Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Character Analysis:RX-78-2 Gundam

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Kidou Senshi Gundam Gyakushuu no Char - Beltorchika Children:


Amuro Ray
A civilian who grew up on a space colony called the side 7. During his childhood war broke out between the earth and members of one of several other space colonies, ranamed the principality of Zeon. His colony was was attacked during a zeon reconnaissance mission to find out information about a secrete weapons development project, for a mecha called a mobile suite. Amuro happened to come across the prototype suit they were looking for when searching for his father during the attack, and took it upon himself commandeer it to defend his home. This….had mixed results as Amuro’s lack of experience put him at a notable disadvantage, though the mobile suite RX-78 was powerful enough to carry him through a victory against the Zeon forces regardless. Anyway due to being the only at the time capable of using the gundam(due to having found and read it’s instruction manual), he assisted an earth federation ship called“whitebase” in escaping colony 7. He then became a mainstay on their crew and continued to aide them throughout the war with Zeon in various battles and sieges.

In terms of personality Amuro is a bit anti-social and  self doubting, at least initially. He eventually grows out of this and leans more into a leadership role as the franchise rolled on however.

Newtypes are described as being another stage in human evolution gained when humans started living in space and zero gravity environments. It allows a person to use a larger percentage of their brain power than a normal person(which is bull but whatever), and gives the user a host of notable physic abilities. This includes a supernatural awareness of the space around them, increased reaction speed, precognition, instinctive ability to find enemy weak points, and the ability to sense the emotions of other newtypes or speak telepathically to others. 
  • It being explained in the manga adaption of  Char’s counter attack that newtypes arose due to humans being born in and becoming accustomed to space, giving them a better sense of direction in zero gravity, as well as usage of precognitive and telepathic abilities https://mangatoday.fun/chapter/kidou-senshi-gundam-gyakushuu-no-char-beltorchika-children/chapter-7
  • Char’s Counterattack 25:32 It being explained what a newtype is.
  • MSG Ep 38 16:16 Char having a talk about how Amuro is a newtype

Examples of telepathic communications
  • MSG EP 37 21:23 Amuro speaking telepathically with another newtype by the name of lalah
  • MSG Ep 41 11:30 Amuro having a telepathic communication with lalah again

Examples of heightened reactions, spatial awareness and precognition
  • MSG Ep 39 3:69 Amuro using his spatial awareness and precognition to predict and dodge an attack from behind by a mobile suit piloted by char.
  • MSG EP 39 20:32 Reacting to an attack before it happens, and predicting an attack from behind
  • MSG Ep 39 21:07 Finding a hidden Braw brow ship and destroying it in one hit
  • MSG Ep 41 10:00 Mentions he can feel the way the weapons of the mech the Gelgoog mech are controlled, allowing him to outmaneuver them
  • MSG Ep 43 16:03 Being able to see his crew in white base from far away. Could also direct the character sayla on how to escape said base with incredibly elaborate directions when it was in danger of being destroyed. He then speaks telepathically to the rest of his team giving them direct orders as well on how to escape as well.
  • MSG Ep 34 21:56 Is also able to instinctively find weak points in a mobile suit or mech https://gfycat.com/SnarlingHopefulCapybara

Sensing other newtypes
  • MSG Ep 39 6:19  Sensing the newtype lalah from a distance
  • MSGZ Ep 17 21:56 This ep mentions that newtypes are able to sense emotions

RX-78-2 Gundam

Dimensions: Head height is 18.0 meters
Weight: Empty 43.4 metric tons; max gross 60.0 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1380 kW
Propulsion: Rocket thrusters: 55599 kg total (2 x 24000 kg, 4 x 1870 kg)
Performance: 180-degree turn time 1.5 seconds (1.1 seconds after magnetic coating upgrade); maximum ground running speed 205 km/h

An advanced prototype mobile suit created by the earth federation during their war with Zeon in the Universal century timeline.It was piloted by Amuro ray in multitudes of raids and missions on their behalf, before eventually getting destroyed in a fight with Char at the end of the original series. It should be noted that the gundam has limits, and can malfunction or have its energy reserves depleted if pushed to far over the course of a single fight.
  • Ep 38 7:26 The Gundam Running out of energy, and leaving Amuro unable to keep pursuing his rival Char.
  • Ep 39 21:40 The Gundam being overtaxed and pushed to far during a fight with a mech called the braw bro.


Luna Titanium alloy
An artificial alloy built to be lightweight, yet also extremely durable. Particularly meant to be more practical in combat compared to normal steel and titanium. It was later renamed gundariam in honor of RX-78.

Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor/Minovsky Particle
The Minovosky type ultracompact fusion reactor is an incredibly clean burning nuclear reactor that utilizes helium-3. The reactions of this core not only power the suite, but make “Minovsky particles” which are a distinct type of new elementary particle that can be utilized in combat and communication. These particles can both be used to disrupt ER waves or cause a minuscule electromagnetic pulse effect around the suite. They can also be manipulated by electromagnetic fields to create beam saber weapons (typically these particles are collected in a rechargeable cap connected to the sword weapons themselves).

Minovsky particles can also be condensed to make more destructive particles called mega particles. These mega particles form the energy used in the beam rifle type weaponry(which can also be stored/created in  “e-caps” connected to the beam rifle themselves).

Active Mass Balance Auto-Control
A complex control system for performing slight and precise movements, to maintain balance, momentum and orientation in zero G locations like space.

Core block system
A system that allows the gundam to break apart into multiple segmented vehicles,as well as combine with other outside modules to form new mechs. The core block system of the gundam is focused mainly around 3 distinct parts. Module A, which comprises the head and upper body. The “core fighter”, an escape capsule that forms most of the mid body. Finally module B which is the bottom half of the torso and the legs. 


60 mm Vulcan cannons
Gatling guns installed in the head of the RX gundam. The can be used to ward off opponents, as well as piece through the shell of enemies with fairly moderate armor. They have a finite amount of ammo to draw from.
  • MSG Ep 1 17:40 Using them to attack some Zion forces
  • MSG ep 12 16:38 Using them against a zaku 2
  • MGS Ep 1 19:20 Amuro running out of ammo while shooting, leaving the weapon useless.

Beam saber
Essentially a pair of laser swords stored on the back of the gundam. In universe they’re said to be made out of minovsky particles held in an I field, which are stored in the hilt of the blade in a E-cap and recharged from the reactor of the gundam itself. Because RX gundam has two of these it can dual wield them if desired. The beam sword can become unusable if saber runs out of power, or if the gundam itself runs low on energy.
  • MSG ep 1 20:51 Being used against a Zaku 2
  • MSG Ep 4 18:54 Amuro using a beam saber against char’s custom Zaku mech
  • MSG Ep 4 20:22 Amuro using two beam sabers at once to fight Char and a Zaku mech
  • MSG 32 21:06 Amuro duel wielding two sabers, while also using his shield to block an attack.
  • MSG Ep 22 17:32 A beam sword running out of power mid-stab, forcing Amuro to switch tactics.

Beam javelin
An alternate form of the beam sabers, akin to that of a javelin. Can be used for a longer reach and  piecing ability. 
  • MGS Ep 11 17:54 Creating  beam javelin like weapon, which he then uses to pierce the inside of a Gaw plane mech.
  • MSG Ep 18 17:52 Amuro using the javelin beam sword form to pierce through the armor of a Max-03 Adzam

Gundam hammer/hyper hammer
Essentially a giant spiked flail. Can be swung as a medium range weapon and can also be used to knock away projectiles. It eventually gets upgraded partway through the series to add jet boosters on the bottom of the spiked ball, increasing overall swinging speed.
  • MGS Ep 5 12:10 Amuro using  it against Char’s custom Zaku. He also blocks a missile with it.
  • MGS Ep 26 15:14 Using the hyper hammer against the gigantic Msm-03 Gogg mobile suite.

BAUVA*XBR-M-79-07G Beam Rifle
A laser gun that shoots out mega particles as an attack. It can piece most heavy armors. It also has a special ability not often used called the super napalm, a flamethrower setting that basically causes whatever Amuro shoots to get engulfed in flames. The weapon has a finite pool of power to draw from, with a limit of 16 shots per fight.
  • MSG Ep 2 14:00 Amuro using the super napalm to set some stuff on fire.
  • MSG Ep 2 17:55 Amuro using the beam rifle to shoot at some zaku 2 and Char’s custom zaku
  • MGS Ep 7 17:56 Amuro using it against some dopp fighters
  • MSG Ep 34 18:03 Being used to destroy some Rick dom mobile suits
  • MGS Ep 2 21:15 The beam rifle Running out of energy
  • MGS Ep 7 19:44 Running out of power again
  • MGS Ep 22 15:26 Running out of ammo once again.

BLASH*XHB-L-03/N-STD Hyper Bazooka
A giant rocket launcher that shoots 380mm missiles. Mostly used against more heavily armored opponents. It has a limited amount of shots, typically being around 5-6 shots.
  • MSG Ep 3 11:19 Using it to hit an enemy ship
  • MSG Ep 9 17:02 Amuro using some against DFA-03 Dopp flying aircrafts.
  • MSG Ep3 14:02 The bazooka runs out of ammo while being used against forces of zion.
  • MSG Ep5 9:55 Amuro using it against some zion forces in space. It gets around 5-6 shot before running out of ammo.

RX*M-Sh-008/S-01025 Shield
A handheld shield used to block the strikes from opponents or enemy fire. It can also be thrown as a projectile over a short distance. It’s not invulnerable, as it has been cut through on some occasions by other powerful mobile suits with beam swords or heat based cutting weapons.
  • MSG Ep 3 15:44 Amuro using it to block shots from Char’s custom Zaku
  • MSG Ep 8 19:44 Amuro throwing the shield as a projectile to cut a tank in half
  • MSG Ep 11 18:12 Amuro using the shield withstand the payload of an entire Gaw gunship
  • MSG ep 18 The shield stas stays intact after a huge explosion caused by destroying an underground gatling gun.
  • MSG Ep 5 15:33 The shield being cut through by Char’s axe from his command Zaku.


Attachment points for various weapons.

Learning system
Essentially a black box feature in the gundam that records all of its actions and battles. The gundam can then “learn” from these past experiences allowing it improve combat performance, aiding the pilots own command of it. This is partially why Amuro could use it effectively early on despite not having much piloting experience.
  • MSG Ep 4 10:46 Amuro explaining that the gundam keeps all its combat experience, and learns as its fights. He also sites this was a great aide to him when he was still a rookie.
  • MSG Ep 32 5:53 Amuro mentions his computer can predict the moves of his opponent.

Heat Proof field
A series of internal and external fil cooling systems that can counteract heat. When fully utilized it can allow RX to withstand the heat of atmospheric re-entry.
  • MSG Ep 5 18:22 Amuro engages the gundams cooling systems and uses a heat proof film to survive atmospheric re-entry.

Magnetic coating
A coating that creates a magnetic field around RX that increases the speed at which the inner parts can move. It was applied to RX late in the series, due to Amuro starting to outpace his gundams reaction time.
  • MSG Ep 40 3:54 The magnetic coating first being applied. The theory being a magnetic field would increase the speed that the gundam parts can move.

  • MSG Ep 18 10:06 RX has a built in microphone to listen into a conversation from a distance.
  • MSG Ep 18 17:52 RX can use its thrusters to change direction while falling. These are also used to propel itself in space.
  • MSG Ep 26 19:40 It was mentioned gundam has some sorta radar, which can allow him to detect foes from a distance.

Modules/combination parts

FF-X7 Core Fighter
Dimensions: overall length 8.6 meters; overall height 3.2 meters; wingspan 6.8 meters
Weight: empty weight unknown; max gross 8.9 metric tons
Propulsion: 6 x jet/rocket thruster: maximum speed rated at Mach 4.8
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 4 x 2-barrel 25mm vulcan gun, mounted in nose; 2 x missile launcher, 4 rounds per launcher, mounted on main body

The core fighter is essentially an escape pod that’s built into the main body of the RX gundam. The module A and Module B halves of the main gundam body essentially eclipse it when not in use. It also has some of its own weapons for self defense, though it’s not built around being a strict combat machine. It can eject quickly from the gundam in an emergency, but is much slower to to recombine. It weapons also have limited ammo.
  • MSG Ep 26 2:32 It being explained that the core fighter was designed to be an escape capsule and is quick to eject and not to get back in again.

Examples of core fighter combining and splitting with RX
  • MSG Ep 13 19:50 Amuro free falling in the core fighter, and having gundam model a and b parts combine with it to make RX-78.
  • MSG Ep 15 3:06 Having the A and B modules connect to the core fighter to build gundam.
  • MSG Ep 15 4:26 The gundam splitting in two and ejecting the core fighter in flight mode.
  • MSG Ep 43 15:52 and 20:46 Amuro using the core fighter to escape from a damaged Gundam in the MSG finale.

Using 25mm vulcan gun
  • MSG Ep 13 18:30 Amuro using the vulcan cannons in the ship to take down some taling zeon forces.

Using  Missile launcher
  • MSG Ep 15 8:46 Shooting missiles at a zaku
  • MSG Ep 13 18:39 Using the rockets to hit an flying enemy ship
  • MSG Ep 23 11:46 Using missile to shoot apart a gouf mobile suit

Running out of ammo
  • MSG Ep 21 15:26 The core fighter can also run out of ammo
  • MSG Ep 23 2:06 Amuro mentioning the core fighter running low on ammo

Dimensions: overall length 15.0 meters
Weight: max gross 58.0 metric tons
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: 4 x jet/rocket thruster: maximum speed rated at Mach 2.1
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 2 x beam cannon, mounted on forward section of A-Parts; 2 x missile, mounted in nose of A-Parts; 4 x missile, mounted on B-Parts

The G-fighter is essentially a jet like mech that RX can ride on for air maneuverability. It can also separate into multiple modules called G module A and G module B. Besides giving direct support to gundam, it can also combine its own modules with RX's own modules, to form a myriad of alternative vehicles. The main combinations being called G-Armor, G-sky, G-Bull  and Gundam B parts. Amuro can pilot certain combinations of the two machines on his own, but HE NORMALLY HAS A CO-PILOT who focuses on piloting the G-fighter whenever it's called into battle, making it it's support and module combinations difficult to utilize in a solo fight.
  • MSG Ep 27 1:31 Amuro giving a full explanation on the G-fighter and its modules.
  • MSG Ep 23 20:07 RX riding on the G-fighter like a hovercraft.
  • MSG Ep 25 18:44 RX riding on it while using the beam saber against some Dom mobile suits


Dimensions: unknown
Weight: max gross 120.0 metric tons
Armor materials: unknown
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Propulsion: 4 x jet/rocket thruster: maximum speed rated at Mach 3.5
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 2 x beam cannon, mounted on forward section of A-Parts; 2 x RX·M-Sh-008/S-01025 shield, mounted on either side of A-Parts; 2 x missile, mounted in nose of A-Parts; 4 x missile, mounted on B-Parts

The G-armor encapsulates the entire RX gundam in between G modules A and B. It’s essentially a flight bomber.
  • MSG Ep 24 13:00 The gundam in g armor mode. Note Amuro isn't the main pilot in this mode.
  • MSG Ep 24 16:23 The vehicle separating into G-fighter  and gundam
  • MSG Ep 25 15:30 Separating into G-fighter and gundam again.
  • MSG Ep 28 1:56 The g-fighter and gundam combining in mid ar to create the G-armor.

G-Sky and G-Bull
Dimensions: overall length 22.0 meters
Weight: max gross 100.0 metric tons
Propulsion: 4 x jet/rocket thruster: maximum speed unknown
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 4 x 2-barrel 25mm vulcan gun, mounted in nose; 2 x missile launcher, 4 rounds per launcher, mounted on main body; 4 x missile, mounted on B-Parts

Dimensions: overall length 18.0 meters
Weight: max gross 75.0 metric tons
Propulsion: 2 x engine-driven caterpillar tread: maximum speed rated at 80 km/h
Performance: unknown
Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown
Fixed armaments: 2 x beam cannon, mounted on forward section of A-Parts; 2 x RX·M-Sh-008/S-01025 shield, mounted on either side of A-Parts; 2 x missile, mounted in nose of A-Parts
Optional fixed armaments: BOWA·XBR-M-79-07G beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap, held in right hand of RX-78-2 Gundam

G-Sky and B-bull are a fighter jet and ground tank respectively. G-Bull is made of the top half of the Gundam, and the top half of the G-fighter. G-sky is made of the core fighter, the bottom half of the gundam, and the bottom half of the G-fighter. Both can be piloted independently and in space.
  • MSG Ep 29 18:19 G-bull Moving around in the form of a tank
  • MSG Ep 31 14:27 G-sky firing missiles.
  • MSG Ep 31 10:28 Both G-sky and G-bull being piloted and functioning independently.

Gundam + B parts
Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters (mobile suit standing)
Weight: mobile suit: empty 43.4 metric tons; max gross 60.0 metric tons
Armor materials: Luna Titanium alloy
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1380 kW (mobile suit)
Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 55599 kg total (2 x 24000 kg, 4 x 1870 kg) (mobile suit)
Performance: mobile suit: 180-degree turn time 1.5 seconds; maximum ground running speed 205 km/h
Equipment and design features: sensors, range 5700 meters; "learning computer" system
Fixed armaments: 2 x 60mm vulcan gun, mounted in head; 2 x beam saber, power rated at 0.38 MW, stored in recharge racks in backpack, hand-carried in use; RX·M-Sh-008/S-01025 shield, can be optionally stored on backpack
Optional hand armaments: BOWA·XBR-M-79-07G beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap; BLASH·XHB-L-03/N-STD 380mm hyper bazooka, clip-fed, 5 rounds per clip plus 1 round in chamber; beam javelin; hyper hammer; Gundam hammer

The entire gundam attached to the bottom of the g-fighter. Used essentially for flight, while retaining most of the gundam offensive abilities.


So the biggest weakness of the RX gundan is that it jas limited ammo and fuel. The gatling guns in the head have run out before, it only gets around 5-6 shots from the bazooka before that runs out, and the energy used for the beam rifle only lasts about 16 shots. RX  has also run low on energy for both the beams swords and the main body itself before as well. 

Amuro also doesn’t actually have all his weapons on him at all times, having a limited amount of carrying space on the suite. Finally while the gundam can fight in space and underwater, it’s been specifically noted that the gundam can't fly in atmosphere  MSG ep 7 16:27. 


  • MSG Ep 1 18:22 Takes a few rounds of fire from a Zaku 2 mechs
  • MSG Ep 1 21:03 Tanks an explosion caused by a zaku mech, which causes notable destruction of the hull of colony 7.
  • MSG Ep 2 19:48 Survives a firing barrage from several Zaku and char’s custom Zaku
  • MSG Ep 5 17:15 Survives atmospheric reentry, albeit via various cooling systems
  • MSG Ep 6 16:22 Easily taking the fire of 3 zaku 2s at once.
  • MSG Ep 11 18:47 Was caught in the fringes of a huge explosion caused by a purple gunship called the Gaw blowing up.
  • MSG Ep 12 15:47 Shrugs off an electric whip from a gouf mobile suit
  • MSG Ep 12 15:38 Takes concentrated fire from two zakus and a Gouf
  • MSG Ep 18 16:12 Survives being in a magnetic energy field over 4,000 degrees in temperature
  • MSG Ep 19 19:59 Survives the explosion caused by a Gouf mobile suit being destroyed.
  • MSG Ep 37 12:32 Survives a blast that destroys a huge asteroid, albeit in a non-direct hit and using his shield to block most of the damage.
  • MSG Ep 37 16:47 Getting caught in a barrage of tiny bombs
  • MSG Ep 43 7:23 Ultimately the RX gets destroyed by char, with a beam attack from the zeong mobile suit. Though it’s worth mentioning it continues to function after losing a head and an arm, and the core fighter remains functional.

  • MSG Ep 1 19:50 Rips off the front of the gas mask of a stock zaku 2,and knocks over a small building
  • MSG Ep 1 20:54 Slices through a zaku 2 with the beam saber
  • MSG Ep 2 20:50 It’s mentioned that the beam saber would have to be strong as a battleships to get through a Zaku 2s armor in one shot
  • MSG Ep 6 16:04 Easily shooting down a some dopp jets with the beam cannon.
  • MSG Ep 6 17:39 Uses the beam sword to cut through several green tanks in a  single blow
  • MSG Ep 13 20:15 Uses the beam rifle the blow through several layers of pavement, cut a tower in half and destroy a building.
  • MSG Ep 13 20:28 Uses the vulcan cannons to destroy a huge construction building.
  • MSG Ep 14 12:31 Vulcan cannon shots can easily slice a full grown tree in half
  • MSG Ep 15 22:03 Can lift and throws a zaku 2 hundreds of feet away. They weight around 73 tons mac.
  • MSG Ep 21 17:52 Throws a Gouf several dozen feat into the air with enough force to hit a jet lik mech
  • MSG Ep 22 17:44 Lifts and throws a Gouf mobile suite
  • MSG Ep 26 15:14 Using the hyper hammer against the gigantic green gon mobile suit Gogg,Knocking it over. It weighs around 150 tons max
  • MSG Ep 32 21:21 Causes a musai battleship to explode by throwing a beam javelin at it
  • MSG Ep 34 21:56 Uses two beam swords at specific weak points to make the gigantic starship called the chivay, making it explode
  • MSG Ep 42 20:02 Destroying a large green battle ship with a few beam shots.

  • The specs for the gundam itself says the maximum ground running speed is at least 205 km/h
  • MSG Ep 1 17:55 Shoots down some space missiles
  • MSG Ep 2 Easily maneuvers in space
  • MSG Ep 6 17:24 Shows some mobility by running,dodging and rolling against the shots of zaku 2
  • MSG Ep 9 16:58 Can jump hundreds of feet into the air and stay n the air for awhile with thrusters.
  • MSG Ep 25 21:27 Jumps off the G-fighter and slices a thermonuclear missile in a correct enough placement to disarm it,without setting it off.
  • MSG Ep 26 16:18 Performing a backflip
  • MSG Ep 26 19:58 Can function underwater.
  • MSG Ep 34 21:00 A great example of its space mobility. Easily maneuvering around the attacks of multiple opponents while fighting a dom mobile suite
  • MSG Ep 37 16:37 Easily dodging a barrage of missiles.
  • MSG Ep 37 18:57 Easily maneuvering around beam fire from a dom mobile suite
  • MSG Ep 37 20:02 Outmaneuvering various slashing attacks from a Gyan mobile suit, before retaliating with a jump slash.
  • MSG Ep 38 6:49 Rolling around the ground while avoiding sword slashes from Char
  • MSG Ep 39 20:30 Amuro is stated to have reflexes that started to outstrip his gundam, requiring the gundam to get upgrades to compensate.


  • Ep 25 16:10 Can block a sword strike from a mech with dom mobile suit, which can cut through a spire of stone.
  • Should be superior in speed to the zaku in Ms Igloo: https://youtu.be/ok1viqjCPzU?t=308


MSG anime
  • MSG Ep 1 Commandeers the Rx-78 gundam, and fights off two Zion Zaku 2 mechs.
  • MSG Ep 2 Fights Char in his custom Zaku and defends white base.
  • MSG Ep 6 Aided in breaking Zion’s defensive line
  • MSG Ep 9 Prevented a supply ship from being destroyed
  • MSG Ep 10 16:02 Used strategic use of cover to outmaneuver two zaku
  • MSG Ep 15 8:42 Attempts to hit a zaku in weak spots in the joins to disable its movement, when regulated to fighting it with just the core fighter.
  • MSG Ep 17 3:12 Amuro is shown to study the zaku mobile suits, so he can better prepare for them and integrate their data into gundams combat log
  • MSG Ep 18 Destroyed one of the zeon forces minor mining bases and defeated the mech Adzam
  • MSG Ep 18 Successfully fights and defeats a Gaouf piloted by the character Ramba Ral
  • MSG Ep 21 Defeats the gallop mech and defends white base.
  • MSG  ep 22 Aides in attacks on some small supply mines and helps defend white base from dopp fighter planes.
  • MSG Ep 24 Helps repel an attack from the black tri stars wielding dom mobile suits.
  • MSG Ep 25 Discovered the double agent for Zeon Elran, and aids in operation odyssey, a massive federation strike against the zeon forces largest mining resource station. Also disarms a nuke but cutting it during the conflict.
  • MSG EP 26 Fights and defeats a gogg mobile suit while underwater in a harbor.
  • MSG Ep 29 Fights char in a Z gok mobile suite and aides in destroying an enemy base.
  • MSG Ep 34 Amuro destroys the mech base the chivey, using tactics and exploiting vital weak points.
  • MSG Ep 35 Shoots down a musai gunship, and aides in attacking the solomon zeon base
  • MSG Ep 36 Aided in destroying the big zam mobile suite
  • MSG Ep 39 Via using his newtype abilities is able to defeat the mech the brawl brow.
  • MSG Ep 40-43 Matched Char in one on one combat outside and in the gundam, and helped bring a definitive end to the one year war during the federation assault on the base A Baoa Qu.

Mobile suit Zeta gundam
  • Joined the earth based titans resistance group Karaba, and led the 18th tactical commander aggression squad. 
  • Ep 15 16:20 It’s mentioned Amuro stopped piloting gundams for 7 years
  • Ep 15 Shoots down a mobile suit in a fighter jet. Also aides the character Kamille in a fight against Titan forces.
  • Ep 38 aided in protecting the character Kamille as he ascended into space.

Mobile suit gundam ZZ/Evolve

Char’s Counterattack movie(anime and manga)
  • Joined the military organization londo bell, and served as it’s combat commander. Aiding in fighting the forces of neo zeon again in the second zeon zeo war.
  • 1:00:51 Deconstructs and figures out a diversion plan the character char had created in order to attack the space station axis.
  • In the movie there’s an attempt by Char to cause a nuclear winter on earth by sending the asteroid base axis on a collision course with the planet. Amuro naturally fights him and stops this event from happening.
  • It’s mentioned that Amuro himself designed the gundam’s he uses in this film and manga, Nu gundam and Hi-nu gundam.
Experience Summary
 Amuro hasn’t consistently been a pilot for a ridiculously large amount of time. He was about 15 in the first series, and he’s around 29 during his final appearance in char's counterattack. Likewise it’s explicitly mentioned he hadn’t actually piloted a gundam for around 7 years in Zeta gundam. So overall he has around 7 years of practical combat experience, assuming he kept up constant combat during the rest of his life.

That being said he’s accomplished a lot in that timespan. He’s fought in 4 major wars, the 1 year war, the gyps conflict, and the 1st and 2nd neo zeon wars. He’s defeated dozens of pilots way more experienced than him like Char and Ramba Ral. He’s lead multiple combat units on earth and in space. Likewise he was one of the first pilots to awaken to his newtype abilities and successfully utilize them in battle. 

Other notable gundams piloted by Amuro

So Rx gundam gets destroyed during the finale of the original series. Consequently Amuro doesn’t stop being a pilot or a supporting character in other series. Particularly this leads him to create successors to  the RX-78 gundam, the RX-93 and RX-92 v2. Both are undoubtedly stronger than the original RX and have more advanced tech to take advantage of newtype abilities.


  • Newtype powers allow him to predict opponents and strike weaknesses
  • Gundam is extremely durable
  • Various powerful long range and close range weapons
  • Learning system makes it easier for Amuro to adapt to opponents

  • Had to fight optimus fucking prime in death battle

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