Sunday, April 5, 2020

Character Analysis:Cable(Feat Hero)

Background and Experience

Cable was born to Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor (a clone of Jean Grey), and was sent to the future to save his life from the Techno-Organic virus and fulfill his destiny as the savior of the Askani clan, where he was raised for 12 years by the re-embodied minds of his mother’s genetic original and his father, the X-Men known as Jean Grey and Cyclops. Then, as an adult, after several decades of military command, he returned to the present day.

There, he became the leader of the mutant black ops group X-Force. He developed a friendly — if antagonistic — partnership with the mutant mercenary Deadpool. And he would eventually go time-hopping into the future again in order to safeguard another mutant baby, Hope. All of those developments are reflected, or just generally included, in Deadpool 2.

Nathan Summers, full name Nathaniel Christopher Charles Dayspring Summers (Jesus, why?) was sired by Scott Summers aka the mutant Cyclops, and Madelyne Pryor, a clone of Jean Grey created by Nathaniel Essix aka Mister Sinister, in order to create the ultimate mutant. He travels back in time to “our” not-too-distant-future (the mainstream continuity of the X-Men comics from our perspective) from a post-apocalyptic future in which he hopes to prevent.

Oh, there’s also a bunch of other weird, complicated and messed up comics bullshit that happened including Scott and Nathan becoming kidnapped, Jean Grey returning and Scott leaving her and the baby for her, Nathan having a psychic link with his half-sister from an alternate universe, Scott eventually coming back again, Madelyn making a deal with demons becoming the Goblin Queen, -you know, your standard-issue convoluted comic book backstory- that I decided to leave out for the sake of simplicity.

Skipping to the important part, Apocalypse took baby Nathan to the moon (as you do) and injected him with a techno-virus in order to stint his growth and suppress his powers. And not just the moon, the Blue Area of the Moon! Anyway, with time he was able to combat this virus and even use it to his advantage, eventually becoming an omega-level mutant.


Belle: An AI system he can interact with telepathically thanks to his bio-cybernetics implanted in him by the techno-virus. With it he can also view an interface that allows him to see localized airwaves to hack into the internet and manipulate electronics. It also streamlines his “chrono-skimming” ability (see Abilities) in order to enhance and better control it. He can also access blue-prints and other various files in order to build, repair, and enhance his weapons and equipment .

Psimitar: A weapon used to amplify and manifest his psychic abilities as energy blasts.

Plasma Rifles: Dual-wielded energy weapons capable of dishing out high powered plasma bolts

Hyper Viper Beam: a large plasma-based energy cannon that fires beams of unstable spiral energy, made famous in the Marvel vs Capcom games.

Also has standard military-grade pistols, sub-machine guns, grenades, and knives.


Telekinesis : Ever since he was a child, Nathan Summers harbored strong telekinetic abilities he inherited from his mother. He is capable of moving objects with his mind and creating barriers around himself.

Telepathy: Also inherited from Jean Grey, he possesses mind-reading and related telepathic abilities rivaling Charles Xavier. Can do things such as memory wipe and make people forget how to breathe.

Time Travel: Has the ability to displace himself throughout the timestream. Also by Chrono-skimming, he has the ability to scan the timestream for certain events or people and can psychically project himself through time without needing to travel there physically, effectively being in two places or times at once.

Body-Slide: Effectively teleportation via skipping forward or backward in space-time. Similar to Tracer’s Blink ability. With this, he can also teleport other people across the world.

Healing Factor: Basically had some of Deapool’s cells bonded to his body, allowing his own variation of a healing factor. On top of this, Cable has sometimes shown to be able to repair his body psycho-kinetically.

Size Alteration: Can become giant-sized, a power he stole from Apocalypse.

Matter Manipulation: A fragment of the Phoenix Force he inherited thanks to a part of Jean Grey’s consciousness laying dormant within Madelyn Pryor. Cable can manipulate molecules in order to perform things such as alter the chemical makeup of fruit to make it poisonous or remove oxygen from the air in the surrounding area . Can also disintegrate objects by severing their molecular bonds.

Superhuman Strength: Thanks to his cybernetic enhancements, Cable is physically much stronger than most street-level Marvel characters, and can also use his psychic energy to enhance the force of his strikes or increase his durability.

Optic Blasts: Can project optic beams similar to that of his daddy, yet instead of being the same power, it’s moreso energy projected from his brain and through his eye.

Levitation: Projects his psychic energy underneath himself to create lift.

Psionic Spikes: Can project Psionic Spikes that explode on impact

Technopathy: The ability to communicate with and command machines and various types of electronics and programming. Can also repair, hack into, and build machines rapidly and with acute aptitude.



The Technovirus originally implanted in him surpressed his powers, but he has since removed it from his body while keeping the bio-cybernetics that he grew due to the virus being in his body. He used about 20% of his psychic abilities in order to keep the technovirus from spreading to the rest of his body, holding him back from his true potential, though he longer has this limitation.

If he comes into close proximity of his alternate universe counterpart Nathaniel Grey, it will stun him momentarily and cause him excruciating pain.

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