Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Gogeta vs Vegito Mini Q and A

This fight is pretty straightforward, so I’m not gonna bother linking anything.

What was the deciding factor of the fight?

Primarily the time limit. Vegito lasting twice as long as Gogeta gives them a pretty large advantage in most scenarios. Given both combatants in the episode were essentially being formed from the same “composite versions” of Goku and Vegeta, they were pretty much equal in most other aspects(speed, strength,skill, abilities, techniques, etc).  

Does Potara fusion run out of energy faster than the fusion dance?

Nothing has ever stated this to be the case. It’s purely headcanon. Both fusion techniques can have their timer cut due to overwhelming energy usage. SS4 Gogeta only lasted 10 minutes. SS3 Gotenks could only last for 5 minutes. I’m aware some people argue Vegito seemingly couldn’t last as well against Zamusa compared Gogeta against Broly, but it's important to note that in the later case Goku and Vegeta had grown MUCH stronger between arcs and had become better at regulating SSB as a whole. Not to mention the fact Gogeta was barely exerting himself against Broly anyway and easily bodied him with minimal effort.

But Vegito has never won a fight?

Vegito could have killed Buu whenever he wanted. Vegito wanted Buu to absorb him and purposefully dragged out the fight. Zamasu was also immortal and couldn’t really be killed via conventional methods. If you put Vegito against Janemba or Broly, he logically would have won just as easily since he wouldn’t have had outside circumstances forcing his hand.

Is Potara stated to be more powerful than the fusion dance?

The most primary or secondary Dragon Ball media heavily implies this. Old kai states Portara is the better fusion technique, most of the world guides say it's more powerful as well. Most media implying they’re equal or that Gogeta is stronger comes from tertiary media like magazines. 

Could Gogeta have ended the fusion by destroying the Potara earrings?

Possibly? I would say the Super anime implied that could end the fusion, but it’s admittedly not outright stated or addressed in any media. Granted the  “EX fusion”  technique from DB fusions could be ended by taking off its portara equivalent, the metamo ring, implying that could be the case for portara itself. That said, its pretty unlikely to happen unless Gogeta could overpower Vegito by a huge margin , given most Dragon Ball characters seem to protect their clothing with Ki.

Did DB Heroes factor in the verdict?

I would say no. We didn’t really use anything from Heroes besides both characters' base abilities and feats(no cards, and no card abilities). Since it was basically a composite anyway it basically just evened out on both sides.

Does power matching affect the strength of the fusion dance?

It’s not explicitly stated, but it does make sense. Having to maintain an equal synergy between your partner falls in line with how the fusion technique is stated to work. That said it’s a fairly minor point in the victory.

Isn't Gogeta more serious than Vegito? Isn’t one personality more prominent in one than the other?

THat’s mostly headcanon. In all honesty we’ve never seen Gogeta and Vegito outside of battle long enough to get a super good read on their personality. That said, both have been serious and goofy in their various appearances(Gogeta against Shenron for example). Also worth pointing out that goofing around, not attacking seriously and wasting time would actual benefit Vegito because their time limit is longer.

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