force field is changing the steering's outcome? Logic disparities are manifesting and going down to the bottom of causality!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-TCdYY2a2k&t=149s
SFro "His soul is prisoner to cyberization" https://youtu.be/3-TCdYY2a2k?t=5241
The Emeralds where also used to bind Solaris to souls in Sonic 06
Dark Rings
Artificial rings created by studying and harnessing the power of Chaos rings in Knuckles Chaotix. They’re used as a power source for machines.
KC Eggman’s machine is powered by a Dark Ring https://youtu.be/Zl4glps_IpE?list=PLjG6mC5UUAdi5xUmU3jQvg2-97v4qb42c&t=436
KC Eggman created artificial Dark Rings to power his machines https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Knuckles%27_Chaotix/Manuals#Japanese https://pastebin.com/Nmmmb0MC
Master Emerald
The master emerald found on Angel Island. Like the Chaos emeralds it can be used as a power source. It has the ability to neutralize the Chaos Emeralds powers.
S3K The Master Emerald empowers the Chaos emeralds into Super Emeralds https://youtu.be/5C8yJUjPJOA?t=4472
The Master Emerald can neutralize the chaos emeralds https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-8?id=138338#24
Phantom Ruby
A mysterious gemstone introduced in Sonic Mania. It can be used as a power source. It can also take control of a person's senses and creates holograms with mass to create powerful illusions.
The Phantom Ruby takes control of a person's visual perception, feeds info to their brain and makes holograms with mass to create illusions https://youtu.be/n5MGDnnv42o?t=258
SM The Phantom Ruby seemingly turned normal Egg Robos into the Hard Boiled heavies https://youtu.be/iNJLX15aEn4?t=44
SM The Phantom Ruby can bypass Super Sonic’s Invulnerability https://youtu.be/iNJLX15aEn4?t=7696
Forces is 4 The Phantom Rubies causes hallucinations https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-Forces-Moment-of-Truth/Issue-4?id=124766#3
SM The Phantom Ruby can seemingly repair the Hard Boiled Heavies https://youtu.be/5vP_uJ3Zg70?t=51
Space/time travel
The Phantom Ruby can open tears in space/time or send people across time.
SM The Ruby warps Sonic to chemical plant https://youtu.be/iNJLX15aEn4?t=364
SM The Phantom Ruby caused a dimensional break and can warp people across space/time https://info.sonicretro.org/images/4/4a/SonicMania_consoles_EN_manual.pdf
SM The Phantom Ruby creates a tear in space/time that sends classic Sonic into forces https://youtu.be/iNJLX15aEn4?t=7735
SM The Phantom Ruby sent Sonic back to the past https://youtu.be/5vP_uJ3Zg70?t=15
Gravity manipulation
The Phantom Ruby can alter the pull of gravity.
Phantom Ruby can alter gravity https://youtu.be/G7rIye--ubk?t=283
Phantom copies
The Phantom Ruby can conjure copies of other characters that are just as strong as the originals.
Forces is 2 A ruby makes a copy of Chaos https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-Forces-Moment-of-Truth/Issue-2?id=123747#4
Forces is 4 The Ruby makes an army for Eggman https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-Forces-Moment-of-Truth/Issue-4?id=124766#5
Ruby copies of Shadow, Metal, Zavok and Chaos https://youtu.be/qrs8UozGEDo?t=73
It’s stated that phantom copies are equal to the originals https://youtu.be/qrs8UozGEDo?t=752 https://youtu.be/k5w90mOqq84?list=PLgPg3XjfKnjiIMeRJyt0bq4xGYKzAOZzr&t=15
The Phantom Ruby creates 1000s of copies of Sonic characters https://youtu.be/qrs8UozGEDo?t=1033
Null space
The Phantom Ruby can send opponents to Null space, a dark dimension. It also created the Egg Revier Zone.
The Phantom Ruby can connect to Null Space https://youtu.be/qrs8UozGEDo?t=950
Alien life forms that grant Color Powers. Color Powers are a series of abilities Sonic characters can use by absorbing the “Hyper-Go-On” Wisps produced.
STR Examples of wisp powers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR41BE2KBNY
SCo Wisps are made of a power energy called Hyper-Go-On https://youtu.be/XzmZQokUj5w?t=846
White Burst/White Wisp: Grants energy for boosting.
SCo White Wisp https://youtu.be/c9P-59uQIyU?t=127
Red Burst/Red Wisp: Turns the user into a ball of fire that can burn opponents and perform additional jumps in the air.
SCoDS Red Burst https://youtu.be/c9P-59uQIyU?t=218
SLW Red Wisps https://youtu.be/1VL-M6qswFo?t=262
Violet Void: Turns the user into a floating void like object. The form can hover, can absorb nearby objects and enemies, and travel through grate/fan like objects like a gas.
SCoDS Violet Void https://youtu.be/c9P-59uQIyU?t=229
Orange Rocket/Orange Wisp: The user becomes a rocket like object. The strength of the upwards movement can harm enemies.
SCo Orange Wisp https://youtu.be/CpacfQ2b3JA?t=61
Cyan Laser/Cyan Wisp: Turns the user into a living laser that can bounce off opponents to damage them, off walls to reach new areas or travel through special crystals to get to new places.
SCo Cyan Wisp https://youtu.be/CpacfQ2b3JA?t=52 and https://youtu.be/QPYU8GFR-mU?t=1
SLW Cyan https://youtu.be/1VL-M6qswFo?t=4
Pink Spike/Pink Wisp: Turns the user into a pink spiked ball that can latch onto and travel along walls. He can also move along them at high speeds with a spin dash like maneuver
SCo Pink Wisp https://youtu.be/CpacfQ2b3JA?t=67 and https://youtu.be/QPYU8GFR-mU?t=150
Blue Cube/Blue Wisp: Gives the user the ability to turn into a large blue cube. The cube can smash into the ground to destroy objects and also sends out a shockwave that can damage opponents from a distance.
SCo Blue Wisp https://youtu.be/CpacfQ2b3JA?t=69 and https://youtu.be/QPYU8GFR-mU?t=19
Green Hover/Green Wisp: Turns the user into a floating green object that can hover through an environment and even has its own version of the light speed dash.
SCo Green Wisp https://youtu.be/CpacfQ2b3JA?t=71 and https://youtu.be/QPYU8GFR-mU?t=38
SLW Green Wisp https://youtu.be/1VL-M6qswFo?t=147
Purple Frenzy/Purple Wisp: The user uses a purple wisp to become a large floating pacman-ish head. Said form has sharp teeth it can use to devour objects in front of it, growing with size as it does so. At maximum size the form can also suck objects to its position through a sort of vacuum breath.
SCo Purple Wisp https://youtu.be/CpacfQ2b3JA?t=74 and https://youtu.be/QPYU8GFR-mU?t=102
Yellow Drill/Yellow Wisp: Turns the user into a drill that can travel through ground and through water.
SCo Yellow Wisp https://youtu.be/QPYU8GFR-mU?t=68
SLW Yellow Wisp https://youtu.be/1VL-M6qswFo?t=36
Jade Ghost/Jade Wisp: Turns the user intangible
SCo Jade Wisp https://youtu.be/QPYU8GFR-mU?t=90
Indigo Asteroid: Using an indigo wisp turns the user into a miniature planet like object that uses intense gravity to tear objects and opponents apart. The more objects pulled in the stronger the gravity effect becomes.
SLW Indigo Wisp https://youtu.be/1VL-M6qswFo?t=59
Magenta Rhythm/Magenta wisp: Turns the user into a large music note. The form can bounce in midair off specific bouncing points.
SLW Magenta Wisp https://youtu.be/1VL-M6qswFo?t=89
Crimson Eagle/Red Wisp: Turn the user into a red eagle-like creature that can fly.
SLW Crimson Wisp https://youtu.be/1VL-M6qswFo?t=170
Black Bomb/Black Wisp: Transforms the user into a large bomb.
SLW Black Wisp https://youtu.be/1VL-M6qswFo?t=207
Gray Quake/Grey Wisp: Transforms the user into a heavy stone block that can make shockwaves to destroy opponents and scale up walls.
SLW Gray Wisp https://youtu.be/1VL-M6qswFo?t=285
Ivory Lightning/Ivory Wisp: Ivory wisps turn the user into a living bolt of lightning. In this form the user can latch onto objects and electrocute opponents. Can also control sources of electricity.
SLW Ivory Wisp https://youtu.be/1VL-M6qswFo?t=351
Metal Sonic Kai Sonic
A giant version of Metal Sonic powered by Dark Rings. It has a massive chest laser and can attack foes with massive metal claws.
KC Metal Sonic uses Dark Rings to become Metal Sonic Kai. A giant version of himself with giant arms. https://youtu.be/R5WbIyunnx0?list=PLjG6mC5UUAdi5xUmU3jQvg2-97v4qb42c&t=186
KC Metal Sonic Kai has a chest laser https://youtu.be/R5WbIyunnx0?list=PLjG6mC5UUAdi5xUmU3jQvg2-97v4qb42c&t=265
Giga Metal Sonic
A giant version of Metal Sonic powered by the Phantom Ruby. It has energy lasers in its mouth and can lob explosives.
Sonic fights Giga Metal Sonic. Phantom Ruby turns Metal Sonic into the giant Giga Sonic. Giga Sonic can fire energy blasts from his mouth and lob projectiles https://youtu.be/6gBRxvBUSlA?t=14
Neo Metal Sonic
An upgraded version of Metal Sonic main form. It’s permanent unless he takes significant damage. It grants Metal Sonic a host of new abilities on top of his base powers.
IDW is 7 Eggman upgraded Metal into Neo Metal Sonic https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-7?id=137590#8
Metal Sonic can manipulate lightning.
Neo summons a lightning strike https://youtu.be/crjYsYyPIvc?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=94
Metal Sonic can shapeshift.
IDW is 7 Neo Metal has shapeshifting powers. He can become a copy of Eggman https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-7?id=137590#7
Neo has shape shifting abilities https://youtu.be/RLSimTY3jR8?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=1368
Data copying
Metal Sonic can scan and copy the powers of others. It’s implied they need to be within eyesight and that they at least need to observe the ability that he’s copying.
IDW is 7 Neo copied Sonic’s bio data https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-7?id=137590#17
IDW is 9 It’s implied Neo Metal could copy Blaze’s fire powers and the ability to use the sol emeralds https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-9?id=139837#10
IDW is 10 It’s implied Neo can copy powers quickly and that his overlord transformation is based on copying biodata and the Master emerald https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-10?id=142674#18 https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-10?id=142674#19
Metal Sonic copies the Bio Data of Sonic and Co https://youtu.be/RLSimTY3jR8?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=1370
Metal copies Shadow and his team's data https://youtu.be/igNqo4iwgZA?t=386
Metal copies Amy and her team's data https://youtu.be/igNqo4iwgZA?t=591
Metal copied Chao and Froggy’s data https://youtu.be/igNqo4iwgZA?t=523
Metal Copied Team Chaotix data https://youtu.be/igNqo4iwgZA?t=799
SS Metal Sonic uses Copycat https://youtu.be/dvY_65NvnyA?t=356
Most notable copied ability are
Chaos Control from Shadow
Psychokinesis from Silver
Invisibility from Epsio
Super Neo Metal Sonic
A Super Form gained via chaos energy. It should have invulnerability and increased power like Sonic’s Super form. Super Neo can also project energy as an attack. It’s noted to be unstable due to using only the Master Emerald in IDW, though presumably would be more stable with the full 7 emeralds. It’s implied in other media to be on par with Super Sonic.
IDW is 9 Neo uses the Master Emerald to gain a super form https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-9?id=139837#22
IDW is 10 Super Neo can fire energy blasts from his hands https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-10?id=142674#6
IDW is 10. Super Neo can disperse electric like energy from himself https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-10?id=142674#7
Metal Madness
A large dragon form created by bio data and metal from Eggman’s Egg fleet. It has missile launchers, flamethrowers and can capture opponents in crystal barriers created by spiked projectiles.
Metal Sonic merges with tons of metal to become Metal Madness https://youtu.be/crjYsYyPIvc?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=107
Metal Madness can fire tons of missiles at opponents and has flamethrowers in this arms https://youtu.be/crjYsYyPIvc?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=237
Metal Madness has projectile spikes that can turn into encapsulating crystals https://youtu.be/crjYsYyPIvc?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=337
Metal Overlord/Master Overlord
A more powerful dragon form with flight abilities. Metal Sonic gained this form after combining his stolen life data from numerous Sonic characters with the Chaos' shapeshifting powers. The form has increased strength, can project energy, fire missiles and can fire spiked projectiles that trap opponents in crystal. In IDW Metal takes on a similar form with the Power of the Master Emerald.
Metal Madness gains wings and becomes Metal Overlord https://youtu.be/crjYsYyPIvc?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=513
Metal Overlord can fire giant crystal energy blasts https://youtu.be/crjYsYyPIvc?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=566
Metal Overlord can fire spike like projectiles https://youtu.be/crjYsYyPIvc?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=682
Metal Overlord can fire missiles that capture opponents in crystal https://youtu.be/crjYsYyPIvc?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=724
IDW is 10 It’s implied Neo can copy powers quickly and that his overlord transformation is based on copying biodata https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-10?id=142674#18 https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-10?id=142674#19
IDW is 11 Metal Sonic became Master Overlord. He can fire giant crystal projectiles and fly https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-11?id=144662#6
ShaGens Electrical energy tails https://youtu.be/vyjL2T3duBA?t=18
Shagens Missiles https://youtu.be/vyjL2T3duBA?t=73
ShaGens Crystal projectiles https://youtu.be/vyjL2T3duBA?t=108
OVA 32:43 Metal Sonic and Sonic break off a city sized stalactite https://archive.org/details/1996sonicthehedgehogthemovieupscalednew
S4 Eggman revived Metal on Little Planet and Metal flew from there to Earth https://youtu.be/4b3j0nrDm7s?t=31
OVA 42:37 Metal Sonic and Sonic can jump 1000s of feat https://archive.org/details/1996sonicthehedgehogthemovieupscalednew
SCD https://pastebin.com/WBRJccJ0 This has a profile on Metal Sonic. It’s stated he can move faster than the real Sonic. It has the same abilities as Sonic; furthermore, it’s possible for it to instantly put out more speed than Sonic.
OVA 32:43 Metal Sonic and Sonic break off a city sized stalactite https://archive.org/details/1996sonicthehedgehogthemovieupscalednew
Base scaling
S2 Eggman survives the Death Egg exploding https://youtu.be/oR2HjN_GEZ8?t=3669
SS Eggman survives a mountain exploding https://youtu.be/2WORL26r-8U?t=2885
SAv1 The Egg Mobile flies to the moon in seconds https://youtu.be/0tCbIh7ePYA?t=2197
SFro A Death Egg Robot laser destroys a lot of rock https://youtu.be/nx3lcSscPK0?t=2973
SBa Eggman blows up many stars with the Death Egg Final Egg Blaster https://youtu.be/BlV6CK1MQXU?list=PL405FDAFB760C25B4&t=1054
Other base level characters
SRdG Sonic fights Master Core: Abis. Master Core can create a black hole under itself https://youtu.be/enyBW2c8yGk?t=2484
SBa Sonic fights an Emerl powered by all 7 emeralds and some of the Final Egg Blasters energy https://youtu.be/BlV6CK1MQXU?list=PL405FDAFB760C25B4&t=1287
SRun Silver stops the Death Egg from moving and Blaze destroys it https://youtu.be/5uEtep7xJU0?list=PLuWWx5Uk-l024X5K9gcGNJPzkR9QYBEFX&t=2188
SC Sonic can dodge light beams from Hotaru https://youtu.be/qBTjXNOOeDY?t=3450
SCD Sonic can reach light speed according to the Sonic CD manual https://i.imgur.com/xjsL3F3.png
Channel Com Silver stops a meteor https://grabber.zone/wp-content/uploads/WP-manga/data/manga_638cf45f90602/480f1c9b3643fe6cbf470f9714ba573d/14.png
SH Shadow can control his direction while traveling in the digital circuit at light speed https://youtu.be/7kfonBX2kZo?t=9
SCo Wisps fly from space back to Earth in seconds https://youtu.be/XzmZQokUj5w?t=3071
SSRi The world of the Arabian Nights is disappearing because of Erazor Djinn, who is absorbing the book world https://youtu.be/1ZDN--cQ_PI?list=PL561D7EC2CACFD677&t=90
SSRi Erazor says he’s carve up half the pages that make his world https://youtu.be/fsz3masmZQ4?list=PL561D7EC2CACFD677&t=436
Super Scaling
Jeweled Scepter
SRA The Jeweled Scepter maintains the power of the stars https://youtu.be/T37iv5xGcps?list=PL57CD92202D453D60&t=136
SRA The Power of the Stars is what makes maintaining parallel universes possible https://youtu.be/T37iv5xGcps?list=PL57CD92202D453D60&t=193
SRA The Egg Wizard has a planet busting laser https://youtu.be/Kc1Ck6KBH7U?list=PL57CD92202D453D60&t=156
Time Eater
SGDS Time Eater destroys time space and leaves it as a white void https://youtu.be/nxFFGnzwfoA?t=99
Ency The Time Eater destroyed all space/time https://pm1.aminoapps.com/8289/da65857d76eedf3b2e19a42c632c7d172c697f1fr1-2048-1536v2_hq.jpg
TT Ep 4 The Time Eater messed with all of space time https://youtu.be/CnnqXIGA_UQ?t=154
SSh Void destroyed the Precious Stone https://youtu.be/lCuxXym1dDQ?list=PLeCf5pTzB7Y3UVY3eDvaEtki5F-m2cIjc&t=92
SSh The Precioustone created Maginaryworld and is made from everyones dreams https://youtu.be/lCuxXym1dDQ?list=PLeCf5pTzB7Y3UVY3eDvaEtki5F-m2cIjc&t=310
SSh Void is a manifestation of negative dreams and is a precious stone himself https://youtu.be/9Z_V91PaJFc?list=PLeCf5pTzB7Y3UVY3eDvaEtki5F-m2cIjc&t=460
S06 Solaris destroys the universe https://youtu.be/r8HU5f8XG6w?t=213
S06 It’s stated Solaris will consume all timelines https://youtu.be/r8HU5f8XG6w?t=347
Other Super level feats
SSRi Alibabda destroys the entire Arabian Nights universe https://youtu.be/VEhlmGNFKHY?list=PL561D7EC2CACFD677&t=2
SBK Excalibur Sonic fights the Dark Queen, who can alter the entire Camelot universe https://youtu.be/zFLQqE_q61Y?list=PLqDauv-a8gjT4Kn-WZV8Vthy3OYvFO_bd&t=405
SA Perfect Chaos destroys Station Square https://youtu.be/CQRUG4W6xwI?list=PLlKwdx8xJfGOxsvxSspzv2bQB6KZcfMQG&t=595
SA2 The Eclipse cannon blows up half the moon with 6 emeralds https://youtu.be/xYflFicsAZk?list=PLqDauv-a8gjTyP1Etz_aHPo9f1-tV-BFp&t=849
SFro It’s stated the Ancients built a reality to contain THE END https://youtu.be/OUiUOibohYM?t=566
SFro The End claims to be the strongest Sonic villain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YapmVFpggt0&t=49s
Various collections on notes on Sonic Cosmology
SCh It’s stated the Emeralds flew into a parallel universe(Special Zones) https://info.sonicretro.org/images/b/bb/SonicChaos_GG_US_manual.pdf
KC Special rings created dimensional spaces https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Knuckles%27_Chaotix/Manuals#Japanese https://pastebin.com/Nmmmb0MC
TT Ep 4 Tails speculates that there could be many versions of Sonic in separate dimensions https://youtu.be/CnnqXIGA_UQ?t=198
SFro It’s stated the Ancients built a reality to contain THE END https://youtu.be/OUiUOibohYM?t=566
S3D “Surprisingly, the Flickies use the big rings to move in and out of subspace” https://pastebin.com/wVxybQmD
SSh Maginaryworld is a world of dreams created by those from other dimensions https://youtu.be/lCuxXym1dDQ?list=PLeCf5pTzB7Y3UVY3eDvaEtki5F-m2cIjc&t=299
SSh The 4th Dimension is world made of Illumina’s dream and many other misc dreams collectively https://youtu.be/pCpo-dr-N2o?list=PLeCf5pTzB7Y3UVY3eDvaEtki5F-m2cIjc&t=22
Egg Field is potentially infinite https://imgur.com/a/otherworld-comedy-act-12-poll-sonicofficialjp-D2l1OIa
Various arguments for universes in Sonic https://x.com/SonicLorepost/status/1636768529495244800?t=XmHLqpJGnBUBmBzNciDcyA&s=19
Sleeping Egg Zone was a dimension created by Eggman https://imgur.com/a/sleeping-egg-zone-is-universe-O9zw7lM
Aquatic Planet Zone is another Dimension https://imgur.com/a/aqua-planet-is-another-universe-8DC7psH
SPS1EP7 0:42 The Paradox Prism shattered Sonic’s universe into 6 realities https://ww16.0123movie.net/movie/sonic-prime-season-1-1630854577.html
STT Metal Sonic fights Sonic https://youtu.be/drcKKfWnYF8?t=3288
STTMetal Sonic fights Sonic https://youtu.be/qBTjXNOOeDY?t=2870
S4 Metal Sonic fights Sonic https://youtu.be/rhnObpUR72M?t=1264
Mania ep 4 Metal Sonic fights Mighty https://youtu.be/aAmBxc_yCsI?list=PL6YtbPaCgKrT1o0_QT1uGR5PruDIDLmew&t=58
SH Metal fights Super Sonic https://youtu.be/crjYsYyPIvc?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=513
IDW is 7 Neo Metal fights Sonic https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-7?id=137590#12
IDW is 11 Master Overlord fights Sonic https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-11?id=144662#14
IDW is 14 Metal Sonic fights Sonic https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-14?id=150578#8
IDW is 30 Shadow fights Sonic https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-2018/Issue-30?id=174807#21
KC Metal fights Knuckles and the Chaotix https://youtu.be/R5WbIyunnx0?list=PLjG6mC5UUAdi5xUmU3jQvg2-97v4qb42c&t=186
ShaGen Metal Overlord fights Shadow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyjL2T3duBA
Imposter Syndrome is 4 Metal Sonic fights Surge https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-Imposter-Syndrome/Issue-4?id=197701#14
Season Metal Sonic and Metal Knuckles fight King Heavy https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Sonic-the-Hedgehog-Seasons-of-Chaos/TPB?id=229329#56
Super Sonic extends his powers to Knuckles and Tails. He Fights Metal Overlord https://youtu.be/crjYsYyPIvc?list=PLCfY9hM5dSHkZkSXPA3LB05RP_418z--q&t=534
Sonic fights Metal Sonic https://youtu.be/x-9nUkIMiUg?t=1
The Goat himself
ReplyDeleteShut up
DeleteYou shut up, bitch.
DeleteShut up bitchoy
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DeleteI get sad with Oswald's dedication on rampaging over all these blogs just to hate on them intead of taking a bath and doing something more positive for his life
DeleteFlip stop being a bitchboy lol
DeleteQuick question for Ultraguy. In Bowser Vs Eggman, it’s mentioned that Bowser had access to 24+ grand stars. Can you tell me where this number came from? Just wanna know more about my favorite series!
ReplyDeleteI don't think he ever answers ...